Returns You Would Like To See

My three guys who I would love to see return are probably not some who are on everyone else's list but it is what it is

1) Kurt Angle- I would love to see Angle have a feud with Swagger. They both are noted amateur wrestlers and both use that all american gimmick. Not only would that put Angle back on the map in a company that knows how to promote him correctly but also it would help Swagger get over in a huge way.

2) Kenny from the Spirit Squad- I know not really conventional but hear me out. I remember when he was in the feud with DX and he was holding his own. I would love to see him and Dolph pick up a feud and bring up the spirit squad history. I just feel that this would be a really great feud and could elevate both guys more Ken that Ziggler but still

3) MVP- Broken record but MVP would be an excellent champion. He is a face who is familiar enough to make an impact and has been gone long enough to put some excitement back into the fans. He could come out and feud right off the back with either Orton or Punk. He was a guy who was always on the cusp of being the main guy and I believe with the lack of main guys now, he could be a refreshing face to the company
1) Road Dogg Jesse James and Billy Gunn - An attempt to restart the tag division could see these two back.

2) Dudley Boyz - As above, these guys can still go and would bring instant respect and prestige back to the Tag division.

Ok last one

3) Sean O Haire - Great wrestler in my opinion and never really had a chance to show what he could do, would be great as a face and fued with Ziggler or McIntyre
Jericho, MVP & Colt Cabana are the top 3 for me. I have no idea why Colt isn't signed by at least ROH, he brings a lot to the table that nobody else does. I'd like to see Low Ki anywhere on a regular basis. In TNA I'm really anxious to see Chris Sabin & the MCMGs return, they make an amazing team.

Also anxious to see Kharma return, I still can't believe the timing of her pregnancy after all that build up, but I want to see her tear up the roster.

Finally, I'd like to see Rikishi come back and do something to get the Uso's over...I think a short program as their manager or something could be fun.
Other than the obvious choice of Chris Jericho, I'd really like to see a couple of people come back. I'll name the top 5 (in no particular order).

1. RVD
2. Kurt Angle
3. Billy Gunn
4. Paul London
5. JBL
As for a popular name... Y2J has to make at least one more comeback, just to put CM Punk over at WM28, They are both very intelligent on the mic and could work some great promo's together. And there in ring work is very similar and I think they could tear the roof off of WM.

Jericho is easily the only guy i would like to see come back. But if i had to choose id go with goldberg or maybe even Razor Ramon lol. he could just run as Scott Hall but im aware of why thats not going to happen. i would just love to see Hall n Nash one more go for tag titles. But yea Jericho for sure would be great puttin over punk. Or even if Jericho could find his way into a punk/miz match and set up the 3 way at mania for the belt. most likely putting miz over so he could run his heel character with 2 mania mainevent title wins. im liking all 3 of their characters.

Also lets see some fameasser! Billy Gunn would be a great return also
Well some decent female talent would be nice. Almost anyone would be better than this slosh of pretty faced talentless bimbos.
Also I know I am hoping for something that will probably NEVER happen but I would LOVE to see 3:16 make a final run. Yea I know hes to high risk, but hell if Rocky can do it right? Plus imagine a Austin Vs. CM Punk Hardcore match! Yea I know. Bitch if you want.
I want to see some re birth in the tag card.
That being said, obviously the choices I would have are
Billy Gunn, Jesse James, and the Dudly Boys. Solid hands, and brings great promos and vignettes. The other side of the card would be the APA, nuff said there.
Lesnar on the singles card and with him Austin. They STILL have unfinished business and Austin can still go. It would probably be a limited schedule and that's fine with me and many others. Jericho is a no brainer..................
Now heres an out of the box pick. Val Venis, when he had a slight push, he had some extremely solid matches and when TNA brought him in for a cameo, he rocked it.
I have many others, but there too "old school" and would be nothing more then possibly a show or two before the Hall of Fame show but I am really getting behind Dustin Rhodes lobbying for a match with Cody. I think it would be one hell of a sound match with good work between both hands. Dustin has always been a good worker with great promos and vignettes, and with the new Crazy Cody spots, it would be a blast to see.
Muhammad Hassan. It was a great gimmick, and the man carrying it wasn't too bad in the ring. Too bad the bookers hit an unexpected tripwire with him, the Undertaker, and a few hooded hoodlums. Had he stayed with the WWE... ah, nostalgia...
The main one I would dearly love to see back for one last run is Psycho Sid, not the greatest of wrestlers but generated atmosphere both as a heel and a face and at times had the crowd eating out of his hand.

I would have to add honorable mentions to Sean O'Haire, Mike Knox and Kevin Thorn/Mordecai who with the right impetus could make an impact.
I instantly became a Brock Lesnar fan from the first day he entered the WWE. I know this gets thrown around a lot with many superstars, but I'd like him to come back and have another WWE run with a proper sendoff (hopefully several years down the line) and leave with a proper goodbye. That final match with him and Goldberg will forever go down as one of the worst matches in Wrestlemania.

Some other people I'd like to come back in no particular order (but not limited to) :
-Dean Malenko
Look guys this may not be a popular choice but i would love to see Jeff Hardy back in a WWE ring.

His stint a couple of years ago was absolutely brilliant and Smackdown was actually cool and worth watchuing.

I know it would be a big risk to take because of Jeff's history but the guy can wrestle and he sells tickets and keeps people interested.
Chris Jericho Without a doubt my top choice. Yeah, it's predictable that he will be back, but who cares? I can't wait for it. Jericho is a guy that has talent through the roof and never gets old. WWE needs him right now.

X-Pac/Sean Waltman Yes, X-Pac. He has been back in the E for awhile as a talent scout, but I want an in-ring return. He has never really taken a long break from wrestling, so ring rust would be minimal. He would be great at making young talent look good.

Booker T It's almost certain he will and that's great. In my opinion, he's a guy who can make wrestling fun, but keep it serious and get younger guys over at the same time.

I also wouldn't mind seeing RVD and Brock Lesnar back in a WWE ring.
Kurt Angle - No need for explanation:
JBL - He'd have fantastic appeal due to mic ability.
Rob Van Dam if he truly is interested in returning to WWE post TNA contract.
The New Age Outlaws are high on my interest list.
The Dudley Boys / Team 3D - Help this pathetic tag division.
The Worlds Greatest Tag team: Shelton and Haas in the tag division.
Mickie James: My favorite Diva in recent memory. Trish is basically done.

I left off Jericho, Taker and Kane because they to some extent are likely back at some point.
Outside of the obvious picks here is my top 3
1) Mr Anderson/Mr Kennedy, whilst i understand the likelyhood of him coming back to the WWE is very low i'd love to see it. I think his gimmick was always pretty good and easy to get into, i think now he has matured a little he would have less problems and he could fit into the main event scene on smackdown over time.
2)The Hardys, even though they have a lot of personal issues to work through, i think once clean could put on some good matches. They could help rebuild the tag division along with the current talent and they would get a warm reception from the crowd.
3)Muhammad Hassan, i never once thought he deserved to be taken off tv, i do realise that his gimmick was a bit of a touchy subject but i honestly enjoyed his matches. If he came back i could see him feuding with John Cena if he kept the same gimmick
Kurt Angle : A feud with CM Punk would be so awesome I'd probably die from a markdom overload stroke.

New Age Outlaws : I loved the team, but the return wouldn't work because there's no division.

Rob Van Dam: No reason really other than he's a big name to make things interesting in the title picture.

Brock Lesnar: I know it probably won't happen, but the guy was awesome.

JBL: Loved the guy on commentary putting Cole in his place.

Jericho: No suprise here. Punk vs Angle vs Jericho = GREATEST MATCH EVER!
Goldust looks like he could return in the near future which is something I am very pleased about. I would also be all for two or three old established Tag Teams coming back to bulk up the tag division until enough new teams are developed. I would like Jeff Hardy to return but doubt that very much happening anytime soon for obvious reasons. I would like William Regal to return in the sense that I would like to see him in the ring a lot more than we do right now.
Does everyone who comeback have to feud with punk? I mean punk is good don't get me wrong but there is alot of other talent on the roster to feud with and still have great matches.
Anyway I would like shelton Benjamin to comeback, the guy can wrestle his ass off and his athletic abilities is amazing shelton vs ziggler would be a serious of great matches, he can put on solid matches with anybody.

I can only think a few right now, Kurt Angle only because I want to see him in a wwe ring one more time, Batista because right before he left when he was a heel I think that was when he was at his best his whole spotlight thing was cool and his promos was different then his previous stuff, his matches were ok not classics bt ok. Some of the others named already above as well I would like to see come back.
Jericho - Obvious

Kurt Angle - One of my favourite ever WWE wrestlers. He'd still be a main eventer now and I'd love to see an Angle-Punk feud

Mr. Kennedy - Was gutted when he got injured and when he left. I'd always look forward to his promos. I don't watch TNA but from what I've been told he's not been that great over there :/ considering how there's so many more heels than faces in the WWE, a face Kennedy would be perfect for the main event picture right now IMO

also, to a lesser extent - JBL. Wasn't really a fan of his ring work at all, but his promos were killer and I really enjoyed some of his feuds
I think the return that would benefit the WWE the most right now is the World's Greatest Tag Team, Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin. The tag team division is weak, and I'd love to see them against Evan and Kofi at Wrestlemania. Paul London and Brian Kendrick should also return too, they were an exciting tag team with tremendous upside.

Most singles wrestlers would probably end up taking away pushes from other stars, but as far as other stars i'd love to see:
-Chris Jericho - He has the celebrity presence that the WWE would love to capitalize on after the Rock leaves. Great performer, could have epic feuds with CM Punk, Daniel Bryan, Cody Rhodes, etc.
-RVD - I've always been a fan of his unique style, and I'm a Michigan guy too. He's always been way over too. I'd mark out to his return.
-MVP - He never got that main event push, and I don't know if he deserves it, but he's a great main eventer with good promo skills.
-Carlito - He'd be a great fit with the Latin American stable on Smackdown, he just needs to give a shit about his career this time around. At his prime, he was feuding with Cena and was a legitimate threat any given night.
-Mr. Kennedy - he's not on good terms with the WWE, and Randy Orton, but he's a talented performer and has great mic skills. I've always been a fan, he could be champion in the WWE one day, heel or face.
-Brock Lesnar - He had one of the quickest pushes to the top in WWE history, and he has a celebrity presence now. Lesnar should return, if even for just a few matches.
-Matt Morgan - He's a big man who can put on a great match, and he's developed some mic skills in TNA. He could come back and make a big impact in the WWE, maybe win the world title faster in the WWE than his "push" in TNA. It seems that every 4 months, he motions for the belt, saying he's going for it but never wins it.
-Elijah Burke - Great wrestler, great mic skills, not sure why he didn't take off in WWE.
-Elijah Burke - Great wrestler, great mic skills, not sure why he didn't take off in WWE.
Omg, totally forgot about him. Was a big fan and thought he had huge potential. Imagine him and R-Truth teaming up - not cause they're black, just cause I think they'd have more chemistry (in and out of ring) than Truth/Miz, and could have similar mannerisms and promo styles
W.G.T.T. - If not both of them then atleast Shelton Benjamin. I think they need more veteran mid carders to carry on quality feuds/storylines with these new kids to help them grow and develop as performers.

Along that theme I would also like guys like Carlito, MVP, RVD and Elijah Burke to be resigned. I don't see main event material out of any of these guys but I think WWE has enough youngsters in Sheamus, Barrett, Miz, ADR, Ziggler, Ryder, and Rhodes for the future main event scene. We just need guys to make them credible.

I could picture some nice storylines between those group of guys.
Hass and Benjamin would not be such a bad idea if bought back as a team. I would like to see David Smith return and bring back the Hart Dynasty with Tyson but he has not long been released so I doubt that would happen anytime soon. Just keep these guys together and let them be content to just be a tag team for the foreseeable future instead of breaking up a decent team to produce two under achievers. I would not mind seeing Vance Archer return under the management of a returning Gangrel...perhaps teaming up with another wrestler from FCW to make a Broodesque Tag team... just for selfish reasons in which I would get to hear the Brood entrance music again, heh. Also any addition to the current Tag scene can only be good or certainly not any worse.

Apart from Chris Jericho I would be more than happy to not see any returning main event wrestlers right now. We have had The Rock return and a possible masked kane return, Undertaker will be back before Wrestlemania no doubt... I think right now the main event scene has a lot of "just about to become a main event wrestler" up and comers who are developing well and will lead the WWE into a new exciting generation. Batista, Goldberg, Brock or anybody else coming in for more than a one off deal would delay some good pushes in my opinion.
I was thinking that JBL could be brought in as Alberto Del Rio's manager. They have a bit of the same gimmick, and maybe JBL could add some heat to Del Rio for him. He already has the personal ring announcer so why not a personal manager or trainer type figure?
This will sound random and probably unexpected but I'd like to see the return of one superstar, around in the Brock Lesnar era who, in my opinion, was heavily underrated and underused.

He's none other than the "The Reflection of Perfection", Mark Jindrack.

This guy had the same level of cockiness that Cody Rhodes has now. He had the athleticism of Randy Orton. In addition he had better in ring skills than Cena.

Did I miss something really bad about this guy? Why did he never get a big push? Did he lose steam somewhere?
Mankind - He was my favorite Mick Foley character and would be great for Taker at WM.

New Age Outlaws - Funny, entertaining, great ring chemistry and all around charisma. Oh you didn't know?

Scott Hall - If he gets clean. He was awesome and could make a good angle with Nash.

Ron Simmons/Farooq - I loved his promos when he led the Nation of Domination. and I think it would be cool to see him as a manager type character.

Goldberg - I just think he would be a nice draw and could make a decent feud with Cena, Taker, Clay, or someone big.

Chris Jericho - I'd like to see him feud with CM Punk. That's the only real reason.

D-Lo Brown - great charisma and great work in the ring. He has the size to be a viable competitor for anyone but also the athleticism to make for a great match.

Kane's mask - If you ask me taking his mask off was the worst thing to do for his character and made him look week and took away all the mystery.

Chyna - So that I don't have to fast forward through Diva's matches/segments.

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