Road to Redemption and Rehabilitation Starts Here.

For every time that Cena jobs clean to someone, he has to use his backstage politics to do something completely illogical and counter-productive. See beating Brock Lesnar on his first PPV back (ER 2012), beating Rusev 3 PPVS in a row, and beating Del Rio on his first title defense (NOC 2011). I'm sure im missing A LOT LOT more
Is there a point when these mysterious backstage politics are explained, or are we just chalking it up to Crocker being confused on the difference between being on top because you are good at your job & well liked with the actual use of backstage politics? Because I am thinking if he was using these political superpowers, his record would have a lot more checks in the win column than it does.
What I would suggest everyone does is go away on a trip for two nights/3 days with about 29 mates or people that you socialise with physically in some manner. Drink alcohol from 8am day all the way to 3am on night 2/day 3. You will come back with no fucking clue what is going on and will not be arsed to figure it out. This thread will finally die the death it deserved all the way back on page 8
I don't care about this forum. What is there to be careful about? I gave up on trying to convince these ignorant apologists
I don't care about this forum. What is there to be careful about? I gave up on trying to convince these ignorant apologists
If the book was any prelude, you'll narrowly avoid getting brutally raped when the people who despise you say 'enough's enough', then a large black man will give you a soul kiss and you'll spend the rest of your days in a lunatic asylum. Considering that the modern American analog for a lunatic asylum is just medium-security prison, that's worth being careful about.
The only reason I came back was to knock some sense into some of you. Clearly you guys are never going to change no matter how much evidence I provide
The only reason I came back was to knock some sense into some of you. Clearly you guys are never going to change no matter how much evidence I provide
The autism thread was a shitty thing to do, but the repetitive/obsessive behavior issues, the inability to judge the emotional temperature of others, the inability to comprehend arguments you don't agree with; you aren't helping yourself here.
What I would suggest everyone does is go away on a trip for two nights/3 days with about 29 mates or people that you socialise with physically in some manner. Drink alcohol from 8am day all the way to 3am on night 2/day 3. You will come back with no fucking clue what is going on and will not be arsed to figure it out. This thread will finally die the death it deserved all the way back on page 8

Lights is right guys, despite his strange idea to pass the time. The goings on of an online wrestling forum would likely be last on the list of important things after participating in a 3 day 30 man drunken orgy as he strangely suggested. Gonna say Tylenol, Gatorade and an ice pack would be top 3 on the list.

I would have said take a nap, watch some scary movies or read a book- but hey. Whatever floats your boat my friend.

The only reason I came back was to knock some sense into some of you. Clearly you guys are never going to change no matter how much evidence I provide

Evidence? LMAO.

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