Remove my account please.

No, actually you're the stupid one. See, I'm one of two people that regularly post here that can delete your account. I'm also likely the only one that will pay attention to you.

Aren't you bitching that this is a wrestling forum and only wrestling should be discussed? and THEN you posted in a non-wrestling topic about religion?

So you are to blame?
No, actually you're the stupid one. See, I'm one of two people that regularly post here that can delete your account. I'm also likely the only one that will pay attention to you.

no i'm pretty sure you are, just another bandwagon who suck up to the mod's and kiss there ass and dont' think they ever do anything wrong. I know those people like you.

Aren't you bitching that this is a wrestling forum and only wrestling should be discussed? and THEN you posted in a non-wrestling topic about religion?

So you are to blame?

Nope, it was actually in the debate section that is where it was suppose to go and I thought was here with grown adults who can have debates but they proven me wrong.
Bandwagons are foolish, so why don't you stop being one since I never done anything to you?

Again, i don't have those options, they removed all those options for me. Agreeing with the attacking just cause they don't believe in what I believe in is a bandwagon.

What if someone attacked you for what you believe in? Are you telling me that you would be ok with that?

What if they did what they did to me to you?

Banned you for no reason for only speaking your beliefs that they can't handle.

Would you be ok with that?

Haven't you been paying attention at all? No one's going to "attack" me for what I believe in. Pretty + Money = Success regardless of respect.

So what if someone said something mean cuz you're a jesus freak? Fuck 'em. You sir are gonna need thicker skin if you're gonna come onto my internet whining about your religion. Most religious fanatics have more courage than you, and probably wouldn't even claim you as their own. A pity, indeed.
Nope, it was actually in the debate section that is where it was suppose to go and I thought was here with grown adults who can have debates but they proven me wrong.

Yes and in a debate o holy one you are expected to respect the other persons opinions yet in your debate with slyfox you shot down all of his opinions and tried to shove your beliefs down his throat thus why you have found yourself in this position, it is nothing but pure ignorance and arrogance on your part.
Yes and in a debate o holy one you are expected to respect the other persond opinions yet in your debate with slyfox you shot down all of his opinions and tried to shove your beliefs down his throat thus why you have found yourself in this position, it is nothing but pure ignorance and arrogance on your part.

I can respect peoples opinions don't mean that I have to agree with them. But do you see me going to there level? No

the point is that if I thought that people would judge me on my beliefs and be assholes and kiss asses i wouldn't have joined this god damn forum.
You allow invasion of privacy and them attacking others like that?

Sad thing is that you abuse your members, if it wasn't for the members here your forum would be shitless.

You know oddly enough you once got infracted for spamming for asking why so many people quoted you. I love irony.

I greatly enjoy invasion of my privates. Most fun on a Saturday night. And I never abuse them. Now some of their members have abused me but you'll never hear me complain. Moan yes, complain no.
You know oddly enough you once got infracted for spamming for asking why so many people quoted you. I love irony.

I greatly enjoy invasion of my privates. Most fun on a Saturday night. And I never abuse them. Now some of their members have abused me but you'll never hear me complain. Moan yes, complain no.

let's change your profile around, degrade your name and attack you and let's see how you would respond.

Actually let's do that with all the members on here and see if they were be bitchign the same thing to me now.
I can respect peoples opinions don't mean that I have to agree with them. But do you see me going to there level? No

the point is that if I thought that people would judge me on my beliefs and be assholes and kiss asses i wouldn't have joined this god damn forum.

No your not going to their level Brain, Klunder and many others have simply told you to simply log out and become invisible. You could also post something illegal and get your account deleted if you were that eager. While the mods have clearly explained what you should do you have deceided to act like a 8 year old and throw a tantrum shouting as load as you can in an attempt to get your way shooting down and insulting anyone who dares disagree with you.

Not very Christian at all is it??
So many people in here I want to rep. When I spread I'll get to you all, starting with shattered dreams who made me legit LOL.

The number one thing that puts people off christianity is christians who just don't get it.

I also need to rep this comment for being so right.
let's change your profile around, degrade your name and attack you and let's see how you would respond.

Actually let's do that with all the members on here and see if they were be bitchign the same thing to me now.

Had mine messed with before. Laughed about it, had a sandwich, watched Smackdown and forgot about it.
I appreciate your courage for coming forth and am sensitive to the struggles of your religion. However, I cannot base my decision on the word of one person. Would anybody else of the flying rainbow horse faith be willing to come forward and help me establish a trend of deviant behavior among the staff here?

I also worship for Flying Rainbow Horse, and people tell me to stop eating the Mushrooms
Nope, it was actually in the debate section that is where it was suppose to go and I thought was here with grown adults who can have debates but they proven me wrong.

That's just it. YOU WENT TO THE DEBATE SECTION ON YOUR OWN FREE WILL then you try and claim that this is a wrestling forum and that only wrestling should be discussed.

I believe that Dave has you at gun point and is forcing you to constantly log on and post here. But I do not believe that he held a gun to your head and made you enter the debate section, and post your religious beliefs.

I mean, sure he'd hold a gun to your head and make you post in the Movies and Television section, he's the mod of that section, so of course he would want someone of your caliber to push your movie/TV beliefs in that section, because clearly judging by all of the attention you get here, you draw.

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