Road to Redemption and Rehabilitation Starts Here.

You know how every year, news outlets do the "Kids going to college this year have never......" lists?

You folks want to feel old? Crocker only has memories of Chris Jericho as a grizzled vet who's been around forever and held dozens of championships, and not as the feisty young up-and-comer who was being held back by Triple H's BACKSTAGE POLITICS.

I just got an idea. HHH is notorious for reports of influence backstage during his heyday. According to Crocker, Cena has pretty much backstage politicked the entire global economy for the last 50 years.

We should put together a "Backstage Politics" match. I need help with the stipulations, but I'm sure we can make this work.

Rayne, you helped inspire the idea so you're in. kb, we need your wrestling knowledge. Crocker, once we get this idea in stone, we need your backstage sources to get this off the ground.

I think we have a real opportunity to influence the wrestling world here. Could you imagine John Cena vs. HHH in a "Backstage Politics" match? EPIC!
I think we have a real opportunity to influence the wrestling world here. Could you imagine John Cena vs. HHH in a "Backstage Politics" match? EPIC!

From an artistic standpoint, I think Cena hits the AA right at the bell, sells it as if they've been having an epic 40 minute match. Cena slowly covers Triple H. The ref makes a slow, suspenseful three count. Ric Flair blades.
He wanted K-Fed to go over him so he could get more sympathy from the audience, obviously. Moral, honest community members like Batista, Jeff Hardy, or Invader #1 did jobs too, but they didn't do them for selfish reasons.
Technical correction; I think it would be a better phrasing to say Invader #1 put in work.
You know how every year, news outlets do the "Kids going to college this year have never......" lists?

You folks want to feel old? Crocker only has memories of Chris Jericho as a grizzled vet who's been around forever and held dozens of championships, and not as the feisty young up-and-comer who was being held back by Triple H's BACKSTAGE POLITICS.

He's probably busy writing Cena a fan-letter begging Cena to not let the challenger on sunday win the belt.
No he's probably over in the other place trying to drum up support for an all out assault on the "John Cena/WWE apologists" forum, as we have been decreed. And getting lambasted by them at the same time.

Or maybe he took his own advice and has left.

In any case I'm getting the pitchforks and torches ready just in case it's the former.
His League of Legends toxic player ban expired. He'll be back in a few days, complaining that Teemo used BACKSTAGE POLITICS to get buffed.
Crocker's mother finally got him to take his meds, so he has calmed for a little. Give him a few days and he wont have taken them again, he'll be back here crying.

I'm semi-serious when I say this btw. There is something that happens in Crocker's life that calms him for a few days and then he has a meltdown and is back screaming the Cena apologists nonsense once more
Dagger Dias. The fairest of all the corporation. I'm one of the few who enjoyed your Link To The Past guide. Thank you.

Oh yeah that was fun. I should go finish that thing, I left off right at the start of Ganon's Tower about a year ago.
Well with all this talk of backstage politics and such, Crocker must really have a great deal of knowledge regarding wrestling. Maybe he should start a "Crocker Answers Wrestling Questions" thread.

Oh, wait.

Yeah that didn't go so well for him last time.
Hey Crocker you've returned. We all have things to do. It's really too bad that one of your things to do isn't trying to get out of prison. Sly answered your question and then you disappeared for a few days. We saw you lurking but saying nothing.
Sorry I have other things to do other than argue with a bunch of ignorant people

-he says as he comes back in less than a week.

Bro, you could get out of here you know. Or you could keep doing this weird "Everyone sucks" emo thing. Up to you.
Sorry I have other things to do other than argue with a bunch of ignorant people

Then why did you log back in? Do you care that much about what we think that you have to return to tell us how "busy" you are? I don't believe this for a second. You want to earn our approval so that you can get us to to join Reddit and defend you on there, when the reality is they hate you just as much as we do. So you pretend to be something you're not when it's already far too late to get anyone to change their mind about you. You've got problems, dude. It's over. Go play outside, read a book, or do whatever these "other things" you speak of are.

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