Raw 1000 LD 23/7/12 - 1000 episodes have been met

Good way to extend Punk's reign. I guess he can retain his title until Royal Rumble when Rock comes for revenge.
I do not see the logic in turning punk!

People will not boo him, his merch sales were making big money and he was on his way to taking cena's spot. Sure he works better as a heel but how is this good business?
WWE bombed hard by not having Austin on or at least explaining why. Twitter is going crazy he wasn't there.
Loved the show! Ending was not expected. CM Punk heel turn? Interesting. Have to say some of his greatest stuff has happened as heel. #Raw1000 was epic.

Not playing their music as they walk away from the ring; surefire way of brewing the heel turn ambiguity.

Hmm, nice twist at the end - guess it needed Big Show to big in The Rock. Still, hope he keeps his ham fists away from the title scene.

So yeah, best Raw in time, but we weren't expecting anything otherwise, were we?

Goodnight everyone. I think I see the sun coming up.

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