Raw LD 8/22/2016: One More Feisty Brooklyn Crowd

Sean Valjean

Lets Bitch About This Thing We Love

Less than 24 hours after Brock Lesnar nearly killed another man with his bare hands live on pay-per-view, the WWE Universe is still buzzing about how much the Universal Championship spits in the face of God with its very existence. They may also be worried about that Orton boy, but the redness of the title caused the fans see red and thus care little about Orton being drenched in his own red.

Speaking of WWE's new top heel, Finn Balor is wearing it around his Demon waist after defeating Seth Rollins last night. However, Finn may have suffered a serious injury that could jeopardize his reign before it even begins. Can Finn shake off this injury or can Seth tally up a third opponent injured at his hands? How much has Bret Hart's head exploded in the last 24 hours?

Charlotte is Women's Champion again for reasons of WOO. With Sasha out of the picture for the next few weeks, who will step up to challenge the Queen? Nia Jax? Summer Rae? That Rachel chick wearing more colors than a Lisa Frank coloring book? Please let it be Rachel.

Not to be upstaged by Brock, Roman Reigns took his own stab at attempted murder by slaughtering a defenseless husband fighting for his wife's honor. Tonight WWE will once again explain to us why Roman isn't totally the heel in this story after picking a fight with Rusev unprovoked, ruining his wedding celebration, and beating him down with the intent to maim in front of his wife - which was more important to Roman than winning a championship at the 2nd biggest show of the year.

As announced on Twitter, the Dudley Boyz are announcing their departure from WWE tonight. Is this legitimate retirement or are we being hoodwinked ala Mark Henry in 2013? Keep an eye out for any salmon-colored sports jackets.
I think Bully Ray debuts tonight after attacking and putting Devon through a table. It'll be the third time The Dudley's have done this angle and the crowd won't really care much.
Summerslam was so weird man.. Like a normal PPV on drugs, great wrestling but some a lot of weird stuff happened. It was good show though, but something was missing.

Banks seems to be injured.

I also hope Balor isn't injured, since he just became the new champion, although a small injury to write him off TV would protect his Demon character by having Rollins become the champ without having to beat the Demon King.

Also, Shane coming out felt odd as did the F5. Are we leading into a Smackdown vs RAW story?

RAW needs to give some answers tonight.

Plus, am I the only one who hopes for Finn to burn that belt and reveal a new customised demonic belt?
From Mick Foley: Due to his injury, Stephanie McMahon and I jointly accept Finn Balor relinquishing of the WWE Universal Championship.
Well then. So much for that. Wonder if WWE would dare to just award Rollins the title ala Triple H in 2002.
This sucks it really does but if he got a triple H style reaction when he returns then that's something but this sucks he made history then this happens. On one hand it's unfortunate this has happened but at the same time Rollins has been accused of being unsafe.
Impromptu Raw King of the Ring for the belt would be nice. The winner can rename it and redesign it as well as fire creative who came up with the stupid name and boring design.
Yeah it sucks, but it could also be a blessing. It saves the Demon character and makes Rollins the champ.

Easy peasy.

Of course, it sucks as an injury. Hope the best for Finn.
A part of the irrational side of me wants to blame Rollins for executing moves like he did.

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