Report Alleges Brock Lesnar Walked Out Of Raw Last Night

I had a look around and all the dirt sheets are reporting the same thing. He flew in on his private plane, was supposed to confront Reigns, something happened and he walked.

He has also been scheduled to work every second RAW up until Mania, and this was supposed to be the first one. He's not scheduled next week, but is the week after. So it will be interesting to see if he does show for that one.

I mean he's not being asked to fight, all he really does is make a lot of money for coming out and standing there. Heyman speaks for him and all Lesnar does is look smug and leaves. So something pretty big must have happened for him to walk. It remains to see what it is, but he did know that Reigns was the person the WWE wanted, so he can't say he didn't know that ahead of time either.

Wonder if Reigns knew he wasn't going to come out because he didn't seem surprised just to see Heyman, so they must have been changing things on the fly, again.
Not that it proves anything but going to news stories on Brock's schedule for this time shows four post-Rumble dates

* Jan. 26, 2015 – Hartford, CT
* Feb. 9, 2015 – Columbus, OH
* Feb. 23, 2015 – Nashville, TN
* March 30, 2015 – San Jose, CA

January 26th was fulfilled with the sitdown interview. February 9th he was there with Heyman to talk about Reigns & Bryan and so he missed out this week's showing, which was to be his last until the Raw before Mania.

I wonder if the disagreement with Vince/WWE was over whether or not the sitdown interview constituted a Brock Lesnar appearance? I certainly would think so but I wouldn't be surprised if WWE tried to say that Brock's contract is for him to appear live and so that night doesn't count as Raw wasn't live in an arena. They could have said he owes them one more night between now and March 30th and he could have disagreed, hence the falling out?
Not that it proves anything but going to news stories on Brock's schedule for this time shows four post-Rumble dates

* Jan. 26, 2015 – Hartford, CT
* Feb. 9, 2015 – Columbus, OH
* Feb. 23, 2015 – Nashville, TN
* March 30, 2015 – San Jose, CA

January 26th was fulfilled with the sitdown interview. February 9th he was there with Heyman to talk about Reigns & Bryan and so he missed out this week's showing, which was to be his last until the Raw before Mania.

I wonder if the disagreement with Vince/WWE was over whether or not the sitdown interview constituted a Brock Lesnar appearance? I certainly would think so but I wouldn't be surprised if WWE tried to say that Brock's contract is for him to appear live and so that night doesn't count as Raw wasn't live in an arena. They could have said he owes them one more night between now and March 30th and he could have disagreed, hence the falling out?

He's supposed to be on the March 9th RAW as well. But now there is rumours floating of Reigns failing a drug test and that's why Lesnar is mad. Why I don't know but that's the reason he walked. If that is the reason then no wonder the WWE isn't saying anything. If Reigns failed a test then he should be suspended, and if they aren't suspending him then that's an issue.
Even with the added March 9th date though it could still well be that Vince thinks Brock owes him a day because of that cancelled Raw where as Brock disagrees. I'd say that's more likely at this point than any rumoured drug test failure by Reigns, at least until we have some more facts
Brock Lesnar is genuinely a mercenary, and I honestly can't picture Lesnar throwing a fit over losing to Reigns at Mania or another booking decision, so I have to believe this is all about money and his sporadic appearances schedule.

I can just see the Internet headlines screaming: "Santa Clara Screw Job!!!"

Although I've enjoyed Brock's (rare) appearances, I keep wondering what the rest of the locker room thinks of Brock's contract. No, we don't know how much money he gets for working a few dates a year, but I would suspect it's more than guys like Zack Ryder get for working the entire year and traveling with the troupe. I wouldn't be surprised if the rest of the roster is resentful as hell.

Now, here we are at what might be the end of Brock's WWE tenure. With all the talk of him possibly rejoining UFC, I've wondered all along if that wasn't just a negotiating tactic tossed out by Brock's management to get WWE to come up with more money for a new contract.

Now, I'm not sure, because if this latest clash is about business .....yet the terms of his financial arrangement are already spelled out on paper and shouldn't be subject to would think it's exactly the wrong time for WWE to piss off Brock, when his contract is almost up.

I would still find it hard to believe he's got creative differences with the company. What does he care what the result of the match will be, especially if he's leaving?

One thing for sure; given the sparse number of appearances Brock has made for WWE, if he flew all the way to Kentucky to be on the show, the fact he "wasn't used" could mean only bad news.
I can just see the Internet headlines screaming: "Santa Clara Screw Job!!!"

Although I've enjoyed Brock's (rare) appearances, I keep wondering what the rest of the locker room thinks of Brock's contract. No, we don't know how much money he gets for working a few dates a year, but I would suspect it's more than guys like Zack Ryder get for working the entire year and traveling with the troupe. I wouldn't be surprised if the rest of the roster is resentful as hell.

Now, here we are at what might be the end of Brock's WWE tenure. With all the talk of him possibly rejoining UFC, I've wondered all along if that wasn't just a negotiating tactic tossed out by Brock's management to get WWE to come up with more money for a new contract.

Now, I'm not sure, because if this latest clash is about business .....yet the terms of his financial arrangement are already spelled out on paper and shouldn't be subject to would think it's exactly the wrong time for WWE to piss off Brock, when his contract is almost up.

I would still find it hard to believe he's got creative differences with the company. What does he care what the result of the match will be, especially if he's leaving?

One thing for sure; given the sparse number of appearances Brock has made for WWE, if he flew all the way to Kentucky to be on the show, the fact he "wasn't used" could mean only bad news.

I'm sure they are resentful as hell towards him.

Remember a couple years back when the Rock was fitting in appearances for Wrestlemania during a movie shoot, and all the reports of guys being pissed that he'd just arrive at the last second, do his spot on TV, then leave right away? Never acknowledging that he was doing that because he was shooting a multi million dollar movie and if he wasn't back to the set on time, it would cost his producers a fortune and potentially could have hurt his career? He never had the option to stick around after the show and hang out, or go to the next town with the rest of them. But that still didn't stop some guys from hating on him for it.

The WWE dressing room has a lot of those same guys that resented the Rock in it today. You can bet your ass they're resentful that Lesnar gets to do what he does, and gets paid like he does to do it. A lot of them have probably just learned to keep it to themselves now.
I'm sure they are resentful as hell towards him.

Remember a couple years back when the Rock was fitting in appearances for Wrestlemania during a movie shoot, and all the reports of guys being pissed that he'd just arrive at the last second, do his spot on TV, then leave right away? Never acknowledging that he was doing that because he was shooting a multi million dollar movie and if he wasn't back to the set on time, it would cost his producers a fortune and potentially could have hurt his career? He never had the option to stick around after the show and hang out, or go to the next town with the rest of them. But that still didn't stop some guys from hating on him for it.

The WWE dressing room has a lot of those same guys that resented the Rock in it today. You can bet your ass they're resentful that Lesnar gets to do what he does, and gets paid like he does to do it. A lot of them have probably just learned to keep it to themselves now.

Devil's advocate: Brock is a hugely compelling act who is a proven draw. If Brock is drawing eyes to the product, well, a rising tide lifts all boats. Hate the game, not the player. Brock is immensely talented. Where I see guys having a problem is if Brock never put anyone over and I don't see that happening. I could almost see the ire directed towards The Rock because he's put less guys over than Brock.
Devil's advocate: Brock is a hugely compelling act who is a proven draw. If Brock is drawing eyes to the product, well, a rising tide lifts all boats. Hate the game, not the player. Brock is immensely talented. Where I see guys having a problem is if Brock never put anyone over and I don't see that happening. I could almost see the ire directed towards The Rock because he's put less guys over than Brock.

Rebuttal: The Rock was arguably the biggest star in the World when he came back for the Cena/WM run. At that time, he was definitely the highest grossing movie star. Anything you can say about Brock drawing eyes to the product... applied to the Rock. Safe to say even moreso than with Brock.

And the Rock put less guys over than Brock? For real? Please do me a favor... and actually explain that.
There is a lot of theory as to why this happened. The most plausible I have heard is that Brock used his own jet to fly in... only not to be used. Part of Brock's "deal" is he doesn't leave his farm unless it's for a purpose... so to perhaps have the plan changed on him would have shown a "chink" in that armor he has... WWE do that to other people, they don't do it to HIM...

If that happens I can easily see a situation where an argument over whether it's a date off his deal happens (which WWE would win if he didn't appear) THAT would cause the guy to storm out...

The Reign's drug theory is interesting but not likely... Orton has been off TV for A LONG time however... it's not impossible HE breached a 3rd time and they have covered it up... As someone else said, Brock's MMA career is contingent on being "free of roid scandal" so if he got wind of Orton being failed, it would spook him... might lead to an awkward conversation about Reigns... "Are you covering for him too Vince? cos if you are, I'm not fighting him..." is a very plausible thing that could have happened.

The reality is though, as I see it... WWE is FINALLY starting to play some hardball with Brock. The most likely reason is they want to know what his plans are, if he is signing with them they're gonna want more dates for the same money... he's gonna have to give more than he has or it's not worth their time. Likewise if he is going, they need to know so Mania can be booked accordingly and plans for the rest of the year made... I get the feeling the truth of this is Brock wasn't ready to give an answer and Vince told him to come back when he's either ready to sign the deal or to drop the belt and that if he tries to back out of Mania he'll just strip him... Brock won't like being told... he didn't last time he left either...
Orton wouldn't fail roids, he'd fail smoke, and that's a bullshit "wellness" test anyway.

I assume he was mad that he showed up at the event and they changed plans on him. He doesn't like the public, and he likes to be on his farm shooting guns and lifting weights. I wouldn't blame him.
Rebuttal: The Rock was arguably the biggest star in the World when he came back for the Cena/WM run. At that time, he was definitely the highest grossing movie star. Anything you can say about Brock drawing eyes to the product... applied to the Rock. Safe to say even moreso than with Brock.

And the Rock put less guys over than Brock? For real? Please do me a favor... and actually explain that.

In his latest "part-time" runs, Rock put over...who? Cena? He punked out Rusev on Raw. Effectively squashed CM Punk. On the mic? Punked out Bryan among others. You're a goat, etc. Sure, that's his gimmick, but it helps no one.

Do I need to find video evidence?

Lesnar, on the other hand? Outside of his destroying John Cena, Lesnar he's been in highly competitive matches with CM Punk and Seth Rollins and even lost to Triple H at Wrestlemania after losing to John Cena at Extreme Rules. He's set to put Roman Reigns over as well. When you lose to Brock, it means far more than it does losing to Rock. Not because of history or legacy, but because of the way that it's booked. Also, Heyman, as Brock's mouthpiece, contributes to putting people over. Case in point: last night, he made Roman Reigns sound more important and powerful than anyone ever has.

Also, the same does not apply. Who did the Rock draw to Summerslam? No one. Who did he draw to Extreme Rules? No one. Who does he draw to Raw throughout the year when he appears (albeit periodically)? No one.

I never said Brock's draw > Rock's draw. Just saying that the situations are different. Don't see how you can disagree.
Unless they literally couldn't afford to put him out on TV, it makes no sense for WWE not to use him if he's already there. Brock has been so absent that they are starved for any interaction he has on TV. I'm sure if he was there - they would have found a way to capitalize and put him on TV. Most likely, it was a dispute over their next contract. Vince probably "lowballed" him, he was offended, and left.
"Reports" aka "some shit someone made up"

This likely isn't real at all. If I'm Brock, shit if I'm anyone, I know Brock vs Reigns ends up like Brock vs Goldberg. WWE is incredibly stupid (and I'm usually the one who can find a way to justify just about anything they do) to book Reigns vs Brock. You're going to have 85,000 smarks booing the shit out of this match and chanting for Daniel Bryan all night.
"Reports" aka "some shit someone made up"

This likely isn't real at all. If I'm Brock, shit if I'm anyone, I know Brock vs Reigns ends up like Brock vs Goldberg. WWE is incredibly stupid (and I'm usually the one who can find a way to justify just about anything they do) to book Reigns vs Brock. You're going to have 85,000 smarks booing the shit out of this match and chanting for Daniel Bryan all night.

85,000 people that paid hundreds or thousands of dollars to to go to something they don't like. Jesus, that's mentally ill.

Reigns vs. Brock is the only logical choice. No one else could be in the title match. The match on Sunday proved that Reigns is the real deal, and when he's holding the belt on the post Mania Raw, it's going to be glorious.

But man, there's nothing worse than adults going to something and trying to ruin the experience for kids or anyone else.

This isn't why Brock would have walked out. He's a business man, and he goes and does the job when asked. He also fights who he's told to fight. He wouldn't walk out of creative, regardless.

This had to be about money or about not being used on the show that night, if it's even true.
85,000 people that paid hundreds or thousands of dollars to to go to something they don't like. Jesus, that's mentally ill.

Reigns vs. Brock is the only logical choice. No one else could be in the title match. The match on Sunday proved that Reigns is the real deal, and when he's holding the belt on the post Mania Raw, it's going to be glorious.

But man, there's nothing worse than adults going to something and trying to ruin the experience for kids or anyone else.

This isn't why Brock would have walked out. He's a business man, and he goes and does the job when asked. He also fights who he's told to fight. He wouldn't walk out of creative, regardless.

This had to be about money or about not being used on the show that night, if it's even true.

Last time I checked, fans who pay money to experience a form of entertainment are allowed to respond to what they paid for in whatever way they please. Fans "expecting" to boo Reigns are no different from fans who expect to and ultimately boo John Cena on a weekly basis. Cena rose above. Reigns can too, or he'll flop.

If the WWE is smart, they'll book the match in such a way that develops sympathy for Reigns. If they're dumb, and they are, they'll book a Super-Reigns style match and fans will take a proverbial shit on the proceedings. My money's on the latter.
85,000 people that paid hundreds or thousands of dollars to to go to something they don't like. Jesus, that's mentally ill.

People buy tickets to Wrestlemania far in advance of the card taking shape. You don't expect them to now sell their tickets because they have a problem with one match on the card, do you?

And the fact that they paid hundreds or thousands of dollars means that they are even more justified then the average fan to voice their displeasure if they are given garbage.

To me, it's less about Daniel Bryan not being in the main event, and more to do with the fact that this is Lesnar's last match.

Wrestlemania is not the place for a Champion with an expiring contract to "do the honors". Not in this day and age.

They are having a guy who everyone knows is leaving the company do an obvious job to a guy the company is putting on a rocket ship. Forget about the mechanics of the match, who wants a main event where the outcome is not somewhat in doubt? Even if other main event matches seemed like LOCKS, there was at least a CHANCE there could be an upset or a swerve. Not in this case.

I thought they would have Lesnar re-signed by now and that it wouldn't have gotten to this point.

I predict a lot of "We Want Rollins" chants during that main event. Everyone will already know that Reigns is winning the match, and will be more focused on, and rooting for, a cash-in.

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