Raw 1000 LD 23/7/12 - 1000 episodes have been met

I do not see the logic in turning punk!

He's beaten everybody he could possibly beat as a face, turning him heel gives him plenty of new opponents to feud with over the title till RR, the logic is perfectly sound.

People will not boo him,

Are you deaf?, he was getting overwhelming boo's as he was leaving the ring tonight.

his merch sales were making big money

...And they'll continue to, I highly doubt this hurts his merch sales all that much.

and he was on his way to taking cena's spot.

:lmao: No he wasn't. I love Punk, but lets not be delusional, he was nowhere close to taking that top spot away from Cena.

Sure he works better as a heel but how is this good business?

He can now feud with Cena for several months, he has gone from being the number 2 face in the company to being the number 1 heel, how on Earth could that be bad for business?
He was the only person standing tall in a ring with John Cena and The Fucking Rock. Jesus fucking Christ, do you people even think for 2 seconds before you go spewing your ignorant ass thoughts?
Whiners gonna whine. It was a good show, I liked CM Punks turn. The only thing I am unhappy about is no Austin because he is the reason I turned into WWE and stayed with them over WCW. I am a huge SCSA mark.
He was the only person standing tall in a ring with John Cena and The Fucking Rock. Jesus fucking Christ, do you people even think for 2 seconds before you go spewing your ignorant ass thoughts?

"You must spread some reputation around before giving it to Nate again."
Whiners gonna whine. It was a good show, I liked CM Punks turn. The only thing I am unhappy about is no Austin because he is the reason I turned into WWE and stayed with them over WCW. I am a huge SCSA mark.

I totally agree there. I am baffled that Austin wasn't there.
Really great episode of Raw. The only two things I'm disappointed about was that Stone Cold didn't appear, and Bret Hart's role (only guest announcing the I-C title match). Bret Hart's role was too minimal and they should've done more with him. As great as Taker coming in to make the save for Kane, I would've liked to have seen 4-5 guys confront Bret Hart, and have Taker and Kane make the save for Bret. That would've been awesome to see Bret and Taker kicking ass together one last time.

But other than that, that was the best episode of Raw this year I'd say and one of the best in a long time. Punk's heel turn is great. Punk's really gonna be elevated now feuding with the Rock. And now that Punk is a heel again, he'll less likely be watered down like he's been. Maybe with his heel turn they can pick up where they left off last summer.
I'm calling it now if it hasn't already(I'm not scrolling back pages.)

Steve Austin's appearance and presence is being savored, why? He said recently(last couple of months) that he would love to face CM Punk if the time was right, but if Punk was the heel. Punk faces The Rock at Royal Rumble and then goes on to face Steve Austin at WrestleMania, that is one of the positives of what is an apparent and brilliantly thought out alignment turn.

Punk is going to be on fire again, but this time as a heel, and anybody that knows anything knows that CM Punk as a heel works better than CM Punk as a face. He has material, he has reasons to turn, he has everything. This can only be good.

Oh, and to the moderators that see this, have a fun time cleaning up your respective sections, gonna be shitty thread after shitty thread into the early hours of the morning.
I'd be lying if I said I saw this coming, But I knew something was brewing, anybody else remember those nick-picky comments Eve said to Punk about his reign as champion a few weeks back ?, or how about CM Punk's lack of closing PPV's since he's been champion, he has more than enough to go off of he he turns back into a full fledged heel.
So did anyone notice Austin wasn't on Raw?

Oh, I noticed, and I'm an unhappy smark. Whether this is his fault or WWE's, it fucking sucks.

The biggest superstar in the history of Monday Night Raw isn't on the 1,000th episode? That's just fucking stupid. I don't want to hear any WWE apologist bullshit either, it was ridiculous.

Orton can turn heel. Not punk or cena.

The crowd in St. Louis disagrees.

I love Punk as a face as well but dude, you're totally full of shit. Punk peaked as a face a while back. He hasn't been getting better, he hasn't garnered interest the same way he did a year ago, and he was nowhere near unseating Cena.

Exactly. Some of that by design, some of it because Punk's just not as hot as the smarks want to believe. Orton was getting the same kind of pop right before and after WrestleMania 26. Difference? The brass didn't care nearly as much for Orton's push as they did Punk's. Still, Punk was never given the ball to run with. They're all to blame, actually.

The episode was decent. Rock looked in the best shape I have ever seen him in. Brock looked good, too. No Austin hurt this (I'm a huge Austin mark, obviously). Decent, somewhat memorable.

Punk's heel turn works for me. He looks like a heel, talks like a heel, etc. That's the best place for him, at least with Cena still in the mix. Luckily Rock showed up, because not saving Cena from Big Show wouldn't be enough to turn Punk heel.
The symbolism of the final shot seem lost on Punk fans. Punk left the ring with the two biggest draw in WWE laid out in the ring. And they still complain? Wtf must WWE do? Let Punk use the GTS on everybody and drink soda and have a soda truck like a certain rattlesnake?
I just dont want to see Punk job in the end. Its all spinning in my head so im trying to get around to it. I dont want Cena Vs Rock II at WM. I dont want to see Punk thrown away.

Punk has fueded with just about everyone on the Raw roster as a face, turning heel will give him the opportunity to face bigger opponents. Rock, Cena, SCSA(If thats the reason as well). But those are the last ones I see left for Punk. God forbid he fumbles back to Smackdown.

It just seems like this isnt the right time to turn him.

I dont know man. I guess all I can do is mope about losing my favorite face and just accept that Punk probably wont win in the end anyway.
By the way, when was the last time we saw someone turn (either heel or face) while already holding the belt? I can't remember.
The episode was decent. Rock looked in the best shape I have ever seen him in. Brock looked good, too. No Austin hurt this (I'm a huge Austin mark, obviously). Decent, somewhat memorable.

Really, you thought Brock looked good? Physically maybe, but the rest of him looked shit. With that haircut he makes Samoa Joe's fashion sense look admirable.
Great show tonight only thing missing was Austin which I find extremely odd. Can't wait to see where WWE does with Punk down the line.

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