How would you like to see The Miz return?

I don't understand why some of the Miz fans are so afraid of turning him face. He's done everything he could as a heel and from the views of most fans he's just mediocre at it. His championship run has been a snoozefest.

Let him shine as a face. It could work out for all we know.
I agree with Desyar, but for different reasons. I wanna see The Miz come back as a face just because I think he could do well there. He has done the same thing as a heel pretty much since the break up of Miz and Morrison. Have hime come back and feud with someone that could put him over as a face. The Miz already has the catchphrase the people could chant along with. The only trick is finding the way to turn him face.

It may be because I am really tired but I think the easiest way is a return against Daniel Bryan. One night the fill in GM (or permanent depending on when this takes place) to set up a Pick Your Poison stipulation with Punk and Bryan. Punk says that he found the perfect person. Someone that has had a problem with Bryan since day one. When the time comes for the match have The Miz come out. He shouldn't win by any means but at least look strong against Bryan. Have Daniel Bryan win by cheating some how that way The Miz can start a slow turn to a face.
thats why i say let him get over some of the un-likable heels like Tensai. You could hear a 10 year old kid crack his knuckles in the top row of MSG when Tensai comes out, at least Miz could be somewhat entertaining , they are lacking entertaining faces, and Miz has his built in real world/road rules audience who all remember how he used to actually dominate those. Although if CT was around when Miz was doing the challenges, that woulda been a nice rivalry, but that is now not possible. sorry for going off topic for anyone who never watched RW/RR challenges back in the day

Oh yeah that's a great idea..put a guy who needs development into a match with a guy nobody cares about. Did you think that one out fully? Slightly dull and in need of a character shift vs. a future endeavored guy (who is who I leave to your imagination). To make Miz relevant again he needs to be put into a feud with someone people actually RESPOND to. You said it yourself. When Albert comes out nobody gives a damn so what's the point of him feuding with him? How about have Miz come back and attack Big Show? At least Big Show is in the main event scene with a relevant storyline. Have Miz come back and perhaps assist Vince McMahon/join forces with Vince to handle "Johnny" and Big Show.

Or again, could have him go against Ziggler/Swagger and of course Vickie.


you get the idea. Miz could be face and would be hilarious combating Vickie and he would be going against people actually give a damn about..well Ziggler at least... Putting Miz in a feud with Albert er.. Tensai makes about as much sense as the Rock feuding with the Highlanders!
The Miz should come back as the ring bell. He should be forced to sit cross legged on the announcers table and be wacked with a mallet and made to say "RING A DING DING" at the beginning and end of every match. He should also only be allowed to do this at Raw, Smackdown and PPV events that originate in the city that he lives in.
I would love to see him not return. But if he does I wouldn’t mind if he stayed out of the ring and off TV.
If he had to see him wrestle I would bring back D'Lo, make miz were a loose shirt and encourage fans to throw drinks. (You get where I’m going with this).
Or make him the new Patriot and drop him from the rafters.
In all serous I don’t wish him harm just his career. You can’t tell me people like Cody, Bryan, and Ziggler are not better than him and don’t deserve the pushes he has gotten. Miz had a longer match at WM then Bryan that is freaking absurd.
I would love to see him not return. But if he does I wouldn’t mind if he stayed out of the ring and off TV.
If he had to see him wrestle I would bring back D'Lo, make miz were a loose shirt and encourage fans to throw drinks. (You get where I’m going with this).
Or make him the new Patriot and drop him from the rafters.

The Miz should come back as a diva. He should dress in pink and yellow and come out to "Real American Girl" (which is basically "Real American" remixed by No Doubt). His main points during promos should be talking about his 12 inch silly strings, eating salads, saying prayers and taking birth control and he should end EVERY sentence with "SISTER!!!".
He should also only be allowed to do this at Raw, Smackdown and PPV events that originate in the city that he lives in.
Oh man, some of these responses are hilarious. Turns out Miz has done an even better job at antagonizing the fans than I thought. As funny as the responses are, I don't agree that Miz should be taken off TV.

For all of his faults, there is something to be said about Miz holding the WWE title for a quite lengthy run and retaining at WrestleMania. During this time I felt Miz's strengths were his presence in the arena, his ability to ENGAGE the fans in his promo work, and his psychology in a match. The qualities I just named are some that have eluded most men who have ever walked into a ring. The guy is already a top star, he should be built up.

In regards to whether he should come back as a face or heel, I have to admit that I think the Miz could work as a babyface in the company. He should return as a heel first, because that's going to be the reaction he gets anyway. I would put him in a humiliating storyline as a heel, maybe a short feud with Cena that results in Miz looking like a complete fool. Give him one of those losing streak storylines where he faces monsters like Mark Henry, Ryback, Tensai etc. From there, have Miz bump into Vickie Guerrero backstage and do a comedy bit that humiliates Vickie, it will get the crowd to warm up to Miz a little without changing his persona. That could lead to a Ziggler/Miz feud where the 2 talk trash on each other, but Miz obviously has more bragging rights. I'm sure his "Really?" and "I'm Awesome!" catchphrases can work as a face. From there you can have Miz siding with other babyfaces on TV, maybe helping Punk or Cena with a run-in. With so many heels on the roster WWE could use a marketable babyface who can sell merch (Miz alreay does) so the time is definitely coming soon.
Former WWE Champion the Miz has been off television filming "The Marine 3" and is expected to be pushed upon his return. That's what the rumor mill says anyway... I'm hoping they start him back in the main event scene on Raw, because while I'm not his biggest fan he does get over incredibly well as a heel, and I feel he hasn't reached his full potential yet.

On Raw this past Monday night, the adorable AJ tossed WWE Champion CM Punk and his R-O-Homeboy Daniel Bryan into a table together. It appears that after being scorned by both men, she's now out for herself, trying to make herself into a huge star by any means possible.

So, as she's not with either man, I think it'd be a great idea to have AJ show up with the Miz as her "new man". Possibly at Money in the Bank to ruin the WWE Championship match, possibly on Raw at the 1,000th episode. The Miz needs a big program to put him back on top, and if AJ doesn't grab a hold of another main eventer soon she's going to end up sliding back down the card. She's been great, but mark my words: she's not going to make it on her own. It's not a sexist thing, trust me. AJ with the Miz makes a lot of sense to me. He's arrogant enough to do something similar to the AJ/Bryan relationship, plus she can use his catchphrases to an annoying and adorable extent. Can you imagine AJ yelling "Really?" and throwing her hands in the air every time Miz does? Que incredulous look back at her...

I'd like to see WWE run an angle at Money in the Bank where AJ walks out on the title match as the referee. On Raw, I'm sure one or both of the competitors in the match will demand an explanation. A simple "I gave up on both of you, and found myself a new man" suffices. You know what they say about a woman scorned... Whoever happens to be the GM at the time can set up a rematch for the title during the 1,000th episode, where AJ promises to reveal her new man to the world. The rest writes itself, and sets up a Championship feud between Punk and Miz for the summer.

1.) What do you think about the idea presented above?

2.) How would you bring back the Miz? Does he deserve another Championship run?

3.) Where does AJ go moving forward?
Miz should come back and stop one of the MITBs. The guy comes down, goes to cash it, Miz attacks him and prevents him from winning. From there he sort of trolls people by ruining their opportunities "if I can't be successful, no one can" could be his basic motive.

Kinda like the Charlie Brown thing where he keeps missing the football. Miz would be constantly pulling the football away. How annoying would that be? (in a good way guys)
First off, I need to say this: No way do you give up on a guy who main-evented a WrestleMania in a feud involving John Cena and The Rock. He's 31 years old and has a mainstream connection. So those who say they want him to go away...."Really?"

I think the Miz needs to come back as face. Not because I am a Miz fan by any means, but I think the company lacks guys who can get over right now as a babyface and because the Miz BADLY needs to redefine his character after over a year of being buried and jobbed out.

I think it will be a slow turn with Miz basically staying out of the ring other than Superstars and dark matches against jobbers. As far as his on-screen role, I'd like to see him go back to his one-time role as "host of SmackDown". Not an exact reprisal of that role, but we used to have "The Highlight Reel" (Jericho), "The Peep Show" (Christian), and "Carlitos Cabana" (Carlito) - all spawn of the one-time hit "Pipers Pit". I think Miz could do something like that, with a "reality TV" type theme to tribute his former career on the Real World. He could get the rub from other top stars via this avenue and it is here his character could stay relevant and edgy but slowly turn face.

Ultimately, I wouldn't mind seeing him reunite with A-Ry, but this time as faces, along with Zack Ryder. Riley and Ryder have small cult followings and Miz's face turn could enjoy the rub from them, with Miz ultimately serving as the leader of the group, obviously having the highest ceiling of the three. The trio of Miz, Ryder, and Riley could have a sort of "Jersey Shore/Broski/Frathouse" themed stable. Miz would fit in to a very depleted IC or US title division as he rehabilitates his character.
Ultimately, I wouldn't mind seeing him reunite with A-Ry, but this time as faces, along with Zack Ryder. Riley and Ryder have small cult followings and Miz's face turn could enjoy the rub from them, with Miz ultimately serving as the leader of the group, obviously having the highest ceiling of the three. The trio of Miz, Ryder, and Riley could have a sort of "Jersey Shore/Broski/Frathouse" themed stable. Miz would fit in to a very depleted IC or US title division as he rehabilitates his character.[/QUOTE]

How does this work for any of the three? Come on, The Miz is better on his own, but, now that you mention it, a tag team of riley and ryder works out good for both of them. But we are talking about The Miz here, this is a horrible idea no matter how you look at it, Miz is has had great success as a tag team and singles competitor, but he really shines on his own, thats how Miz can really define not only his character but his career as well.

As him becoming a face, I don't see that in the near future, but it could happen, just not right now, The Miz is just now coming back from hiatus filming his movie and I think a feud with another top superstar, not so much a main eventer, but maybe a another upper midcarder could be a good step forward too reestablishing him as a legtimate competitor again without taking all of the spotlight of the top superstars.

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