Would You Like To See X-Pac Back In The WWE?

Well let me put it like this, you know why the fans always chant "X-pac sucks", it's because he does, with that being said why the fuck would you want to bring X-pac back anyways?, so you can get the inevitable X-pac tribute show after someone finds him hanging in his hotel room?, fuck that!!, I don't want to watch a 2 hr. RAW tribute show to this POS
Two words, Hell No. Why in the world would you want to see a burned out failure of a wrestler like X-Pac back in the WWE? This guy was nothing more than a clown that always sticked to the champion or DX. Besides what kind of use would he have? The WWE already has a strong line of midcarders and a lot more younger people still training in Tampa. X-Pac never entertained, was boring and the only way he got heat is because people told him to get the hell out of their sight. Sorry to say this but this is a very stupid thread.

Couldn't agree with you anymore HHD. X-Pac had his moments, and as a whole they sucked. With no DX and Kane clearly not interested in him, what would be the point? WWE don't need him, and he's a train wreck waiting to happen, and I don't think they'd take that gamble.
No, his gimmick is based on the 90s to much his wrestling abilities are good no doubt but his character just doesnt get him anywhere plus hes all doped up on drugs so his inring work would probably be extremley sloppy
Outside of his "Movie Debut" with Chyna, I've always enjoyed and liked Sean Waltman. Sure, he has his major issues with drugs and as a result would likely never be brought back, but that aside I enjoyed his Wrestling career, not his personal life.

Waltman was an inspiration to me, inside the ring, because he was the first "smaller" guy that I seen make it in this business. Guys like Waltman, Kidman, and Kendrick are reasons to give the smaller built people of the world hope that they can still find a way into the business.

In my opinion, Waltman helped Kane grow when he was in a hole. I enjoyed Kane w/ X-Pac. I enjoyed the feuds the Kid would have with Ramon, then the team they formed. Same with his teaming with Triple H., then feuding with him.

I'd love to see him back, but unfortunately I'm more confident in saying I doubt it'll ever happen.
i would love to see x pac back in the WWE
i hate it when people talk down about this guy
and i think it be the perfect time for them to bring him back cause the whole legacy thing and how shane turned on stef and HHH came down they could have hhh vs orton at mania then have x pac interfer and have hhh win which will lead to a shane cody Ted DiBiase, Jr and orton vs hhh Stephanie HBk Xpac feud!
Being a staple in the midcard to put over younger wrestlers would be ideal. If he oculd take the kind of role Jericho had between 2002 and 2005, and stay in the IC/US title scene for a while, that would be useful. Waltman/Punk, Waltman/Kingston, Waltman/Morrison could all be successful midcard feuds where the younger talent could benefit from his wisdom (if he has any that's beneficial). Those three will probably be in the midcard for the next few years (at least), so working hard and putting on entertaining matches with a vet is a great opportunity to showcase and rebrand oneself.

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