Raw 1000 LD 23/7/12 - 1000 episodes have been met

Great Raw, I am disappoint with no Austin like most and if that was the start of the big summer angle. Meh. Punk heel turn just for a feud with The Rock is cheap IMO. Seems like they got a bit lost with Cena/Rock last year and decided this needed a fully fledged bad guy rather than letting two guys slog it out.

Other than that it was MTFO over all the things.
I do not see the logic in turning punk!

People will not boo him, his merch sales were making big money and he was on his way to taking cena's spot. Sure he works better as a heel but how is this good business?
I believe maintaining some unpredictability (and some happy loyal smarks) is also good for business, in a more long-term way.
Theres no going back I guess.....Punk is a heel again.....:(

I feel like ive been kicked in the groin. Just disappointed they had to go this route.

Cena has more reason to be heel seeing as they boo him since 2006. Just makes no sense, no booking logic. Punk was finally getting momentum with the crowd and they couldn't bury their golden boy - so they had to do it to Punk.
CM Punk heel turn? As much as I enjoy his heel work, I don't think I'm digging him turning heel now. At the very least, I'm curious where he's going next. I'm assuming a rematch with Cena at Summerslam with the Rock involved in some capacity.
I do not see the logic in turning punk!

People will not boo him, his merch sales were making big money and he was on his way to taking cena's spot. Sure he works better as a heel but how is this good business?
CM Punk was at his best as a heel/tweener last year. They never should have watered down his gimmick in the first place. And the fans just did boo him.
That was Awesome ! Next monday, the show kicks off with Punk sitting in the middle of the ring, "Do I have you're attention now ?"
Maybe they've realised that Raws 20th is in January a few weeks before the Rumble and it'll be good to keep your Austin/Edge for that rather than throwing all eggs in the one basket "Meh I just saw Austin in July why should I care?"
Well at least we got some great moments tonight Austin or Not.. this was still a great raw. The Rock is giving back a lot.. I am glad he is in the mix.. the issue with Cena/Rock was that they were both Faces... having Heel Punk and Face Rock will make it seem more fluid. Rock plays best off true heels. You know you're not going to turn Rock Heel with as famous as he is.
I do not see the logic in turning punk!

People will not boo him, his merch sales were making big money and he was on his way to taking cena's spot. Sure he works better as a heel but how is this good business?

He's in a program with the Rock, there's no way the audience wouldn't boo him. The only two people in history that would be cheered over Rock would be Hogan and Stone Cold.

Rock would sell more everything than Punk. A face vs face match would be shit.
Maybe they've realised that Raws 20th is in January a few weeks before the Rumble and it'll be good to keep your Austin/Edge for that rather than throwing all eggs in the one basket "Meh I just saw Austin in July why should I care?"

Because it's Austin. That is 6 months away which feels like a long time. Of course people will still get excited by Austin and Edge.
Maybe they've realised that Raws 20th is in January a few weeks before the Rumble and it'll be good to keep your Austin/Edge for that rather than throwing all eggs in the one basket "Meh I just saw Austin in July why should I care?"

Very good point.... I hope you are right my friend
I do not see the logic in turning punk!

People will not boo him, his merch sales were making big money and he was on his way to taking cena's spot. Sure he works better as a heel but how is this good business?

And such is the way with the IWC. We're more entertained by how logical storylines are and how much money they draw than the actual entertainment value.
Face Rock losing to Punk..Austin comes out, stunner, rock wins and faces whomever at WM. Austin vs Punk. Would be cool. I'd be pissed if Austin lost though I feel like it would be for the best.

CM punk is the real star of WWE. Not cena.
Maybe they've realised that Raws 20th is in January a few weeks before the Rumble and it'll be good to keep your Austin/Edge for that rather than throwing all eggs in the one basket "Meh I just saw Austin in July why should I care?"
Same could be said of The Rock. That's a 6 month time difference, not a few weeks. Having Austin on tonight would have taken zero away from that.
I do not see the logic in turning punk!

People will not boo him, his merch sales were making big money and he was on his way to taking cena's spot. Sure he works better as a heel but how is this good business?

I love Punk as a face as well but dude, you're totally full of shit. Punk peaked as a face a while back. He hasn't been getting better, he hasn't garnered interest the same way he did a year ago, and he was nowhere near unseating Cena.

Turning him gives him the opportunity to get some attention the same way he did a year ago. Besides, what heel hasn't he worked with? As a Punk fan you should be excited for this as it gives them a reason to keep the title on him even longer so he can work with the faces.

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