RAW Talent HQ

I'm pretty damn certain it won't be in a wrestling outfit. Or any wrestling related that the sig will have. He'll make something that will make him fap every damn time he sees it. I can just feel that happening.

She's at her most fappable in her wrestling outfit imo. It's the pink that does it for me <3
Nah, I feel so bad for Leafy that he can use my thread as his pedestal for endeavour.

You go for it, Champ!
I'm too lazy to make a Indy faction or something so I guess I'm invading. I guess.

Tougie was that poster, huh?

I don't remember why I know his name but I do recall him. Was he good or shit?

He keeps arguing whether his posts were spam or not.

And then he reposts the same thing again when he's still convinced it's not spam.
He's good for the Indy section.

He has a good knowledge of the Independents but his posting skills need some refining. Of course I'm the one doing this so they won't exactly go up.

EDIT: I see he has a dark past. Curses. I'll find an Indy protegee, I will.
Dave, I don't think you realize the amount of people in the section. It's me... and him. And sometimes Ligerbomb, who is better than me.
To be fair, LigerBomb is better than most posters. Probably better than I am... Sometimes.
Wow. Looking through the Indy section and you could really just post anything in there a while back. One thread was about how to get ROH PPVs. Yep.

Here's a question. I have been banned twice. Once was to help KB fool all of the guys and the other was because of spamming. How would I be dealt with if I accumulated another 3 spamming infractions in the time it took them to expire? Would I be gone for two weeks or one?
If you have 2 warnings the next one automatically becomes an infraction. If you have 2 warnings active still after your first ban and the 3 infraction points the 4th break of rules would give you a 4th infraction I would say.
No, you misunderstand.

If I get banned again, is it for one week or two?

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