RAW LD - 2/3/2014 - Please! Say it is a work!

That's the kind of stuff WWE needs to do: make the show feel spontaneous. Have Miz come out there as a reaction to something he saw, not standing in the back waiting for this segment to end so he can have his pre-rehearsed speech ready.
This has been one of the worst RAW shows I've seen in a while. The only thing I've found remotely entertaining so far is Wade Barrett, and the King fucked all that up in two seconds on the microphone. The tag team match in the cage was dumb as shit, aside from the pointless moonsault from the top of the cage. Why were there tags in a cage match, which is no DQ?
I am guessing after the comments and some thinking that was some veiled reference to someone by the Miz?
I love the story Bill Watts told about him giving a ride to Ernie Ladd and his wife.

(Paraphrasing) "Baby, I told you one day we'd have us a white chauffeur."
larisano said:
I am guessing after the comments and some thinking that was some veiled reference to someone by the Miz?

It wasn't veiled. it was blatant.

Posted from Wrestlezone.com App for Android
This has been one of the worst RAW shows I've seen in a while. The only thing I've found remotely entertaining so far is Wade Barrett, and the King fucked all that up in two seconds on the microphone. The tag team match in the cage was dumb as shit, aside from the pointless moonsault from the top of the cage. Why were there tags in a cage match, which is no DQ?

Agreed. SO far it has been dull and the crowd has been the same...

But Santino has Arrived!!

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