Release Petition


Getting Noticed By Management
An anonymous party reached out to me and brought to my attention the fact that ryan86 and Bill Lesnar have been put in this prison unjustly with little hope of reprieve. It was requested of me to come here and stand up for these two since I AM the man of the people and I am the only one with the balls to do it.

In the request that came to me to come and stand for these two individuals who have fallen prey of those drunk with power, it was also requested that a petition be started to see these two released as they were unjustly imprisoned. It is the motivation of myself and this thread to put the pressure on the higher ups to admit their wrongdoing in jumping to punish these two posters, and with the support of enough of you, to mandate that these two be released immediately.

Whether you or the folks who think they have the power realize it, the TRUE power lies with YOU THE PEOPLE. They can't act against everyone or they will alienate everyone else and create mistrust and uncertainty among the other members as they lash out. If they act against and target the few who had the nerve to stand up to them the damage will be done there as well. Remember, they work for you not the other way around. They are not your masters or authority figures, they are but public servants, and as such is the case they must listen to the people no matter what they lead you to believe.

I have done nothing wrong or against any rules in stepping forth either. So, regardless of who has the power, should those with it abuse it and take action against me without any wrongdoing on my part, they will in turn be doing so right out in the open showing everyone exactly why someone like myself is needed on the staff to even the balance, and be breaking their own mandate as moderators or admins to enforce the rules fairly and in an unbiased manner. Tread lightly boys, you don't want that kind of negative PR.

In closing, I urge as many of you as possible to come in here and sign this petition by simply posting the word "Release", or stating your support in any other fashion you see fit. Justice must be met for both Bill Lesnar and Ryan86 and it's in your hands to see to it that it is done. Show the powers that be that they can not lord over us, and punish people for frivolous reasons with their bias agendas. In other words: FIGHT THE POWER.
This is so hard for me. On one hand, I want to fight with the people. On the other hand, I'll soon be one of your overlords.

What to do, what to do...
This is so hard for me. On one hand, I want to fight with the people. On the other hand, I'll soon be one of your overlords.

What to do, what to do...

I would say you do what is right Coco. I would also say that as you very well may become one of them that if you do, you do right by the people in taking that position and have a little more discretion than has been displayed and help avoid situations like this.

You obviously don't know that Bill created 7000 alts...

That may be so, and with that being the case it may be very difficult to get him released. However, if we can get eve Ryan86 released it would be a great victory for the people of the forum.
An anonymous party reached out to me and brought to my attention the fact that ryan86 and Bill Lesnar have been put in this prison unjustly with little hope of reprieve. It was requested of me to come here and stand up for these two since I AM the man of the people and I am the only one with the balls to do it.

In the request that came to me to come and stand for these two individuals who have fallen prey of those drunk with power, it was also requested that a petition be started to see these two released as they were unjustly imprisoned. It is the motivation of myself and this thread to put the pressure on the higher ups to admit their wrongdoing in jumping to punish these two posters, and with the support of enough of you, to mandate that these two be released immediately.

Whether you or the folks who think they have the power realize it, the TRUE power lies with YOU THE PEOPLE. They can't act against everyone or they will alienate everyone else and create mistrust and uncertainty among the other members as they lash out. If they act against and target the few who had the nerve to stand up to them the damage will be done there as well. Remember, they work for you not the other way around. They are not your masters or authority figures, they are but public servants, and as such is the case they must listen to the people no matter what they lead you to believe.

I have done nothing wrong or against any rules in stepping forth either. So, regardless of who has the power, should those with it abuse it and take action against me without any wrongdoing on my part, they will in turn be doing so right out in the open showing everyone exactly why someone like myself is needed on the staff to even the balance, and be breaking their own mandate as moderators or admins to enforce the rules fairly and in an unbiased manner. Tread lightly boys, you don't want that kind of negative PR.

In closing, I urge as many of you as possible to come in here and sign this petition by simply posting the word "Release", or stating your support in any other fashion you see fit. Justice must be met for both Bill Lesnar and Ryan86 and it's in your hands to see to it that it is done. Show the powers that be that they can not lord over us, and punish people for frivolous reasons with their bias agendas. In other words: FIGHT THE POWER.

No I won't fight the power. Fuck off. You've been here 2 months, you're really annoying.

So uh, Ba-Bomb for prison?

Erm, instead of asking for these guys to be released and lambasting the mods, how about explaining why these guys have been wrongly imprisoned rather than just saying they have been?
If KB asks Lucy what she thinks, your screwed there Ba-Bomb.

Quite ironic if you become imprisioned while trying to free them.
Just to be clear, as much as I would like to see both guys out of the prison I did not go to LaBamba to help get them out.

But I will sign the non-existant petition regardless.
That may be so, and with that being the case it may be very difficult to get him released. However, if we can get eve Ryan86 released it would be a great victory for the people of the forum.

Ryan has been in prison less than 48 hours. What makes you think he has little chance of reprieval? And who decided to make you the voice of the people anyway?
IMO BB doesn't deserve to be a prisoner for making a thread like this. If he makes one thread and doesn't spam the area, no harm is done.

If BB does wants them released he should state reasons why they deserve to be released.
Atleast state an argument rather then make a blanket statement.
No I won't fight the power. Fuck off. You've been here 2 months, you're really annoying.

That's too bad, there's a couple guys that could use your support. You can have a problem with me, I don't mind. But, you should maybe think of the guys in here that really shouldn't be and lend them your support.

Erm, instead of asking for these guys to be released and lambasting the mods, how about explaining why these guys have been wrongly imprisoned rather than just saying they have been?

No problem Finlay. First of all, someone came to me and asked me to come speak up in their defense. They didn't give me the details, they just told me both posters were wrongly imprisoned and that they needed someone to come to their aid, requesting that I start a petition to seek out their freedom. The next question is why I would do that without knowing the details or if they were wrongly imprisoned or not. My answer to that is simple, no one deserves this. It's a sick cruel game that they people in power play with the people they have power over. It's immature, it's unnecessary, it's manipulative, and there's no need for it. All it does is serve as a way for people to come and treat other people like shit for no good reason.

It's a sick and cruel practice that needs to stop and not Bill Lesnar or Ryan86 deserve to be exiled and subjected to this torment. They like to play games with people and push their buttons, they like to break people down in text, make fun of them, treat them like they don't count, and treat them like they don't deserve the basic respect that they DO deserve. When you treat people like this, that lack of respect you give is exactly what you are going to get back and that is why you see what you see towards the mods.

Ryan has been in prison less than 48 hours. What makes you think he has little chance of reprieval?

Because I know how this works. I described above what this is all about and that IS all it amounts to. There is something wrong with a situation where you are punishing people for attempting to contribute to a forum and maybe making some mistakes that go against rules, left up to the interpretation and discretion of someone else who may or may not enforce them fairly or without bias. It's quite clear that people do act off of biases, there is favoritism, there is cronyism, certain people do get away with whatever they want because of their associations, while others suffer from their lack thereof of disapproval from other people that is purely subjective. That is wrong, and it is wrong to pull this kind of shit and act so rashly against people ON A FUCKING FORUM of all places. You act like the forum itself is a prison and the members are prisoners who have to follow prison rules or end up in solitary confinement which happens to be ironically called "The Prison". It's stupid and unwarranted and no one deserves to be treated like that, not the most favored member to the most hated.

And who decided to make you the voice of the people anyway?

The folks who decided to back me in my campaign for starters with the belief that I do represent the voice of the people, and the person who reached out to me to come do something here because they knew I had the courage to do it AS the voice of the people.

IMO BB doesn't deserve to be a prisoner for making a thread like this. If he makes one thread and doesn't spam the area, no harm is done.

If BB does wants them released he should state reasons why they deserve to be released.
Atleast state an argument rather then make a blanket statement.

Thank you very much. I am doing someone else a favor. Someone else wanted to do this but was too scared to because they feared the retaliation that might come to them, so I stepped to the plate for them. I explained above why I think these posters deserve to be released. I don't think anyone should be subjected to this and "The Prison" should be abolished, cited as cruel and unusual punishment. I think that's pretty easy to support too as no other forum I have ever seen on the internet does such a thing or allows their staff to treat people that way.

The next thing I am waiting to hear is that "You don't have to come on here" but that is REALLY beside the point. People do want to come here, they want to talk about things, they want to interact with people, but you can't go around doing this kind of stuff to people for wanting to do it and not "Falling in line" with the way you think they should be. It's not an issue of following or breaking rules. The rules are inconsequential the way they are enforced being left up to various interpretations and individuals temperament to the individuals they feel or think are breaking rules. These guys bend the definitions to act against people they simply don't like or people they don't agree with, or look down on, or simply want to give a hard time.

There is no balance of power, there is check or balance, there is no fairness in how these things are interpreted or levied against people. This is a serious problem. Why do you want to treat people this way? Why do you feel the need to play these games with people? What makes you think this draws people here? If people were more aware of the way others are treated here before they just joined looking to add to a conversation and speak their mind about something, odds are they wouldn't join because no one wants to be punished for doing so and trying to be apart of the forum.
That's too bad, there's a couple guys that could use your support. You can have a problem with me, I don't mind. But, you should maybe think of the guys in here that really shouldn't be and lend them your support.

Shouldn't be here? They REALLY, REALLY should. I also believe you should join them. Happy bum fun time.

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