Report: Dave Meltzer Reports CM Punk Expected To Return Tomorrow Night

Being a Punk fan, I hope he comes back. My opinion has been that he really left and it's not a work. I hope I'm wrong. If he comes back I could see him against HHH or inserted into the WWE WHC match. Either way, tomorrow night at Raw will be the final answer on if he's coming back or not (this year).
CM punk returning to RAW in Chicago IL...That rowdy crowd is gonna explode and blow the roof out if that happens...
But if that doesnt happen they are gonna booo the hell out of all other superstars except maybe Bryan,the undertaker and hogan if he shows up...
Either way its gonna be a great RAW this monday and a must watch one bcoz we are going to get one amazing crowd of hardcore fans who just brings it and the greatest since post WM29 raw....
I have thought from day one that CM Punk "walking out" on WWE was a work. The only question I had was whether or not it started out as a legitimate gripe on Punk's behalf, and was quickly morphed into a storyline, or if it was pure storyline all the way. Either way, I fully expect to see CM Punk at WM30 in a significant capacity, and regardless of Meltzer, I expect to see CM Punk at RAW in Chicago tomorrow night.

As I see it, I see Punk's music hitting the scene very early in the show, only for it to turn out to be Batista or someone like that come out. Instant insane heat upon the guy, especially considering where RAW is occurring tomorrow night. Then later in the night, towards the end of the show, his music hits a second time, except this time, it legitimately is him. Drawing a pop that may well blow the roof off the stadium.

How do you use him? Easy. CM Punk versus Triple H was the plan all along, but with five weeks to go until WM30, there's plenty of time to build a storyline of the Authority's main man versus the ultimate anti-authority guy. You know Triple H sees himself in a high profile match at pretty much every Wrestlemania. That could be built into something huge.

Where does that leave Daniel Bryan? In a triple threat match versus heel Orton and heel Batista, culminating in the ultimate underdog overcoming the odds, with the "yes" movement in overdrive as Wrestlemania 30 goes off the air, with Daniel Bryan as the new WWE World Heavyweight Champion.

My wet dream scenario? Sting debuts on RAW tomorrow night in Chicago, only to be interrupted by a returning CM Punk, who says that it's all bad enough that he is taking a back seat to the Rock, Cena, Taker, Lesnar, and everyone else over the last few years, but there's no way in hell he is taking a back seat to this guy. Setting up Punk versus Sting at Wrestlemania 30.
I see people saying it is difficult for CM Punk to be put in a programme for Wrestlemania if he was to come back tomorrow night(I'll See it then I'll Believe it).

However, It isn't hard at all,lMO.

He can be put back into a programme with Triple H, since his final act was being put through a table by Kane at the Royal Rumble. He can even return and demand a match with Kane on Chicago RAW itself.

Daniel Bryan in the meantime, can be put into the title match as everyone wants.

Not as hard, just that some logic will go out the window if it happens. lol. ;)
Remember after the screw job when HBK brought out midget Bret Hart? I could see that happening here.

I hope it's true. Somewhat because I like the Punk the performer, but mostly to shut all the idiots up who have been telling the world why he was gone despite there being no evidence.

As far as needlessly speculating about what this means for Mania here goes:

Raw opens with Cult of Personality. Crowd booms. Out walks The Authority to massive FU heat. Authority announces a third spot in the WM title match. Show continues with most superstars making a case for the spot. Last segment of the show has Bryan in the ring cornered by The Authority with Punk running out to make the save. HHH announces that Punk and Bryan can have the third spot in the title match but first they have to go through each other. Punk faces Bryan as a main event of an upcoming Raw or as a semi-final type match on the night of WM.

But who knows, WWE has been playing dirt sheets and fans like fools for a while now and it is pointless to speculate on anything based on this type of report.
I always thought the whole thing with Punk was a work. The only way I would believe this wasn't a work was if Punk actually missed WM.

You kind of saw this coming with Orton cutting a promo last week about how the crowds hates Batista's return. Batista turning heel and Punk returning you will have a really good build up to a triple threat title match. Plus, Batista looks gassed after his short matches. I can't believe they were ever planning on Batista wrestling in a singles match in the main event of WM. Orton and Punk will carry the match.
CM Punk's not got long left on his contract, unless he signs a new deal I don't see him coming back.

Saying that, should he return then RAW could open tomorrow night with DB goading HHH for a match at WM XXX.

HHH has enough and makes a match for RAW between him & Bryan in a no DQ, if Bryan wins he gets a title shot at WMXXX, if he loses then DB doesn't get a title shot for a year.

HHH with the help of Kane is about to end the match when Punk's music hits and he hits HHH with the GTS & Bryan gets the victory. This would set-up CM Punk vs HHH & puts DB in the main event at WMXXX.
CM Punk's not got long left on his contract, unless he signs a new deal I don't see him coming back.

Saying that, should he return then RAW could open tomorrow night with DB goading HHH for a match at WM XXX.

HHH has enough and makes a match for RAW between him & Bryan in a no DQ, if Bryan wins he gets a title shot at WMXXX, if he loses then DB doesn't get a title shot for a year.

HHH with the help of Kane is about to end the match when Punk's music hits and he hits HHH with the GTS & Bryan gets the victory. This would set-up CM Punk vs HHH & puts DB in the main event at WMXXX.

Works for me.

And if Punk truly is going to leave after his contract ends in July, they could even do a career vs career match. Punk says that if he wins, Triple H and Stephanie have to step down from their roles as Owner and COO. If Triple H wins, Punk will be fired on the spot.

Of course, the outcome would seem obvious, but it does give a few options. If Punk decided to stay, they could have Triple H and Stephanie leave TV for a while and have someone like Hogan or even Vince step in as the new 'face' Authority figure. Then they could easily bring back Triple H and Stephanie at a later time, not big deal. If Punk decided to take an extended leave of absence, this would help write him off TV and, as any WWE fan knows, no one is ever truly fired and gone from WWE forever (Chris Jericho is a great example).

This makes the match meaningful and really has a built-in backstory (Punk wants change and hates Triple H and Triple H despises Punk and everything he stands for). Also, imagine the heat Triple H would get if he ended up winning. This would be close to Vince's heat during his program with Steve Austin.
I doubt this was ever a work...Punk returning at Raw doesnt mean it was a work. He could have walked out, and Vince saw that he needed to change the main event so he turned Batista heel, and guaranteed Punk the main event and the title. If it was a work from the beginning than the wwe would have acknowledged Punk missing. The wwe knows that the majority of its fans are NOT on spoiler sites reading dirt sheets everyday so it would make absolutely no sense to rely on dirt sheets to make a work or storyline.
If Punk comes back he will 100% main event and win the titles.

He isnt coming back to face HHH, HHH isnt putting a ppv and wrestlemania caliber first encounter match thats been building for close to 8 months between himself and DB on a random freakin episode of Raw. Im sorry to inform you guys but Db will NOT be in the main event of WM this year and its completely obvious. Punk vs Batista vs Orton improves the match. Db still needs to face HHH at mania.
As long as the main event of WrestleMania is not a one-on-one match between Batista and Orton I will be happy. As for whether the CM Punk situation is a work, a shoot, or a worked-shoot I don't much care. If Punk left he had his reasons and the WWE would have kept on rolling without him.

Still, WWE is better off in the short-term with CM Punk in one of the main events of WrestleMania. As much as I enjoy Undertaker and Brock Lesnar, I do not think their match should close WM XXX. The formulaic outcome is so obvious, Taker survives a beating and the streak lives. People love it which is cool, but a non-title, non-retirement match should not close the thirtieth edition of Mania.

In the end, if Punk does come back tomorrow night then logic dictates he did not walk-out on WWE. I do not believe Vince McMahon would allow an employee to leave out of frustration one month only to come back a month later to main event what some people project will be the most watched WrestleMania of all-time. I am not stating this as fact, but rather offering my best guess.

On a personal note, I welcome his return. But, I was not pining for Punk to come back. Ah, indifference.
Have CM Punk sitting in the front row as a fan. End of RAW is Batista's match. He gets fed up with the chants and attacks Punk. All week let there be speculation on the web site that Punk is suing the company because he was there as a fan. Next Monday Punk shows up on RAW for a "meeting" with HHH and Vince. Punk tells them as the "Voice of the Voiceless" that he will drop the lawsuit if and only if they include him in the Main event for the title at MAnia and that the next night on RAW Bryan gets a 1 on 1 title match.
Let's just play along and say he does come back. What then? What does he do at mania? Does he somehow get into the title match, and if so, how? Does he get involved with Triple H? That's Daniel Bryan's spot. A tag match where he teams with Bryan against Triple H and Shawn Michaels? Michaels is just minutes away from the Allstate Arena today (as is Chris Jericho) at some World of Wheels convention. He could easily show up on Raw tomorrow. So if Punk does come back what do you want from him?

Batista said he's going to attack heroes. Here's how I'd play out the scenario.

1. At the start of RAW, Punk's theme plays. Then instead of Punk, Bad News Barrett shows up, and he's got bad news. (Just a swerve, if only because everyone's expecting this.)

2. Barrett is interrupted by Vince, who tells the people backstage to bring down the pedestal. Vince then gives an impassioned speech about Punk wrestling hurt for much of the last year. and that while he doesnt like employees walking out, it's a rough business and he doesn't want to see anyone get hurt, even Punk. He promises the WWE Universe that he and HHH wll try to get Punk back to fufill the remainder of his contract, when he's able to go at 100% again.

3. Toward the end of his speech, Punk comes out, with no music, standing behind Vince and grinning. Vince gets irritated that the crowd is drowning him out, until he turns around and sees Punk.

4. Punk comes out, and he says that he came out to say goodbye, in the only place that matters to him. He puts over some of the developing talent, saying it's their job to carry on the revolution he started in 2011. His body is shot, and he refuses to compromise it with painkillers or anything that isn't straight edge. He says he won't say no to "one more match", and says if it happens, he wants it in Chicago.

5. Batista comes out and attacks Punk from behind, laying him out. He yells on the mic that he promised to destroy all your heroes, and here's the first.

6. The next week on RAW, Punk invades HHH's office, demanding Batista. He points out that he was never eliminated by a legal man at the Rumble. Eventually Batista-Orton-Punk becomes a triple threat, with Batista ducking out of most of the Mania match between spots and leaving Orton and Punk to carry most of the action. Bryan faces HHH at Mania, and wins the right to face the winner on the post-Mania RAW.

Okay, enough fantasy booking. But I think Punk can be credibly inserted into the main event.
Remember after the screw job when HBK brought out midget Bret Hart? I could see that happening here.

I hope it's true. Somewhat because I like the Punk the performer, but mostly to shut all the idiots up who have been telling the world why he was gone despite there being no evidence.

You aren't the first to bring up this idea - though the first I've seen to say a midget should come out as Punk (most have said Bad News Barrett...) I get why people keep bringing it up, but the WWE would have to be insane to pull this stunt tomorrow. I have no doubt that they're worried about tomorrow night's crowd hijaking the broadcast. Pulling this stunt would really just be throwing gasoline on the fire. It's too risky, and assuming Punk isn't coming back, it accomplishes nothing other than to further piss off a large number of their fans.
Ok I will admit I am a punk mark... But even I believe he shouldn't be put in title match. Punk left, it doesn't matter what reason, he left and turned his back on his fans. For him to come back and spit in the face of everyone that doesn't walk out and stays is rude. I understanding the reasoning for punk to be put in main event he wrestling 110% and puts his body on the line . Ok so does almost most the roster including daniel bryan who is in the pinacle of his carrer. If I was Vince I would make punk fight hhh and have bryan in title match. Then to get punk to sign his contract again give him 5-6 month off and let him come back and win rumble and ME 31.
As I mentioned in the thread criticising the Chicago crowd, I would love this whole thing to be a work just for the fact at how much hatred has been aimed at the company... only for them to con the lot of those complainers by giving them what they wanted in the first place, surprises and Punk/Bryan.

I highly doubt they brought back Punk due to the crowd and that it has been an angle the whole time. After all the likes of Austin, JR have all hinted it is a work without saying as much. It seems a lot different than the Matt Hardy saga.

Punk screwed by the Authority at the Rumble, 'leaves' and then returns in his home town to screw the Authority in a way that puts Bryan in the title match at Mania. HHH wants his revenge and sets up HHH v Punk, it that happens there is no way this is nothing than a work and a good one at that due to the reactions.
If this is true and he comes back and gets into the main event at Mania I finally found my reason to give up wrestling completely and cancel my WWE network before Mania..

If they give this crying glorified midcard talent everything he wants AGAIN because of a temper tantrum that shows how weak minded Vince has become and others will start running all over him.

Here's hoping his music hits and Bad News Barret comes out and not Punk. I guess Bryan should stop being a good soldier and doing his job and just throw a hissie fit and cry until he gets his way. Who knew AJ Lee was into girls
If this is true and he comes back and gets into the main event at Mania I finally found my reason to give up wrestling completely and cancel my WWE network before Mania..

Yeah, wouldn't him to ruin the 5 star classic we're in store for with Orton vs. Batista.:rolleyes:

Oh, and the WWE Network comes with a 6 month commitment, so you'll be paying 10 bucks a month for 5 more months even if you cancel. Which you won't really do anyway.
I just don't see it happening.

I just have a gut feeling we won't see CM Punk until early 2015/Wrestlemania 31 season. One would have to imagine Punk's contract is frozen since that's what the WWE did to Austin & I don't see Punk's contract just running out because Vince seems to want him back. The WWE will most likely hold onto the few months left with Punk's current contract & after the dust has settled & everyone is done being butt hurt about whatever, both sides will do business & set up Punk for a big return leading into next years Mania (maybe the rumble is in Chicago?) where he could finally be in the main event (& maybe even retire). That way Punk get's his little make-a-wish & can ride away into the sunset if he wants & the WWE can cash in on the final 4 & 1/2 months of whatever is left on Punk's existing contract in the biggest way possible.
if wwe wants the to calm the crowd, then the only way is cm punk open the show. He cuts a promo about authority and demand a spot in the main event. HHH fix him a match with randy orton and he wins and gets the wm30 mainevent.
Look the Chicago crowd is only one crowd that would cAuse trouble for E. But for WM.... I don't think so, even as popular as punk he would even get boeed because he isn't bryan. As popular as punk is I think the worst that would happen tomorrow is a bunch of chants. But for WM anything less than bryan with titles is worried some for riots
if Punk returns, it only makes sens for him to have a match with HHH at Mania. The title picture isnt where he is headed. The only way I see this panning out as a win win for evrybody, is if at the start of Raw in Chicago, D-Bry challenges HHH to a match there tonight in the main event. If Bryan wins via pinfall or submission, he gets to be added to the triple threat at Mania, if he loses he will take whatever crumbs the Authority throw him. HHH opbviously tries to not get in the match, but Bryan shows footage of all of HHH's belittling quotes over the past 7 months since Summerslam, and backs him into a corner, where Steph eventually says take the match to shut him up.
The main event happens and HHH has some of his goons run interference, leading to HHH setting Bryan up for the Pedigree. Punks music hits, during the ensuing chaos of the crowd losing its shit and Bryan taking out Kane and the Outlaws or whomever, and Punk takes out HHH with a GTS, Bryan makes HHH tap to the Yes Lock, and Bryna wins, going on to Wrestlemania 30. As this match is set in stone, a livid HHH wants Punks blood, in a match at Mania. Punk accepts, and we have Punk vs HHH and Bryan in the title match
if Punk returns, it only makes sens for him to have a match with HHH at Mania. The title picture isnt where he is headed. The only way I see this panning out as a win win for evrybody, is if at the start of Raw in Chicago, D-Bry challenges HHH to a match there tonight in the main event. If Bryan wins via pinfall or submission, he gets to be added to the triple threat at Mania, if he loses he will take whatever crumbs the Authority throw him. HHH opbviously tries to not get in the match, but Bryan shows footage of all of HHH's belittling quotes over the past 7 months since Summerslam, and backs him into a corner, where Steph eventually says take the match to shut him up.
The main event happens and HHH has some of his goons run interference, leading to HHH setting Bryan up for the Pedigree. Punks music hits, during the ensuing chaos of the crowd losing its shit and Bryan taking out Kane and the Outlaws or whomever, and Punk takes out HHH with a GTS, Bryan makes HHH tap to the Yes Lock, and Bryna wins, going on to Wrestlemania 30. As this match is set in stone, a livid HHH wants Punks blood, in a match at Mania. Punk accepts, and we have Punk vs HHH and Bryan in the title match

So many good ideas posted regarding a potential return for Punk. This is one of them!

Another good other idea from someone else in another thread that springs to mind is that HHH turns down Bryan at the end of the night and says that he will have a proxy in his place. Out come CM Punk in a full suit and parted hair and not saying anything or making any effort to pander to or entertain the crowd. They'll still go wild in Chicago, but if he can maintain it for a couple of weeks like Jericho did, I think he could draw atomic heat eventually from people who want him to verbally rip into his competition.

I get that it's been done in the past (with Jericho), but I thought it was brilliant then, and I think that Punk is one of the very few people that a good portion of the IWC loves to hear on a similar level to Y2J, so I believe the same strategy would probably work for him as well.

That would make the card look something like...

Orton vs Batista
Cena vs Wyatt
Sheamus vs Christian
Undertaker vs Brock
Bryan vs Punk
Whatever random diva match they throw together
Reigns vs Triple H
Oh internet, how you toy with me so sadistically.

What is a Dave Meltzer? Dave Meltzer is a blonde woman trapped in a man's body who literally HATES pro-wrestling, so he's made a living criticizing the shit out of it. Dave Meltzer knows for a fact that if he was the head booker of GCW, the WWF would have gone out of business back in 1988 due to his superior booking skills. Dave Meltzer knows for a fact that the NWA held regular board meetings where they would discuss complex issues like booking Ron Garvin to lose the world title. Dave Meltzer knows for a fact that if he had been an adviser to Eric Bischoff in the mid 90's, WCW would be a bigger company than Lockheed Martin. Mark his words, Dave Meltzer saved the horrible form of entertainment known as pro-wrestling in that imaginary world he's made up for himself.

Now Dave Meltzer is being uncharacteristically uncertain. He's not 100% sure that Punk will be coming back, he doesn't know that for a fact. No, he's leaving room for *gasp* doubt by suggesting that a source of his has heard from a source of theirs that CM Punk is 100% likely to return to RAW.

A source's source unto one of the worst pro-wrestling journalists of all time has confirmed that CM Punk will return. If you tick the percentage down a few notches for the degrees of separation, Meltzer is only 98% sure that Punk will be returning.

He's not coming back. And now my fellow Chicago natives, let's turn the divine shitstorm of Holy Hell we have planned for RAW up to 11. Pro-wrestling's jack-off journalist wants to fuck with us, the IWC wants to fuck with us, invisible sources want to fuck with us.

If anyone not named Daniel Bryan or Cesaro are in a match, they'll wish they weren't.
Sorry guys, I don't see it happening. I think there is closer to a 100% chance he does not return, than a 100% chance that he does return.

I did enjoy reading some of the ideas thrown out there as to how it would be booked.

As of last week's RAW, WWE already showed flashes of the HHH vs. Bryan match that we are gonna get at Mania. They would not have done that, in my opinion, if there was ANY chance of CM Punk returning and/or CM Punk walkout being a work.

HHH is not going to return to action on a Monday Night Raw show with over a month before WM still to go just so they can insert Bryan into a title match. It's NOT going to happen. It would be cool...but not happening.

We are stuck with BOREista vs. Orton.
But what I DO expect may happen, because of this unsubstantiated rumor, based on what appears to be double, if not triple hearsay, is the crowd tomorrow night will Hijack the shower to an even greater extreme than expected.

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