Raw goes Cuban LD

First off, the Bellas in jersies: Yes.

Second, Cuban is great as a host because this fits his personality of being over the top so well.
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Nothing wrong with throwing two guys that are doing nothing at all together as a team. Who knows, it could work.
I'm liking the retro stuff they're doing here with matches that mean very little but are different than what we usually see. Big stars squashing middle of the road guys: old school still works today.
Is there something else going on tonight? The LD's usually jumpin'. Even if Raw's bad, and this Raw's been pretty tight so far.

If you like this LD, you should be in here on Thursday's for the elite LD with NSL, X, KB, Gelgarin, and myself.
Even though I haven't done an Impact LD in a few weeks and likely won't be until Christmas Eve because of school.
I'm liking the retro stuff they're doing here with matches that mean very little but are different than what we usually see. Big stars squashing middle of the road guys: old school still works today.

Yep. That way you don't have to worry about count out finishes and the like. It's OK if Primo and Bourne come out looking weak because they don't mean shit anyway.
Ah the jobber tag team. That could do something very helpful for the company if they work it correctly.
Mark Cuban is such an awesome guest host.

Doesn't he own the network that shows ROH? Conflict of interests FTW!
Even though they lost, Primo and Bourne may turn out to be a pretty good team. 2 high-fliers worked well with London/Kendrick.

And I don't know why, but I see Cuban turning and making sure Orton wins the match.

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