Red Rep Those Bastards


Kissin Babies and Huggin Fat Girlz
Since the spam rule has been relaxed, this is the place to post names of those taht are just blatanly ignorant and all around obnoxious. What do you do with those names, Red Rep those Bastards of course.
I am actually trying to green rep wrestling posts more often now, just started today. Saw a couple good ones, gave them nice greeners.
At least they post in the wrestling sections instead of hanging around in the spam zones in there pathetic little cliques- 'oh wow i talk to mods on a wrestling forum i'm really powerful' lolz
At least they post in the wrestling sections instead of hanging around in the spam zones in there pathetic little cliques- 'oh wow i talk to mods on a wrestling forum i'm really powerful' lolz

ew, I likes him
where the fuck did you get little from? At no point did I mention you being little. Learn to read
I never got little...that was the entire point...but you don't seem to be capable of thinking a post or two ahead, now do you?
What the fuck goes on in your tiny mind? Need to sort it out.
You racist fuck. There's a line and being racist has crossed it.

Fuck you
work? work?

this isn't a work, he's been racist

the bitch.
fuck the efed, fuck ricky.

Either he goes, or I do.

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