Report: Dave Meltzer Reports CM Punk Expected To Return Tomorrow Night

+4.75 Sat, Sep 16th 2006 ROH Glory By Honor V Night 2 Bryan Danielson KENTA

It was a 4.75 star match, not a 5 star.
As always it's nice and easy to point at Meltzer and laugh and pretend you're better than him, but Meltzer made it very clear that the source was never 100% and there was a chance Punk would not show up. Just because Wrestlezone and others went wild with the news and wrote things like "Meltzer says Punk is returning" doesn't make that what actually happened. He's still one of wrestling's best and most credible journalists, and he presented this information as a strong maybe, which it turned out to be.

Actually the report basically said that his source told him there was a 100% chance Punk would be there.

Point being, Meltzer was full of shit. Anyone who comes out with a "report" stating someone told me that someone else said that someone else told him etc etc cannot be taken credibly. Either you have news to report, and claim it as your own because it is, or you name your source.

Meltzer either
1) Made this story up just to draw attention to himself, which I speculated in my earlier post.


2) He assisted WWE in trying to prevent RAW from being hijacked.

Further casting doubt as to his story is that he came out and said afterwards that his source lied to him. Really? You had a high ranking WWE star (no longer with the business) who thought of this great concoction to lie to you about CM Punk showing up? Really? And, I would assume, this "source" would have to be a close friend or acquaintance to give that kind of insider info. Doubtful this "source" ever existed...
Actually the report basically said that his source told him there was a 100% chance Punk would be there.

Point being, Meltzer was full of shit. Anyone who comes out with a "report" stating someone told me that someone else said that someone else told him etc etc cannot be taken credibly. Either you have news to report, and claim it as your own because it is, or you name your source.

Meltzer either
1) Made this story up just to draw attention to himself, which I speculated in my earlier post.


2) He assisted WWE in trying to prevent RAW from being hijacked.

Further casting doubt as to his story is that he came out and said afterwards that his source lied to him. Really? You had a high ranking WWE star (no longer with the business) who thought of this great concoction to lie to you about CM Punk showing up? Really? And, I would assume, this "source" would have to be a close friend or acquaintance to give that kind of insider info. Doubtful this "source" ever existed...

Chris Jericho told him it. He said Punk would be there, he likes trolling the fans/dirt sheets, he couldnt give a flying fuck...

I would put my house on Jericho been the 'informant'!!!
Internet fans turned on Meltzer when they realized that Cena has a 5 star match and Daniel Bryan does not.

I've always distrusted his reporting because he has an obvious bias against the WWE, which seems silly, in relation, but whatever.

Yeah because for some completely ******ed reason the IWC thinks it's somehow "cool" to hate John Cena, whereas they are hopelessly devoted to Daniel Bryan, who is a 5'8" midget with no mic skills who does 5 moves.

And don't even get me started on how annoying the "Yes" chant is.
Internet fans turned on Meltzer when they realized that Cena has a 5 star match and Daniel Bryan does not.

I've always distrusted his reporting because he has an obvious bias against the WWE, which seems silly, in relation, but whatever.

The only reason John Cena has a 5* match is because Meltzer is a Punk mark. Everyone knows Meltzer is bias and has favorites.
Dave Meltzer is clearly an idiot.

One of the rules of any form of journalism is that your reports must be unbiased, this guy fails on every aspect of that because he is clearly so far up CM Punk's bottom it's not funny.
Wow, high fives for the most pointless arguments ever!

IWC means something completely different for every single person that uses the word. There is no universal meaning for it and there is no one single group of people who can be indefinitely labelled as the IWC. It is subjective and comes back to each and everyone's opinion and definition of the word.

Now to Dave Meltzer. I wouldn't doubt that he was lied to by his source, who provided false information, or directly followed orders from WWE themselves to spread a false story in order to play the WWE Universe right into their hands.

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