RAW Talent HQ

Two. - 4 active infraction points equals 2 weeks. I'm pretty certain the rule book in the Site Administration section states so as well.
OK, so say I was to banned again after that.

Would I be gone forever?
This place wouldn't be the same without me... For a while.
They're all expired anyway so would take a while to get a permaban.

Besides Lee was gone for a year. Look at him now.
Anyone want to watch the Indy section while I'm gone? Make sure it doesn't run off and get deleted.
I'd miss you guys.

I'd be the guy who makes an alt to just say that I love you guys from time to time.
The Internet can't hold me down.

Anyway, I don't plan on ever being banned. In fact, before I am done here, I plan on doing some bannings myself.
Someday Dave. Someday.

I plan on just fading out if (more like when) I leave.

Not all. Some actually know how the rules function.

And you've received two warnings.
Guys, I will be gone for a week starting Sunday, so I won't be posting. If you feel that there is someone more deserving of my spot while I'm gone, I will totally understand if my spot gets passed along to them. Anything to keep people posting :)
Good work, Scotty.

So yeah, I am out all day tomorrow but will be on around midnight US time and maybe a little earlier. Until then, Doc is in charge.
Switching would just cause more trouble for Doc and that's not fair.

No more changes.
If you start to change them, then everyone wants to change. I would much rather people didn't change.

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