Remove my account please.

I don't actually care...

I cannot wait to hear from your authority. Until then, please enjoy your stay at AwrestleZone Forums.
i got nothing to worry about. I'm not the one forcing people to remain on a forum that they don't want to be at and attacking what they believe in or discriminating anyone.
I don't actually care...

I cannot wait to hear from your authority. Until then, please enjoy your stay at AwrestleZone Forums.

Oh trust me Dave, it will be on your head cause NO ONE should force someone to stay on a forum that they don't want to be in and i'll have the last laugh after I show them screenshots of this thread and your refusal of removing my account.
You want your account removed so you can make a new account with out it be an alt in which you will no longer be stuck in the prison, it's pretty obvious what your stupid little plan is, you really are not that fucking clever Christian Hater
Honestly Diamond, your christian and your at a forum who hates christian and catholics?

kind of makes me worry about you.

It...doesn't. :lmao: There are users who don't agree with Christianity, but apart from Xemnas I don't think anyone's an out-and-out Christian Hater, and Xemnas only does it to be edgy and cool.
Could you post all your Screen Shots from what you've sent so far?
We're all SO caring about it.

Also, Justinsayne, you genius.
I'm on the Christian haters side. I hate it when y'all be forcing me to log in. Shit is ridiculous. I hope you get results, Mr.Christian Hater. Put these heartless bastards in their place once and for all!

You really need to get over yourself. No-one cares about you, no-ones going to use your details. Just log out and leave and we can all move on with our lives.

No you all have to get over yourselves and realize not everyone will share the same opinion as you adn that does not mean you should abuse them. If no one cares about me, prove it, they should remove my account.
I'm on the Christian haters side. I hate it when y'all be forcing me to log in. Shit is ridiculous. I hope you get results, Mr.Christian Hater. Put these heartless bastards in their place once and for all!


I'm not actually a hater of christians. I just believe people should be treated with respect and respect is a 2 way street. I'm not sure if your being sarcastic in that post but w/e.

People shouldn't ask for respect if they refuse to give it in return.
To hell with respect! If you're pretty and have money, respect is just some idealistic garbage held onto by people of generations past.
These mod's and admins don't deserve respect or should get any respect. You ever hear that saying "Treat others the way you want to be treated", that applies here, if they cant' respect people they wont be respected either.
To hell with respect! If you're pretty and have money, respect is just some idealistic garbage held onto by people of generations past.

Not really. Respect is earned. This site hasn't earned the respect, they force people to log into a site where they don't want to be, they force people to be here. Sure we all have the option to join but we also should have the option to remove our account if we don't want to be here. Forcing people to stay at a site where they don't want to be is not a site where people should want to join at.

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