Reigns VS ??? will be the great feud of the next generation


Getting Noticed By Management
Everyone in the wrestling community is set on Roman reigns being the next big star that will carry the company. It's not hard to see why. He has all the tools except maybe mic skills at the moment. His look, his intensity, his move set and even his bloodline are all world class.

But if Reigns doesn't have an opponent of similar or matching quality he may struggle to have a feud that could establish him as one of the greats.
Who that is on the current roster could be that potential advisory?

Dean Ambrose- Ambrose would be the odds on favourite to be the challenger to Reigns. He has amazing skills on the mic and just has a natural ability to draw heat meaning.

Bray Wyatt- If booked right Bray Wyatt could be another great heel that could be a great mysterious figure that lurks in the shadows hiding behind his 'family'

The smokey to it all could be Big E, he's uncharacteristically good on the mic for a big man and WWE loves a good big man
Everyone in the wrestling community is set on Roman reigns being the next big star that will carry the company. It's not hard to see why.

I seriously can't wait for Reigns to fall flat. There is NOTHING special about this guy other than his bloodline. If it wasn't for The Rock, Reigns would be still just a practice player being floating around the CFL and NFL.

He hasn't convinced me and neither has anyone else. In my eyes, he's just another freeloader like Rosey, Umaga and anyone else getting hired simply because they are related to the Rock
Ignore the poster above, he is clearly a Moron. Anyway, I think Reigns vs Big E Langston could be a great feud down the line. Maybe not the feud of the generation but for sure a fantastic feud. I think time will tell when it comes to the next "face" of an Era but it will come. WWE need to stay consistent with whoever they choose and NOT drop the ball on them. They did it with Stone Cold, The Rock, Brock Lesnar and John Cena, I see no reason why they cannot create another big star like them. Roman Reigns could be the next guy if given the correct storyline and is not rushed in the title picture like Ryback was.
I seriously can't wait for Reigns to fall flat. There is NOTHING special about this guy other than his bloodline. If it wasn't for The Rock, Reigns would be still just a practice player being floating around the CFL and NFL.

He hasn't convinced me and neither has anyone else. In my eyes, he's just another freeloader like Rosey, Umaga and anyone else getting hired simply because they are related to the Rock

Really? He clearly has talent. Watch all of The Shield's matches thus far, Reigns has been fantastic. He is an absolute monster and I'm yet to see him put on a bad match. He has that WWE look and, of course, being related to The Rock helps. He definitely has talent and he will be a massive success. Also, calling Umaga a freeloader is ridiculous.

Anyway, if we are presuming that Reigns is going to be THE guy, which is likely, then there are several options. I said in a different thread that I really think Langston will be that man. There is a notion that Vince loves "bigger" wrestlers. Reigns and Langston are both massive, intimidating guys that have potential.

Of course we need to see more of them individually but I think it is safe to say they can be top superstars. Indeed, the idea of Langston/Reigns is something that goes back to basics: two monsters/superheros fighting against each other. "The irresistible force meeting the immovable object" and all that. Also, both are friends with Cena which can't hurt.

The other option is Ambrose. He, like Reigns, as impressed in The Shield and clearly has potential. His biggest strength is his mic-work and his time has been limited. These two already have history together and in 5 years this could be the feud everyone is talking about. Of course, it is very difficult to predict. There could be someone from NXT or the performance centre that emerge but right now Reigns, Ambrose and Langston are the stand-out guys.
The man has talent, but it's wrong to load this much on people this early. This is where it goes wrong for so many talents. The Shield was put together on the basis of Ambrose being the "Must Get Over", Rollins the bonus and Reigns being a "We Want To Get Him Over".

Suddenly those roles seem to be reversed and there doesn't seem to be much rhyme or reason why Reigns is suddenly ahead of Ambrose unless it is down to his lineage. They have been here a few times before with guys like Rock, Lashley, even Nash. Pushing them strong from the start and then putting them through all 6 gears in a matter of weeks when they aren't ready for it.

Reigns had his "breakout" moment fine, leave it at that for now and build both he and Ambrose to be that epic feud of the next 5 years if you must but don't go there for at least another year.

The beauty of Rock and Austin was that Austin was positioned first and his push well underway when Rock debuted, he got the strong moment at Survivor Series and then by the time Rock got the IC from Austin's dumping it there was a seed for a feud. But we still didn't really see it for another year till Austin had won the World belt and Rock had too. That's the way to build Reigns and Ambrose, let Ambrose break out first and then have Reigns as the "shadow" stalking him - he knows he is gonna have to deal with him eventually.

To my mind there is no guarantee it will be Reigns... He needs time to learn his craft properly. Nash proved that rushing these things can ruin it.

I personally think that there is a damn good shot for the next "great" feud to come from someone we've either yet to see or who hasn't really got going yet. Someone like Adrian Neville is going be be pure excitement when he debuts - with Sin Cara back to prominence that could be a star making feud for both Hunico and Neville.

You never know what is going to fire the imagination - Bad News Barrett might have an Austin 3:16 moment for example, no one saw D-Bry v Punk being as good as it was on the mic or D-Bry v Triple H being a viable feud for the Rumble/Elimination Chamber. The only thing that is clear is loading too much onto someone still in the 2nd or 3rd year of their career is a bad idea.

I guess if Reigns IS going to be that guy then the obvious feud that is gonna make him is the Rock... it'd likely be Dwayne's swansong and if you're gonna pass the torch and can do so for a family member then that's going to make good TV.
Reigns is great, but I think it's too early to be able to be predictive. Not only is there a lot of talent on the main roster, but NXT has some impressive stars. Reigns will be a big player, but so will Ambrose and Rollins, which is kinda the point. If Reigns is to become THE guy, I agree that The Rock would be an excellent choice. Hell even if he isn't "THE guy" having the Rock put him over would make it so. As for an actual fued, I'd love to see Reigns v Orton. With Orton's violence and penchant for hurting family members and legends, I think this feud could get very personal very quickly. Also, Alexander Rusev would be a great feud to put Reigns in as the underdog, and if he's gonna a face, he's gonna have to be the underdog sometimes.
The man has talent, but it's wrong to load this much on people this early. This is where it goes wrong for so many talents. The Shield was put together on the basis of Ambrose being the "Must Get Over", Rollins the bonus and Reigns being a "We Want To Get Him Over".

Reigns had his "breakout" moment fine, leave it at that for now and build both he and Ambrose to be that epic feud of the next 5 years if you must but don't go there for at least another year.

The beauty of Rock and Austin was that Austin was positioned first and his push well underway when Rock debuted, he got the strong moment at Survivor Series and then by the time Rock got the IC from Austin's dumping it there was a seed for a feud. But we still didn't really see it for another year till Austin had won the World belt and Rock had too. That's the way to build Reigns and Ambrose, let Ambrose break out first and then have Reigns as the "shadow" stalking him - he knows he is gonna have to deal with him eventually.

Hit the nail on the head here, whats the rush? He's not even gone solo yet. If we're looking into a future with only one world belt, how has Reigns suddenly jumped ahead of Punk, Bryan, Orton, Cena and the rest? Like THTRobTaylor suggests, history points towards a slow build being the most effective. I certainly don't want a repeat of Bobby Lashley's push. Lets see how the Shield break up first before we say whose #1 of the group.

Anyway, if we are presuming that Reigns is going to be THE guy, which is likely, then there are several options. I said in a different thread that I really think Langston will be that man. There is a notion that Vince loves "bigger" wrestlers. Reigns and Langston are both massive, intimidating guys that have potential.

Of course we need to see more of them individually but I think it is safe to say they can be top superstars. Indeed, the idea of Langston/Reigns is something that goes back to basics: two monsters/superheros fighting against each other. "The irresistible force meeting the immovable object" and all that. Also, both are friends with Cena which can't hurt.

Sorry, but I just don't see it. Too similar. My fave feuds are where opposites attract. The pacy Randy Savage v the brute strength of Hulk Hogan, the technical, methodical style of Bret Hart v the energetic, high-flying of Shawn Micheals, the intimidating, no-nonsense brawling of Stone Cold Steve Austin v the brash, loud flair of The Rock. I can't see two big, jacked guys carrying the company in this day and age. Both good talents, both early in their respective careers, but I just don't see Langston v Reigns as money. Who knows, they may both surprise me.

Gun to my head, I'd say Rollins. I don't know, I just see more in him than say, Ambrose. Both good hands, both extremely talented but unless something changes and Ambrose becomes more relevant, my moneys on Rollins. Rollins comes across as more of a slimy heel whereas Ambrose is more of a cocky heel and I think Rollins/Reigns would be very interesting, even though it looks like Ambrose is the catalyst of the break-up. But who knows, things change. It may be someone in NXT like Sami Callihan, Reigns may not even be involved. I'd rather sit back and see how it all plays out.
Sorry, but I just don't see it. Too similar. My fave feuds are where opposites attract. The pacy Randy Savage v the brute strength of Hulk Hogan, the technical, methodical style of Bret Hart v the energetic, high-flying of Shawn Micheals, the intimidating, no-nonsense brawling of Stone Cold Steve Austin v the brash, loud flair of The Rock. I can't see two big, jacked guys carrying the company in this day and age. Both good talents, both early in their respective careers, but I just don't see Langston v Reigns as money. Who knows, they may both surprise me.

I agree that often the better match-ups are when there are opposites. I was suggesting that the WWE might like the idea of two big men against each other. Since the turn of the century there haven't been a lot of talented "big" guys or even superstars that have the look. Those who are "bigger": Taker, Big Show, Kane, Undertaker, Batista, (even Cena) have all feuded with each other. Now, we have two young wrestlers that are massive and I feel that could be something interesting.

As long as these two are talented: it will work. Wrestling has, of course, changed but the first few Wrestlemania's were Hogan vs Bundy, Andre and even Warrior. I think that the notion of Reigns staring down Langston at a Wrestlemania is something that would inherently excite Vince. Personally, I'd rather see something like Reigns vs Ambrose/Rollins/Rhodes but I definitely think we will see Reigns vs Langston.
I think the obvious answers are Rollins and Ambrose. Ambrose has had "it" since day one, and Rollins is an amazing talent simply being overshadowed by two awesome talents. If CM Punk and Jeff Hardy had a baby it would be Seth Rollins IMO. When it's all said and done all three guys will be main eventers.

As for Reigns best feud aside from his current stable members, it will probably be someone from NXT that may or may not have been signed yet. Simply because the better part of his feuds will be against Cena/Lesnar/Rock/HHH/Punk/Bryan/Undertaker/Ryback to really have time to feud with anyone else.
I agree that often the better match-ups are when there are opposites. I was suggesting that the WWE might like the idea of two big men against each other. Since the turn of the century there haven't been a lot of talented "big" guys or even superstars that have the look. Those who are "bigger": Taker, Big Show, Kane, Undertaker, Batista, (even Cena) have all feuded with each other. Now, we have two young wrestlers that are massive and I feel that could be something interesting.

As long as these two are talented: it will work. Wrestling has, of course, changed but the first few Wrestlemania's were Hogan vs Bundy, Andre and even Warrior. I think that the notion of Reigns staring down Langston at a Wrestlemania is something that would inherently excite Vince. Personally, I'd rather see something like Reigns vs Ambrose/Rollins/Rhodes but I definitely think we will see Reigns vs Langston.

I definitely agree that they have the right look for Vince and I agree that a feud between the two could be interesting but I just don't see it as the feud in the way that Austin/Rock and others were. I think each man could be a huge star I don't think they will have the feud that takes us into the next era. Again, this is just opinion and like others have stated, a lot can change in a year or two. There will always be a place for big power-houses in wrestling and I agree that both could have fantastic careers. Reigns' quickness is the big selling point for me and its obvious that a lot of people rate him highly, especially on these boards. Langston has the disadvantage of only really gaining prominence in the past couple of months compared to the year of the Shield but he's certainly a good prospect.
to keep this post short i think if wwe can give wade barrett and good push i could see them 2 having a great fued in the future
Ignore the poster above, he is clearly a Moron. Anyway, I think Reigns vs Big E Langston could be a great feud down the line. Maybe not the feud of the generation but for sure a fantastic feud. I think time will tell when it comes to the next "face" of an Era but it will come. WWE need to stay consistent with whoever they choose and NOT drop the ball on them. They did it with Stone Cold, The Rock, Brock Lesnar and John Cena, I see no reason why they cannot create another big star like them. Roman Reigns could be the next guy if given the correct storyline and is not rushed in the title picture like Ryback was.

Honestly, I believe Big E and Reigns could be the feud that puts wrestling back where it once was. We finally have two big talented men that can appeal to the crowd like Warrior, Hogan, and Macho could. We're seeing the rebirth right in front of us but no one is realizing it.
Honestly, I believe Big E and Reigns could be the feud that puts wrestling back where it once was. We finally have two big talented men that can appeal to the crowd like Warrior, Hogan, and Macho could. We're seeing the rebirth right in front of us but no one is realizing it.

C'mon mate, that's a stretch and you know it. We've barely seen anything of Langston on TV up until a month ago. There's been no interaction, no indication that these two guys can click and put on the next big feud. As individuals, there's is definitely talent but I can't see how they are a part of the 'rebirth of wrestling', whatever that is.
Um before we get all hyped up on Reigns ... remember a certain wrestler named Drew MCintyre? He was supposed to have been the chosen one but look how far he feel of that ladder... Drew, Heath, and Jinder could all b e cut then new talent that deserves a push could get that chance instead of the every 5 minutes switch from Heal to face routine.
Curtis axel was said to be the next top face to take over cena. Everyone was excited about it. Hopefully it dosent happen to reigns
Reigns and Ambrose will probably feud for the US title in the near future,possibly up until Wrestlemania. Hopefully, Reigns and Ambrose are given time to get over as pure Singles wrestlers,and if they are built right in the lead-up to their Main Event run eventually,we might well be looking at the Superstar feud for the future since both are under 30.
The other guys I expect to be up there are Cody Rhodes,Seth Rollins and Big E Langston.
Roman Reigns V Brock Lesnar should happen before Lesnars contract expires but as for current guys, it would be the men he surrounds himself by. Either Seth Rollins & or Dean Ambrose will be the most memorable feuds I believe. I dislike Sheamus but I can see a face Reigns V heel Sheamus in the future. I'd place bets that match with the right build would be intense. But I seriously doubt The Rock won't be the guy who truly puts over Roman Reigns.
Why is everyone on Reigns' nuts? He's 3rd best in both mic skills and in ring ability amongst the Shield. He has a great look but he isn't THAT big.

Feuds are about stories, Ambrose tells the best stories. Ambrose is the next Punk. Reigns has a LOOOOONG way to go. Bray Wyatt is further along than he is. In fact, I'd put Rollins, Ambrose, Rhoades, Ziggler, Langston, and Sandow above Reigns.
you guys are crazy if you think ANYONE is going to get any reactions close to what Bryan or Punk are getting anytime soon...Reigns and Langston have no chance of getting reactions that big! if they ever do become "the guy", they'll be force fed upon us when we don't want them to be which is the majority of "the guys" chosen by Vince.

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