Proof Cesaro Is Being Held Back

God I hate the attitudes of the WWE apologists when they act narcissistic and sarcastic, as if they know everything and the IWC doesn't.

I'm not a huge fan of Cesaro but even I recognize that his feud with Owens doesn't mean he's getting a push. He's only being built to make Owens look good. We'll see what happens after this feud if he gets lost in the shuffle or not. I bet that in a few months he will be in a worse position than he is now. Sure he's being booked well at the moment and getting a lot of protection, but whos to say that WWE will continue to be consistent?

2 months ago Dean Ambrose was being booked as a legit threat to Seth Rollins. Now he is jobbing on weekly television again, to the likes of Luke Harper.. and he lost clean to Bray Wyatt not long ago. At first I thought Ambrose was going to get a good push after decent wins against Rollins and Sheamus, and Orton taking the pin at Payback instead of Ambrose gave me a little bit of hope. But he's back to his weekly jobbing now. This is only one of the many examples of WWE's inconsistent push/pulls. Honestly nobody is safe from WWE's push/pulls except for Roman Reigns and MAYBE Rollins. Lets face it; if Cena were in Ambrose's position and jobbing on weekly television to the likes of Luke Harper would you still view him as a legit contender? Nope.. so why would you do that to potential top stars like Ambrose?
2 months ago Dean Ambrose was being booked as a legit threat to Seth Rollins. Now he is jobbing on weekly television again, to the likes of Luke Harper.. and he lost clean to Bray Wyatt not long ago. At first I thought Ambrose was going to get a good push after decent wins against Rollins and Sheamus, and Orton taking the pin at Payback instead of Ambrose gave me a little bit of hope. But he's back to his weekly jobbing now. This is only one of the many examples of WWE's inconsistent push/pulls. Honestly nobody is safe from WWE's push/pulls except for Roman Reigns and MAYBE Rollins. Lets face it; if Cena were in Ambrose's position and jobbing on weekly television to the likes of Luke Harper would you still view him as a legit contender? Nope.. so why would you do that to potential top stars like Ambrose?

Anyways, this is about Cesaro.

God, Crocker! Get your shit together!
God, Crocker! Get your shit together!

Are you not capable of comprehending comparisons? I'm trying to get it through your head that Cesaro's momentum will likely be halted, just like Amborse's. But instead of providing a reasonable response you act like a sarcastic prick. Nice
Raw (7-20-15) - Meaningless 6-man tag involving KO and Cesaro.

Smackdown (7-23-15) - Owens attacks Cesaro for no reason.

Raw (7-27-15) - Owens attacks Cesaro again for no reason.

Smackdown (7-30-15) - Cesaro wins in a tag match over KO. Why are they feuding?

Raw (8-3-15) - Owens avoids another confrontation with Cesaro by walking to the back during a MizTV segment. Again, why are they feuding?

Smackdown (8-6-15) - Nothing

Raw (8-10-15) - They both lose to Orton in a Triple Threat #1 Contender's match. Would someone please tell me why they're feuding?

Smackdown (8-13-15) - Owens wins in a tag match over Cesaro. A randomly-thrown-together-at-the-last-minute tag match at that.

Raw (8-17-15) - Cesaro wins in a tag match over KO because why not?

Smackdown (8-20-15) - Cesaro wins in an 8-man tag match over KO because that's all WWE knows how to book.

Well-built feuds don't consist of nothing but thrown together tag team matches and random attacks without purpose.

I thought this feud had been clearly well developed by Cesaro, Owens, and WWE. If you can't find meaning, enjoyment, and purpose out of it then maybe I'm overestimating Owens' and Cesaro's abilities.

Maybe more time in NXT for them would help.
Are you not capable of comprehending comparisons? I'm trying to get it through your head that Cesaro's momentum will likely be halted, just like Amborse's. But instead of providing a reasonable response you act like a sarcastic prick. Nice

Are you not capable of comprehending a joke?

You should be. Your posts are full of them.

Okay, I'm going to stop now. Making fun of you is like making fun of that kid at school who ate glue. It's low-hanging fruit.

Edit: Uh oh. He hit me with the grey rep of doom. He has truly bested me.
Are you not capable of comprehending a joke?

You should be. Your posts are full of them.

Okay, I'm going to stop now. Making fun of you is like making fun of that kid at school who ate glue. It's low-hanging fruit.

Edit: Uh oh. He hit me with the grey rep of doom. He has truly bested me.

You are truly an idiot
I thought this feud had been clearly well developed by Cesaro, Owens, and WWE. If you can't find meaning, enjoyment, and purpose out of it then maybe I'm overestimating Owens' and Cesaro's abilities.

Maybe more time in NXT for them would help.

Are you kidding me? EVERYONE (including Lesnar, Taker, Cena, Austin, and Hogan) needs a story and good booking. That's how wrestling works.

NO ONE can have a good feud with random tag team matches and random attacks.
So what actually constitues a story to you? Because if you can't seem to grasp the story that's being presented in the Cesaro v Owens feud then there's something seriously wrong with you. Eight year olds in attendance understand it, are you actually less intelligent than them?!
B-Lad pls, of course not.

Edit: spent more time editing this on my phone because I logged out somehow. Also anything to distract me from this christening I have to be at soon :/
Rusev went on a losing streak after he lost to Cena. Anyways, this is about Cesaro.

You know, this is sports entertainment and it doesn't demand logic. It is clearly idiocy to think about logic while watching a wrestling show. WWE is not going to alter their style just for two guys on wrestlezone forums. Cesaro's topic is a stale thing just as you call Cena stale (just for example, don't go there again.) WWE can't push everyone at same time. A feud, if done properly, benefits both sides.
God I hate the attitudes of the WWE apologists when they act narcissistic and sarcastic, as if they know everything and the IWC doesn't.

I'm not a huge fan of Cesaro but even I recognize that his feud with Owens doesn't mean he's getting a push. He's only being built to make Owens look good. We'll see what happens after this feud if he gets lost in the shuffle or not. I bet that in a few months he will be in a worse position than he is now. Sure he's being booked well at the moment and getting a lot of protection, but whos to say that WWE will continue to be consistent?

2 months ago Dean Ambrose was being booked as a legit threat to Seth Rollins. Now he is jobbing on weekly television again, to the likes of Luke Harper.. and he lost clean to Bray Wyatt not long ago. At first I thought Ambrose was going to get a good push after decent wins against Rollins and Sheamus, and Orton taking the pin at Payback instead of Ambrose gave me a little bit of hope. But he's back to his weekly jobbing now. This is only one of the many examples of WWE's inconsistent push/pulls. Honestly nobody is safe from WWE's push/pulls except for Roman Reigns and MAYBE Rollins. Lets face it; if Cena were in Ambrose's position and jobbing on weekly television to the likes of Luke Harper would you still view him as a legit contender? Nope.. so why would you do that to potential top stars like Ambrose?

Yes, because anything less than Cesaro fighting for the WWE world title equates to him not being pushed. I mean who cares if he's fighting former NXT champ Owens, who beat Cena clean not too long ago, on the second biggest PPV of the year.
Bernkastel you dont know how to read dont you? I clearly said that hes being in a decent spot right now, but its after this feud that determines how highly the WWE views him. Its likely that he will get lost in the shuffle; its clear as day that Owens will win to regain momentum from losing to Cena twice in a row.
So what actually constitues a story to you? Because if you can't seem to grasp the story that's being presented in the Cesaro v Owens feud then there's something seriously wrong with you. Eight year olds in attendance understand it, are you actually less intelligent than them?!

What story is being presented in the Cesaro vs. Owens feud? Please explain this to me. How many eight year olds even know who Cesaro and Owens are, other than just two people who couldn't beat Cena? WWE hasn't done a good job developing this feud.
You know, this is sports entertainment and it doesn't demand logic. It is clearly idiocy to think about logic while watching a wrestling show. WWE is not going to alter their style just for two guys on wrestlezone forums. Cesaro's topic is a stale thing just as you call Cena stale (just for example, don't go there again.) WWE can't push everyone at same time. A feud, if done properly, benefits both sides.

First off, this is wrestling.

It does demand logic to put on the most entertaining product possible.

Using logic would benefit every wrestling fan.

WWE can't push everyone at the same time, but they can give a story to Owens and Cesaro. They haven't.
Yes, because anything less than Cesaro fighting for the WWE world title equates to him not being pushed. I mean who cares if he's fighting former NXT champ Owens, who beat Cena clean not too long ago, on the second biggest PPV of the year.

I don't want Cesaro to wrestle for the WWE Championship this year.

Why should I care? Random attacks and random tag team matches don't make me care for any match.

Who even remembers when Owens beat Cena clean two-three months ago?
What story is being presented in the Cesaro vs. Owens feud? Please explain this to me. How many eight year olds even know who Cesaro and Owens are, other than just two people who couldn't beat Cena? WWE hasn't done a good job developing this feud.

I gave you the story, in black and white, using words even you could (probably) understand.

But your response was a more wordy equivalent of "NUH-UH!"

Who even remembers when Owens beat Cena clean two-three months ago?

It's mentioned repeatedly on both WWE and NXT TV. So if you don't remember, there's something wrong.

Have you had a lobotomy? Or were you just dropped on your head as a child.
Are you kidding me?

I like Cesaro and Owens and I think what WWE has given them and what they have done with this feud has been very good. But if you feel so differently about this feud then maybe they aren't doing as well with it as I thought and they could use more time in the B league to work on appealing to a fan like you. You are far more WWE's core demographic than I am.
I gave you the story, in black and white, using words even you could (probably) understand.

But your response was a more wordy equivalent of "NUH-UH!"

In other words, you don't know what the story is because there is no story.

It's mentioned repeatedly on both WWE and NXT TV. So if you don't remember, there's something wrong.

Have you had a lobotomy? Or were you just dropped on your head as a child.

Point is, Kevin Owens has lost all his momentum since then and he's now yet another guy who couldn't beat Cena.
I like Cesaro and Owens and I think what WWE has given them and what they have done with this feud has been very good. But if you feel so differently about this feud then maybe they aren't doing as well with it as I thought and they could use more time in the B league to work on appealing to a fan like you. You are far more WWE's core demographic than I am.

What has WWE given them to work with?

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