RAW LD - 2/3/2014 - Please! Say it is a work!

Wow there goes to show that the crowd is fickle they made everyone stop those stupid chants by just saying daniel bryan
So yeah, remember all those months where Authority fought against Bryan and held him down but now he's hotter than he was back then?

Well forget it, because now Authority is on his side and gets to look like the smart people and the voice of the fans so we should all love them again.
Hey it's Triple H! That guy that originally screwed DB is now leading everyone in a YES chant. Howboutthat
The question I have to ask is if their faith in Orton really is that shaky why the hell haven't they BSed the belt off him by now.

Because this story isn't supposed to make sense. It's supposed to keep the Authority on the moral high ground so they never have to be shown up or look bad.
I'm not going to mock Trips leading the Yes chant. As long as signs are pointing to creative being behind Bryan, I'm cool.

Well, more behind Bryan. It's not as if he was off TV or anything.
I'm not going to mock Trips leading the Yes chant. As long as signs are pointing to creative being behind Bryan, I'm cool.

Well, more behind Bryan. It's not as if he was off TV or anything.

This. You want a memorable WM moment? Close WM30 with DB winning the belt and leading a YES chant.

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