Raw SuperShow LD 23/04/2012 - Car-Enthusiast John Cena Celebrates Turns 35 in Motown


Mid-Card Championship Winner
Here Comes The Fine Print

In a city renowned for its adult illiteracy, John Cena and Brock Lesnar will wow a professional wrestling audience with their ability to read words and make their mark on a piece of parchment. Will there be papercuts? An exploding pen? Does Brock sign his name "Mister Lesnar" so he has a chance to dot his I's with hearts? Tune in for all the scandalous details.

Do ya feel lucky, Punk?

With six days to go until he defends the WWE Championship against Chris Jericho in a Chicago Street Fight, will CM Punk be confronted with more secrets from his dark past? What does Chris Jericho have on tap for the champ tonight?

Also: The Stars of SmackDown!

The blue brand has been in a holding pattern since WrestleMania. If you're looking for more of the same from the likes of Sheamus, Bryan, Orton, Kane, Rhodes, and Big Show, tune into Raw tonight. They've got to do something to fill three hours, right?

-Will Detroit keep the dream alive with YES! chants?
-What will John Cena get for his birthday?
-Will CM Punk do a keg stand while Chris Jericho applies his signature submission hold to the WWE Champion?
-Will Kofi Kingston take another run at AJ?
-Will Reks and Hawkins trend worldwide?
-Do you feel comfortable working with Dean Ambrose?
Will Detroit keep the dream alive with YES! chants?

Damn right. I'd be at this show if this weren't finals week. Fuck.

What will John Cena get for his birthday?

Hopefully a busted nose to go along with that mouth.

Will CM Punk do a keg stand while Chris Jericho applies his signature submission hold to the WWE Champion?

I can't imagine a more fantastic sight.

Will Kofi Kingston take another run at AJ?

I never took him for the kind of guy who goes for a small butt. Hmm.

Will Reks and Hawkins trend worldwide?

If they die in a car crash on the way to the arena. Maybe.

Do you feel comfortable working with Dean Ambrose?

I read that tonight's Raw was supposed to host the draft.

Even though I'm not a fan of JL at all, since he's GM of both shows, (and they haven't advertised the draft at all) the entire show should be laced with him going around telling people they're being moved from one show to another. Why draft when one person has assumed control of both shows? Just seems like a good change that would further his storyline of power.
I like the idea of doing something called "Sweeping Changes". Basically, it's having Johnny Ace announce that the concept of the WWE draft no longer exists and trades are being discussed during the show and some may even take place before the show ends.

Or just announce that both brands will be integrated and both Raw and Smackdown stars can compete and go after titles on both brands. It could shake things up for a minute, until that wears off.

Also, you got to have Cena get the upper hand in this thing before Extreme Rules. Have him wear out Lesnar with a chair or hit him with a chain or something. If Lesnar dominates Cena until the PPV, then who'll watch the main event.

And Daniel Bryan.... YES....... YES........... YES!!!!
I don't wanna look like a bigger Punk mark than I already am but a few months back he was right about contract signings. They are pointless and serve no purpose other than letting guys just brawl for a few minutes
"He's a two time WWE Champion, and an eight time.........WWE Champion!"

See Teddy that's why you're not the GM anymore.

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