How would you book NWO?

justinsayne said:
the NWO is dead, I say leave it buried and never bring it back it's old and has been burned out for years, and besides remember the last time wwe tried to bring the nwo back, it sucked ass, Nash kept getting hurt and they somehow got Goldust involved(that made no sense), Vince finally woke up one day and relized he had to kill it because it was just plain stupid

If there was any stable I would bring back it would have to be The Four Horsemen, with Ric Flair, Chris Benoit, CW Anderson, And Arn Anderson in a manager roll, then I would put them on SmackDown!. that would be so much more refeshing than the gay old nWo crap

Are you forgetting that the 4 horsemen are an older group than the nwo? Flair is really old and needs to retire, arn can't wrestle and very few even know who CW is. The 4 horsemen are an old tired worn out group rehashed too many time already, let them die. Instead of old factions, try and start a new one for a change.
DeathIsARight said:
Are you forgetting that the 4 horsemen are an older group than the nwo? Flair is really old and needs to retire, arn can't wrestle and very few even know who CW is. The 4 horsemen are an old tired worn out group rehashed too many time already, let them die. Instead of old factions, try and start a new one for a change.
I relize that the horsmen are older then the Nwo, but their also the origanal stable, if it wern't for the hoarsemen then there would be no DX or nwo.

as for the members I mentioned(or suggested) Beniot would be the guy that goes for the WHC, Flair and CW anderson would go for the tag titles, And Arn would just play a manager roll, as for nobody knowing who CW Anderson is, this is his chance to show everybody who he is and what he can do, and with Ric and Arn around his matches he wouldn't have to rely on his own promo skills, until they get better

and just to keep this post on topic: Nwo sucks, it has, and always will
FUCK THE NWO, Nash and Hall arn't even that entertaining, and now they lack wrestling ability now more than ever

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