Report/Rumor: It's All Part Of The Plan?


According to Dave Meltzer at, Daniel Bryan not being in the Royal Rumble last night is part of WWE's plan for Bryan. The report says that while WWE didn't expect such a negative reaction last night, Bryan not being in the Royal Rumble match is part of the storyline of Bryan having to overcome "the machine", with "the machine" holding him down. The report goes onto state that WWE is behind the idea of fans being outraged and rallying behind Bryan because he's not being "pushed more."

IF, IF, IF this report is accurate, then it would seem that WWE does have some sort of plan in mind for Daniel Bryan. Maybe it's just wishful thinking on the part of Meltzer and numerous fans, but the company having some sort of big plan in mind for Bryan when it's all said & done is the only thing that makes any sense about the whole situation. As many have said in numerous threads on forums all over the internet, on Twitter, Facebook, etc. WWE officials would have to be blind, deaf and brain dead to not be aware of Bryan's massive popularity and that this support isn't just some momentary fad.
This is coming from the same company who, just two weeks ago was planning on keeping Bryan a member of the Wyatt Family until WM30. WWE loves taking unexpected results and trying to convince the rumor mill that it's all part of their master plan. I don't have much else to say about this other than I call bullshit.

Vince, if for some unthinkable reason you're reading this: Nice try.
Bingo. Its the first thing I thought of. Recall earlier in the night how Authority buddies won the tag titles with zero justification as to how they got the shot in the first place.....and how warmly big dave was welcomed back by that same authority on monday.

Not just Bryans tweets, but a ton of folks who are loosely or directly affiliated with WWE.

My first post on this site after the Rumble.

Well NOOOOOOOOOO shit. Can anyone argue he ended last night more over than ever? People were turned heel by the crowd simply for not being Bryan.

Add to the fact its pretty obvious Trips is "placing his friends" with certain looks near the top of the pile, and I felt it was fairly obvious were all this was headed.

and every. single. one. of you fell for it, hook line and sinker, full-on mark mode.

Congrats for proving WWE right again.
This reminds me of the time the weather man said we were going to get a foot of snow. Instead we actually got 1/2 an inch. The next day he claimed he predicted the 1 inch of snow was going to happen. Right....

Yeah, this was all planned by WWE. Of course... Right....

But who cares, at least it shows they are focusing on how to move forward better.
yea this report is crap. WWE purposely shits on its number 2 ppv to push a Daniel Bryan storyline. Even if this was a plan I bet Db still wrestles a heel Sheamus. The payoff, if there is one, wont be at WM.
Personally, I think they did have a plan. There is no way that Daniel Bryan features in 4 consecutive WWE title matches involving Shawn Michaels, John Cena, Triple H and Randy Orton without the WWE being high on him.

Triple H, Vince and Steph all stood in the ring and talked about how he was a B+ player and how he couldn't/shouldn't/wouldn't be the champion and face of the company. The whole point of the last 5 months is to make Bryan look like the ultimate underdog. I can accept that much. Where I begin to lose faith is him not winning the Rumble. With only one World Title; Triple H facing Punk and him not likely to face Taker, there are very few options for Bryan.

The one question is Batista. Did they know when Randy Orton won MITB that Batista would be returning? Very, very doubtful. That doesn't mean, however, they didn't know the rough direction they wanted to take Bryan. Rumble win or not: he is really fucking over and looks like a star.

5 months of pretty decent story only for him to face Sheamus? That can't be right. I suppose that he could become the champion in the Summer months. There is no reason to suggest he won't still be this popular. In fact, he could become even more popular.

As for Wrestlemania, they are struggling for options. The idea of Bryan/Orton at WM was something that interested me. Him finally winning the big one after all this trouble would have been wonderful. I'm not even a huge fan of Bryan - I wanted Punk or Sheamus to win the Rumble- but it just makes sense. Teaming with Cena is the only logical option for Bryan now. He would probably get to close the show at WM30 - some honour for someone being "buried".
for Roman Reigns' sake, as one of his biggest fans...I hope Daniel Bryan gets his moment some time Post-WM. I know I have said D-Bry should be in the title scene at WM in numerous other posts, but that is the ideal world.
In my biased world of seeing Roman Reigns get to the top, the longer the WWE takes to give D-Bry his payoff whilst pushing Batista and Orton and etc.... the better chances of Roman Reigns not becoming Daniel Ryback pt.2.
Of course WWE PLANNED to leave Daniel Bryan out of the Rumble. How do I know this for sure? Because Daniel Bryan wasn't in the Rumble. But even by the admission of this article, they in no way anticipated the reaction that leaving him out got, and that was the interesting part of last night. There is no possible way the WWE planned to send Batista and everyone else that was in the Rumble out there to die in front of the crowd after Bryan wasn't in the match, just to build heat against the company to fuel a Bryan push. If they wanted the heat, why lower the crowd volume at the end? Unless we were EXPECTED to pick up on the fact they did that to further the conspiracy angle. Not likely.

So sure, WWE planned to leave out Bryan, and maybe planned to use that fact in an angle down the road. They in no way however planned for that crazy reaction as part of some masterful scheme to turn Bryan into the next Hulk Hogan and build up to a Title win at this year's WrestleMania.

^I posted this as a reply to the article on the homepage, but I feel it's necessary to post it again here.
Even so, the WWE overplayed their hand w/ their "plan". Because it is resulting in the rest of the roster getting shit on by the crowd. So they better give the audience what they want or they're going to have a lot of unhappy performers backstage.
Doesn't make a whole lot of sense. If this is all supposed to line up for DB to get a huge rub, then why job him out to Bray clean? If he tries to lay claim to a title match, what leg does he have to stand on?

If Bray won in a dirty fashion or if DB lost by DQ or something along those lines I'd probably buy this. Right now, I do not.
Doesn't make a whole lot of sense. If this is all supposed to line up for DB to get a huge rub, then why job him out to Bray clean?

Because the way the match was booked, he lost nothing? Getting beat clean doesnt always have to hurt you. Its pretty obvious by the reactions of the crowd, he lost absolutely nothing from that match.
I would say the plan was to not have him in the rumble to further the Bryan being held back storyline. But to say they wanted or planned for the reaction at the end of the rumble is clutching at straws. The plan worked too well and backfired on them.
Doesn't make a whole lot of sense. If this is all supposed to line up for DB to get a huge rub, then why job him out to Bray clean? If he tries to lay claim to a title match, what leg does he have to stand on?

If Bray won in a dirty fashion or if DB lost by DQ or something along those lines I'd probably buy this. Right now, I do not.

Having him lose clean to Bray Wyatt effectively ends their program, making Wyatt look strong enough in the process to be a formidable opponent for John Cena, while not adversely affecting Bryan in the process. Plus it makes for an excuse to keep Bryan out of the Rumble, and makes him look more like a victim again. Bryan comes out looking like he got the shaft again, and continues the ongoing program which will culminate in his ultimate Wrestlemania moment.
Having him lose clean to Bray Wyatt effectively ends their program, making Wyatt look strong enough in the process to be a formidable opponent for John Cena, while not adversely affecting Bryan in the process. Plus it makes for an excuse to keep Bryan out of the Rumble, and makes him look more like a victim again. Bryan comes out looking like he got the shaft again, and continues the ongoing program which will culminate in his ultimate Wrestlemania moment.

"Oh no!!! WWE just doesnt know what they are doing!! Me here in my mom's basement with my fantasy booking know way better than the only prominent wrestling promotion in north america!!" - All of the IWC dimiwit fucktards who got 110% worked by WWE last night


I enjoy the damage control im already seeing. "Oh they are just making this up!! I call bullshit, they are just pulling this out of their ass!! Im so smart!"

yea, probably not.
Because the way the match was booked, he lost nothing? Getting beat clean doesnt always have to hurt you. Its pretty obvious by the reactions of the crowd, he lost absolutely nothing from that match.

I certainly see where you're coming from now. I was over thinking it, honestly. I had never even considered that they just wouldn't acknowledge the fact that he lost the match.

Having him lose clean to Bray Wyatt effectively ends their program, making Wyatt look strong enough in the process to be a formidable opponent for John Cena, while not adversely affecting Bryan in the process. Plus it makes for an excuse to keep Bryan out of the Rumble, and makes him look more like a victim again. Bryan comes out looking like he got the shaft again, and continues the ongoing program which will culminate in his ultimate Wrestlemania moment.

Yeah, I was wrong. No idea why I was thinking into this so much. The solution was much simpler than I thought.
Lol this is so funny. They are acting like this was all a work, when the reality is they got embarrassed last night and thought that keeping him out of the match would avoid the crowd booing HHH's best buddy Batista. How dumb do they think we are? This is extremely transparent.

But like someone else said, at least it appears that last night did some good pertaining to Daniel Bryan and plans going forward.
WWE doesn't do BIG PLANS.

They do knee jerk reactions, and 11th hour script rewrites.

This is hilarious because I bet you are probably serious.

Lol this is so funny. They are acting like this was all a work, when the reality is they got embarrassed last night and thought that keeping him out of the match would avoid the crowd booing HHH's best buddy Batista. How dumb do they think we are? This is extremely transparent.

Dumb enough to be reacting the way you are right now.

It WAS a work. YOU got worked. Don't feel bad. Pretty much everyone did.
Do you honestly believe that the WWE would sacrifice their 2nd biggest PPV of the year, particularly for a man who they obviously don't see as that valuable as he actually is? I was at the event last night, section 206 row Q (nosebleeders!) and I can say that 90% of the crowd was disgusted with it.

Furthermore, there is no way they expected Batista (among others) to get booed out of the building. Not the good kind of heat either. I guess him having a meltdown after the cameras went off the air was a work too? That's not very PG, Vince. :suspic:
Do you honestly believe that the WWE would sacrifice their 2nd biggest PPV of the year, particularly for a man who they obviously don't see as that valuable as he actually is? I was at the event last night, section 206 row Q (nosebleeders!) and I can say that 90% of the crowd was disgusted with it.

Furthermore, there is no way they expected Batista (among others) to get booed out of the building. Not the good kind of heat either. I guess him having a meltdown after the cameras went off the air was a work too? That's not very PG, Vince. :suspic:

What do you mean sacrifice? It was a fantastic show, with a fantastic crowd. Everyone who hated it already paid their money, and Daniel Bryan was more over than ever by the end of the match (while also getting two new stars over). The show was anything but sacrificed. that 90%? Already paid gate. Also people who will be FROTHING at the mouth to see Bryan finally win it all. Thats what being "worked" means....You give exactly the kind of reaction they want, and you dont even know your getting played.

They dont value Bryan? You mean how they had him go over Cena clean? How they have made pretty much every storyline about him over the last 6 months? How he gets mic time on pretty much every show? How they "sacrificed their 2nd biggest ppv" over him? Every single thing you highlight is further evidence that they have worked you, and many others, for quite some time now. You think they put Wyatt with him randomly?

Batista is a professional. You didnt witness a meltdown. You think Batista gives two shits? Please.
This is hilarious because I bet you are probably serious.

Right, im sure you guys know far better than a guy who was a main event player for over half a decade, and has presented the same mannerisms before when he turned heel. Hardly a meltdown, just playing the crowd. Cena does it all the time.
It's very possible. If they go with Orton/Batista at mania, or really any title match without Bryan (unless Bryan is against Undertaker maybe), it's going to get shit on worse than Goldberg/Lesnar.

My hope is that this report is right. I really hate Batista though. I kind of wish he'd just go away. He doesn't have the storytelling ability of Cena or the in ring ability of Orton to make up for how WWE vanilla he is.
It's very possible. If they go with Orton/Batista at mania, or really any title match without Bryan (unless Bryan is against Undertaker maybe), it's going to get shit on worse than Goldberg/Lesnar.

My hope is that this report is right. I really hate Batista though. I kind of wish he'd just go away. He doesn't have the storytelling ability of Cena or the in ring ability of Orton to make up for how WWE vanilla he is.

which is a big part of why he makes the ultimate foil for Bryan.
which is a big part of why he makes the ultimate foil for Bryan.
Of all the possibilities that people want to see of *wrestler* vs Daniel Bryan, Batista is probably at the bottom.

Batista vs Daniel Bryan would get a pretty big reaction, but for one, Batista is botchtastic and dangerous (so I wouldn't put your most over guy in a match against him), and he fucking blows in the ring.

I'm not a WWE hater. I usually get accused of seeing too much good in the WWE. Batista just is really goddamn terrible in every way. Put Batista vs Lesnar at Mania and have Lesnar turn it into a shoot.
Of all the possibilities that people want to see of *wrestler* vs Daniel Bryan, Batista is probably at the bottom.

Batista vs Daniel Bryan would get a pretty big reaction, but for one, Batista is botchtastic and dangerous (so I wouldn't put your most over guy in a match against him), and he fucking blows in the ring.

I usually get accused of seeing too much good in the WWE. Batista just is really goddamn terrible in every way. Put Batista vs Lesnar at Mania and have Lesnar turn it into a shoot.

AND Triple H's buddy. Exactly. He IS terrible (though can put on a great match when put with the right guy) as a pro wrestler, and a human being. He is a WWE-made creation, through and through. Everything everyone who backs Bryan hates about the "muscle mark" mentality in the WWE, Batista 100% represents that.

I think Batista will get the botches under control by Mania time. Nothing oud be more beautiful than an unstoppable movie star batista squeeling and tapping out to Bryan.

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