Puroresu vs. Lucha Libre

That's wrong.

I talk about you molesting kiddies a lot more that once a hour. Get it right.
That's wrong.

I talk about you molesting kiddies a lot more that once a hour. Get it right.

In australian accent: Now look how the pedophile reacts under preassure. See how he immeditly puts himself in a defensive stance? Notice how this strange creature failed in any attempt and was then mauled by his predator.

Once again, Macca's making a good thread without even referencing IWTSOO, and IWTSOO comes in and starts shit. I'm done trying to help you, kid.

Also, Sup Macca. I think I'mma start calling you M. Cause like, Bond and stuff.
Once again, Macca's making a good thread without even referencing IWTSOO, and IWTSOO comes in and starts shit. I'm done trying to help you, kid.

Also, Sup Macca. I think I'mma start calling you M. Cause like, Bond and stuff.

Take a look at the first page. I was posting relevantly to the topic. I never intended to start a flamewar, and I was never insulting Macca. He started it with me, after I posted. So what, I'm restricted from posting on Macca's threads? Then fine, he's restricted from posting on mine.

Doesn't matter, I'ma get outta here soon anyway.

Just to let you know, I made a plea to the warden to get you on parole from here after reviewing your progress. I made a strong pitch to get you out.

Even though you were denied, he agreed with me that you are vastly improving, and that is being noted. All he said is needed is a little more time, and to keep up the good work.

If you do that, you will be out of here soon.

Here's what Macca said, on a thread I posted on first. Who's starting it now?

Bullshit. How such a smart poster like you can make such a silly statement, Sidious, I do not know.

Slyfox nicely responsed to Macca:

Actually, he is correct.

You, on the other hand, don't seem to be leaving any time in the near future.

So who was trying to start something there? You think I try to make Macca call me a child molester, and get into a flamewar, thus ruining my chances of getting out of here sooner? No. I don't. And as stated above, any new threads Macca now makes, I won't even post a single reply, even if it has nothing to do with insulting him. I'll just stay away.

If you don't want rabbies, don't go near the sick dog. I just have to keep remembering that.
Puro > Lucha, all day and all night. They often times do FAR too much planning and setting up in lucha, often times a match can resemble a long dance routine instead of an actual fight. Still some great wrestling of course, but if I watch one more six man tag with the same formula step-by-freakin'-step again I'm going to shoot myself in the face.

Puro, by far.
He gets a title reign because a friend of his died in the company, who he hated, but pretend to care afterward.

Proof or G *clap* T*clap* F*clap* O*clap*.

They occasionally use that friend for Mysterio to "Look up too."

Um, okay?

Millions of little kids love him around the world, which I can't complain too much about.

So why did you post about it? He can't control if he's loved.

He violates the wellness policy, then trys to defend himself againts it.

Some of the greatest wrestlers ever had problems with drugs. And plus didn't he get in trouble for some petty little knee medication or something?

His gimmick is extreamly annoying, wish he'd just take of that stupid mask.

Why? Are you obsessed with his face or something? If you are, then YouTube is your friend.

He's eyes scared little kids, I have no idea why they like him.

Are you a little kid? Then how would you know what they like? I swear every post you make, Macca is getting more spot on with those pedo accusations.

And, he's never had an intreasting rivalry that he was able to support himself, the other party is always working harder to make it look more intense, when Mysterio can't do anything.

So Bret Hart sucks too?

He's terrible on the mic.

So Bret Hart sucks too?

He's entrance, and theme is dreadfull.

What the fuck does that have to do with his quality as a performer? POD made his theme, not him.

Now if you we're looking for a more story lined kinda hate,


He has screwed Batista on severel occasions, and acted like Batista started it.

Yeah, and I hate that big poopyface Randy Orton for beating on Johnn Cena. DUN DUN DUN DUUUUN! MY TIME IS NOW!

He won't ever take off that damn mask.

Are you really mad over that?

Proof or G *clap* T*clap* F*clap* O*clap*.

Um, okay?

So why did you post about it? He can't control if he's loved.

Some of the greatest wrestlers ever had problems with drugs. And plus didn't he get in trouble for some petty little knee medication or something?

Why? Are you obsessed with his face or something? If you are, then YouTube is your friend.

Are you a little kid? Then how would you know what they like? I swear every post you make, Macca is getting more spot on with those pedo accusations.

So Bret Hart sucks too?

What the fuck does that have to do with his quality as a performer? POD made his theme, not him.


Yeah, and I hate that big poopyface Randy Orton for beating on Johnn Cena. DUN DUN DUN DUUUUN! MY TIME IS NOW!

Are you really mad over that?


I'm sorry, I never meant to offend anybody when I said I hated Mysterio. I just don't like his character, he's a good guy.

Just like some people don't like Jericho, or Cena. I don't like Mysterio.
You haven't even got the balls to stick to your own erratic outbursts.


Little kids love Mysterio.

You, on the other hand love little kids.

Ugh, I want to like this kid but he's flip floppy and two faced as shit.

IWTSOO: "Mysterio's a horrible wrestler and I hate him. I hope he dies."

Non-Prisoner: "I rather like him."

IWTSOO: "OMG IM SORRY IM SORRY ;.; I don't really hate him haha I just don't like his character too much haha hey you're pretty cool hahaha."
You don't like anybody Bill Watts is burying, J.R.

You're just lucky you're not Jewish, cause you know how much Bill loves those guys.:p
Ugh, I want to like this kid but he's flip floppy and two faced as shit.

IWTSOO: "Mysterio's a horrible wrestler and I hate him. I hope he dies."

Non-Prisoner: "I rather like him."

IWTSOO: "OMG IM SORRY IM SORRY ;.; I don't really hate him haha I just don't like his character too much haha hey you're pretty cool hahaha."

Oh, Har Har Har. I hate to say it though, but without all the hahas and the abbreviations, and the double sorry, that does sound lik me. And if I did say your pretty cool, I'd say it in a different way, like.."Your not that bad" or "Honestly, I think your a pretty good poster. But if I was imitating somebody, I would have done it like that too. ;p
Ugh, I want to like this kid but he's flip floppy and two faced as shit.

IWTSOO: "Mysterio's a horrible wrestler and I hate him. I hope he dies."

And I wouldn't wish death on anybody, especially one who does contribute too the business like Mysterio, I don't like him, but he does love his career.

Just like Cena. Like I said, I hate Rey Mysterio like 75% of the wwe universe hates John Cena.

Even the Lifetime Anal Bitch is a human being, and I wouldn't actually wish he died in a fire (as said earlier by myself and other posters.).
He's just trying to fit in, albeit a little too hard. But still, stand by your arguments. Like Macca here. Who needs to start getting the fuck on MSN.
And... He just flip flopped again.

I guess John Kerry must not have much else to do except cry over the 2004 presidental election and porking his blind wife, so he posts here.

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