Remove my account please.

Im pretty sure the Mods aren't commiting identity fraud (who'd want to be you anyway?) and if you dont want to recieve emails mark them as spam or turn them off in your user settings.

The admins cry over people opinions and views and when they can't take the heat they abuse there powers and attack people by using there profiles, and attacking there religions. All I asked was my account to be removed, the ones creating the drama are the ones that are denying my request.
If you want me here, just say so. You dont' really want me gone then. You actually want me here. you like drama more then anyone else. You think its funny forcing people to remain at a site. It must be tough abusing people behind your computer screen huh?

Mr.Tough guy here. Can't take the heat when ti comes to him.

Yep, I think it is awesome!

I love having you here too. You make my day with your incessant bitching and moaning.
Yeah, man! It was damn awesome!

I had it on DVD for a couple of years now and never got around to watching it. Finally, a couple of weeks ago, I decided to watch it and it was incredible. Brad Pitt was awesome in it and the story was amazing.

You should watch it.

Yeah, it was on T.V recently and I Sky +'d it. But never watched it and just deleted it. Wasn't sure if it was my kind of film.

But thanks for the advice, I'll give it a try now.
If you want me here, just say so. You dont' really want me gone then. You actually want me here. you like drama more then anyone else. You think its funny forcing people to remain at a site. It must be tough abusing people behind your computer screen huh?

Mr.Tough guy here. Can't take the heat when ti comes to him.


You wanna really stick it to those drama loving mods and deprive them of that sweet nectar?.... Log out. Then we can all go back to not caring about you.
Yep, I think it is awesome!

I love having you here too. You make my day with your incessant bitching and moaning.

LOL bitching and moaning? I want my account removed. The only one bitching and moaning I see is you, not wanting to remove my account because your a stalker.


You wanna really stick it to those drama loving mods and deprive them of that sweet nectar?.... Log out. Then we can all go back to not caring about you.

Having my account here without my approval is forcing me to be here without my consent.

YOu guys are the ones making drama by not removing my account. I'm not making any drama.

You can make all the excuses you want for these admins. But I was degraded just because i'm a firm believer of my opinions and views. I could give a rats ass what you people think of me, but I want my account removed and like I said it's not privately owned any forum who signs up for one has a term of use they all have to follow.

It's JustinSayne ********, if your going to address you will get my name right got it Christian Hater!:angry:

BTW you know who else hates Christians... Vince McMahon;)
Does he know a lot of people on staff are christians?

bad Christians who would allow other people to attack others for there beliefs. Really if you want this to end, all u gotta do is remove my account but it's ok, I am in contact with who i need to be in contaact with
Like I said Dave, i'm not innocent and neither are any of you.

Honestly Diamond, your christian and your at a forum who hates christian and catholics?

kind of makes me worry about you.

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