Remove my account please.

again i was told Lee you guys don't have the rgiht to hold someone here against there wishes or degrade them for there beliefs when this is ssuppose to be a WWE FORUM

it's as simple as that Lee.

It's not a WWE forum, it's a wrestling forum.

You're not here for your beliefs you're here for being a dick to everyone for months and making alts.

You're not being held here, you can log out.
Mr. vB representative. I worship flying rainbow horses. I feel the comments in this thread are insensitive to the realness of my religion, which is a daily personal struggle I take quite seriously. I am continually forced to read her comments and take great offense and they will only let me block her not delete her from my existence. Fix this please.
again i was told Lee you guys don't have the rgiht to hold someone here against there wishes or degrade them for there beliefs when this is ssuppose to be a WWE FORUM

it's as simple as that Lee.

It's not a WWE forum, it's a wrestling forum.

You're not here for your beliefs you're here for being a dick to everyone for months and making alts.

You're not being held here, you can log out.

I appreciate your courage for coming forth and am sensitive to the struggles of your religion. However, I cannot base my decision on the word of one person. Would anybody else of the flying rainbow horse faith be willing to come forward and help me establish a trend of deviant behavior among the staff here?
Fingers.... cant stop fingers from.... typing

must log into WZ.... must log in or brain will explode.....

Vbulletin & Slyfox.... making me log in... making me type useless demands...

Sounds like a real pickle you got yourself into here kid. You should call 20/20 or MSNBC cuz this has to be the only case of 'held hostage by internet' ever in history. Think of the press. Kid noone cares about bitches because he thinks the internet is forcing him to login on WZ. Call the fucking doctor- this ones lost his marbles.
Dude, it was said on the first page:

If you want your account removed, just post porn.

On second thought, don't do that. I enjoy watching you look like an idiot.
Again, forcing me to have a account on here is forcing me to stay here. This is a WWE forum, not a religious forum and i'm being degraded because of my beliefs that some of you do not agree with. Again not my problem.

The idiocy of this guy astounds me. Seriously, don't have children.
Guys, you all can fake all you want, and pretend that this has nothing to do with my religion but my profile says other wise and like I said, I was told to get into contact with someone and I am very well doing that.
No i don't want to be here. I want my accoutn removed and my name not to be degraded anymore. YOu call yourselves a wrestling forum but you attack people that have nothing to do with wrestling.
Yes, please do contact vbulletin. I'm sure that given the load of stuff they have with trying to stay as good as they are and collecting fees and fixing problems that they have the time to deal with a single person on a forum that they have nothing to do with outside of receiving a payment from for a service rendered they'll be more than happy to take up your case. I mean after all, businesses are around to take care of you right? Not to make money, which they've done off us.
Just out of my own curiousity, how/where did the religious topic come up?

I'm guessing you would have mentioned it first, therefore it was you who discussed religion on a wrestling forum.
Yes, please do contact vbulletin. I'm sure that given the load of stuff they have with trying to stay as good as they are and collecting fees and fixing problems that they have the time to deal with a single person on a forum that they have nothing to do with outside of receiving a payment from for a service rendered they'll be more than happy to take up your case. I mean after all, businesses are around to take care of you right? Not to make money, which they've done off us.

lol you really are stupid. They have a section for this sort of stuff, I was given information to where to go.
Just out of my own curiousity, how/where did the religious topic come up?

I'm guessing you would have mentioned it first, therefore it was you who discussed religion on a wrestling forum.

No it was in the debate section. They didn't agree with what I was saying and they cried and banned me and abused my profile. They don't like christians or catholics but then can't handle it when people defend there beliefs.

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