Red Rep Those Bastards

Fish this doesn't concern you. Why don't you go back to the prison.'re an idiot. Since when is "British" a race?

British is a race, race is more than whether you're black or not. It's also from your country of origin.
You know what, I've had enough with your stupidity

I'm logging off.
Since the spam rule has been relaxed, this is the place to post names of those taht are just blatanly ignorant and all around obnoxious. What do you do with those names, Red Rep those Bastards of course.

I thought of starting this thread, and was asked to not put them out there publicly. I'm assuming this means I have the OK of an admin?

maybe a Green Rep those Good Noobies thread as well.

No. Good noobs get rewarded with replies, and conversation.

Lame thread Shocky. Lame thread.

Awesome thread Shocky.

I somehow feel responsible for this movement...
fake fights are about fucking stupid. be like me, and get people legitimately pissed at you, and get into real ones. far more entertaining
fake fights are about fucking stupid. be like me, and get people legitimately pissed at you, and get into real ones. far more entertaining

We're not trying to piss people off. We're trying to get them to post with a little more intellect. There's been some really crappy posts lately, and it's not encouraging quality discussion. It's encouraging everyone to just post less meaningful posts.

EDIT: Didn't realize you meant the e-fedders...But, anyway...My point stands :)
So the two heads of the efed get into a fight over nothing the same day they make a thread recruiting people. How did I not see it was a work????
So the two heads of the efed get into a fight over nothing the same day they make a thread recruiting people. How did I not see it was a work????

If two e-fed mods get into a fake fight on a wrestling forum, and no one cares, does it matter? :lmao:
Should be the build up to DX In Your House with Rock and Austin for the IC belt after Rock stole it from him, as well as Shamrock vs. HBK for the title in a head scratcher.
Should be the build up to DX In Your House with Rock and Austin for the IC belt after Rock stole it from him, as well as Shamrock vs. HBK for the title in a head scratcher.

I think Rock v. Austin was at the last RAW...Not sure. I'm watching Nitro now. Always watch it first. Nitro announced Zybysko v. Bishoff for Starrcade just a few minutes ago. Disco and Iaukea were getting a ton of TV time...

On wwe 24/7?


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