Proof Cesaro Is Being Held Back

Oh man this thread is just PURE comedy :lmao:

Feels great to watch a new WZ member argue with all the WWE apologists instead of actually being the one arguing with them

There are many things about WWE I do not enjoy. I would like to see Cesaro get more screen time and stories. But I completely understand why he has been "held back" or "left out" or whatever you want to call it. You don't need an MBA or 30 years of WWE booking experience to understand.
Oh man this thread is just PURE comedy :lmao:

Feels great to watch a new WZ member argue with all the WWE apologists instead of actually being the one arguing with them

Shuddup! I don't like yer facts with yer fancy numbers and whatnot. My opinions are all the "facts" I need.

- Crocker logic.
Putting words in my mouth and then calling me a moron. Cute.

When did I say I wanted Cesaro at the top of the company?

Again, why can't Cesaro be in the upper mid-card scene in logical storylines and putting on classic matches on PPVs?
Cesaro as the best wrestler in the world putting on classics with Kevin Owens, Dean Ambrose, John Cena, Seth Rollins, Daniel Bryan, Rusev, Dolph Ziggler, and others would be quite marketable. Leaving him off PPVs. Nope.
You do realize what you post sticks around for others to read, right?

I didn't necessarily say I wanted him to be WWE Champion.
You did.
Oh man this thread is just PURE comedy :lmao:

Feels great to watch a new WZ member argue with all the WWE apologists instead of actually being the one arguing with them

Who the fuck is defending the damn WWE? Find me that quote. There's a legitimate and understandable reason for Cesaro not being pushed (even though he is), but that doesn't mean the company is any good. They've been utter shit most of the year.
Cesaro is currently my favorite alongside Owens and although I think he could do great in an upper mid card position he's not necessarily that guy who I would push much higher unless the fans consistently are clamoring for it. Forget cheers for a big swing, forget crowds here and there cheering for him, it's what the fans want week in and week out that matters. Even though I love Cesaro there just isn't such a high demand for him that he should be going higher than a small World title feud which he wouldnt win. For example I would've been cool with him facing Rollins at Summerslam given they already have main event but there's no argument Cena and others are better options.
Cesaro's a great mid card talent, who can occasionally slot into the upper mid card. The guy can work like few can, and if that's all there was to being a professional wrestler, then he'd be at the very top of his profession.

But in an entertainment industry like professional wrestling, there's more to being the top guy than just their ability to work inside the ring. And everything else that goes into it... Cesaro struggles with. And that's fine, because he's hardly the first great worker that's struggled like that. In fact, throughout history, the best workers around were rarely the top champions where they worked. Hell, more times than people probably realize, the best workers in a company were usually the guys who were losing every night... because they were the guys who could make people look like stars better than anyone else.

Cesaro's hardly in a position like that. He's on TV every week (many guys who don't get that). He's on PPV frequently (no one's on them all). He gets pushed as much as anyone in WWE's mid-card gets pushed these days (that's not a Cesaro issue, that's a WWE seriously needs to get their shit together and use their whole roster better issue).

He reminds me a little of Tito Santana... except for the fact that Tito had a run where he was easily the #2 face in the company after Hogan. Santana wasn't someone who could do a great interview, but he was able to connect with a certain percentage of the crowd with his great work in the ring. You could always look forward to a Santana match because if it wasn't going to be the best one on the show, it was at least going to be up there with the best. But Santana had a limit of how far he could go, because he was a guy that didn't have everything that would make people look at him and say "this is the guy... this is the best guy that they have". Cesaro doesn't have that either. But that doesn't mean, like Santana, he can't have a long, successful career. One that he can look back on and be very proud of.
Yes it does, you moron. The people being "held back" are the Zack Ryder and Adam Rose's of the world that don't even get on TV.

Adam Rose and Zack Ryder aren't being held back. They're not good enough to warrant being on TV every week.

You can be on TV every week but if you're just wrestling in random, illogical 5-minute matches with no story, then so what?
Adam Rose and Zack Ryder aren't being held back. They're not good enough to warrant being on TV every week.

You can be on TV every week but if you're just wrestling in random, illogical 5-minute matches with no story, then so what?

Except Cesaro's matches for the past several weeks have had stories too them. So even if he was being held down then, clearly he isn't being held down now.
Except Cesaro's matches for the past several weeks have had stories too them. So even if he was being held down then, clearly he isn't being held down now.

Don't try to reason with the kid. He is clearly an idiot who thinks that his favorite wrestler warrants the biggest push EVAR!

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