Raw goes Cuban LD

Yeah jobbers are everywhere and that's a good thing I think. Not everyone needs to be a midcard star. Take Bourne and Primo for example. You have them team for a few months and have them lose most of the time. Maybe put them on Superstars and win a match here or there. They keep getting close to winning something but never get a decent win. The thing is, the fans get familiar with them and they get a chemistry together. That way, you can eventually have them get a decent win or two and since they've teamed for awhile and have some chemistry together, they don't feel like the challengers of the month and could be legit challengers. It can work, but they likely won't team again and they'll turn Primo heel and then release him.
And remember, THEY HAVE CHARACTERS! I have no idea what those characters are, but they have them damn it!
I hate this division more and more every week. There's no sense of story, no sense of characters, the matches more or less suck, and everyone uses a kick of some kind of face smashing move as a finisher.

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