Proof Cesaro Is Being Held Back

16 isn't a kid. Besides, this is about the booking of Cesaro.

To be fair if you ask anyone to look back at themselves as a fan at sixteen a vast majority will tell you they had no idea what they were talking about. The problem is as a young fan you're not developed enough to understand all the finer nuances that go into talent development, booking/storytelling and general business practices. At the age of sixteen the best approach is to ask for discussion about your opinions instead of shooting off as if they are fact. It would also be best to keep an open mind and gain knowledge from those with a much wider prospective. To sum it up, don't be a jack off.
Cesaro is being held back by WWE. It's pretty clear, yet some fans will try to deny this fact. I'm going to look at his booking since this time last year.

Battleground (2014) - Eliminated by Heath Slater from a Battle Royal
SummerSlam (2014) - Lost to Rob Van Dam on the pre-show
Night of Champions (2014) - Lost to Sheamus in a US Title match
Hell in a Cell (2014) - Lost to Dolph Ziggler in a IC Title match 2 falls to none
Survivor Series (2014) - Lost to Jack Swagger on the pre-show
TLC (2014) - Nothing
Royal Rumble (2015) - Teamed with Tyson Kidd to defeat New Day on the pre-show
Fastlane (2015) - Won the tag titles with Tyson Kidd from the Usos
WrestleMania 31 - Defended the tag titles in a Fatal 4-way tag match on the pre-show
Extreme Rules (2015) - Lost the tag titles to New Day
Payback (2015) - Lost a tag titles rematch to New Day
Elimination Chamber (2015) - Lost another rematch inside the chamber for the tag titles
Money in the Bank (2015) - Nothing
Beast in the East - Defeated Diego on the pre-show
Battleground (2015) - Nothing

He lost 5 straight matches from Battleground 2014 to Survivor Series 2014 and did nothing at TLC 2014. He then formed a partnership with Tyson Kidd and won the tag titles once, which wasn't all that bad.

However, the point is that Cesaro had a TON of momentum after WM30. The swing received a huge pop from the crowd. What did WWE do? Turn him heel by pairing him with Paul Heyman, who ONLY talked about Brock Lesnar breaking the Streak. They then made him stop doing the swing and put him on a pretty long losing streak as illustrated above. If that's not WWE holding a wrestler back, then I don't know what is.

1.) As shown above, Cesaro is in a MUCH better position on the card today as compared to where he was at this time last year. I think if the WWE was trying to hold a guy back, he'd be a bit further down the totem pole. 2.) That's not holding a wrestler back, that's bad booking from the WWE's standpoint to turn him heel after WM 30. Once they decided to turn him heel, teasing the Swing only to not do it is a good heel tactic. Traditionally, you don't want your fans cheering for the heels, you want them booing the heels.

For WWE to reach their own full potential, they need to put on a good product. Cesaro reaching his own full potential would definitely make the product better.

Cesaro's full potential is probably WWE Champion. However, at this point I could see him being a strong addition to the upper mid-card scene.

But isn't he in this spot right at this very moment? He's been getting more time in the ring, he's sharing that ring with current upper mid carders in Orton and Sheamus, and it looks like he'll be the next one up to face Kevin Owens once it's all said and done.

I'm not asking for Cesaro to be pushed to the moon. I just want him with an actual feud that has a logical story and 15-20 minutes each PPV to showcase his in-ring skills.

No wrestle can be successful and reach their potential if they're thrown in random matches with little time to wrestle.

I remember a thread where you were a little critical of WWE booking when Cesaro was left off of the Battleground card. My question to you would be: Given that you want him in an actual feud with a logical story when the ppv occurs, where exactly did Cesaro fit into the Battleground card? The only "logical" feud he had going at that time was the one with Kevin Owens and that spot has already been filled. Any other guy on that card brings the random match that you don't want Cesaro to be a part of.

Sidenote: Very rare that wrestlers with very limited main event experience get to go past the 15:00 mark on a ppv so that may be asking for a little much in Cesaro's case, especially when he can put on a great in ring show in half that time.

In conclusion, if you wanted to make this thread around the middle of 2014 then a better argument could have been made for what you're proposing here. However, if Cesaro can keep this wave going and develop a persona the fans (both casual and hardcore) can get behind while he's at it, then a run as the WWE World Heavyweight Champion might not be so far-fetched. And if you can't see that, then you just can't see it. See what I did there?
1.) As shown above, Cesaro is in a MUCH better position on the card today as compared to where he was at this time last year. I think if the WWE was trying to hold a guy back, he'd be a bit further down the totem pole.

He hasn't won a PPV match in nearly 5 months and hasn't been on the last 2 PPVs.

2.) That's not holding a wrestler back, that's bad booking from the WWE's standpoint to turn him heel after WM 30. Once they decided to turn him heel, teasing the Swing only to not do it is a good heel tactic. Traditionally, you don't want your fans cheering for the heels, you want them booing the heels.

It's bad booking that caused Cesaro to be held back.

But isn't he in this spot right at this very moment? He's been getting more time in the ring, he's sharing that ring with current upper mid carders in Orton and Sheamus, and it looks like he'll be the next one up to face Kevin Owens once it's all said and done.

At least since a little before Battleground, Cesaro has been booked correctly. I'm just not sure WWE will continue that booking.

I remember a thread where you were a little critical of WWE booking when Cesaro was left off of the Battleground card. My question to you would be: Given that you want him in an actual feud with a logical story when the ppv occurs, where exactly did Cesaro fit into the Battleground card? The only "logical" feud he had going at that time was the one with Kevin Owens and that spot has already been filled. Any other guy on that card brings the random match that you don't want Cesaro to be a part of.

Triple Threat for the US Title between Kevin Owens, John Cena, and Cesaro.
I have proof that Owen Hart is being held back. He hasnt won a match for years & they dont even mention him on television anymore. Owen is a pretty good wrestler, but clearly someone has it out for him if they went to such lengths to bury the guy.
He hasn't won a PPV match in nearly 5 months and hasn't been on the last 2 PPVs.
First they were putting over the New Day. 2nd, his tag team partner got hurt so he was left in limbo on the card.

It's bad booking that caused Cesaro to be held back.
Bad booking played a part, but his lack of mic skills is also a factor.

At least since a little before Battleground, Cesaro has been booked correctly. I'm just not sure WWE will continue that booking.
Cesaro will be booked to enhance Owens after Owens losses to Cena.

Triple Threat for the US Title between Kevin Owens, John Cena, and Cesaro.
So if Owens win you can bitch about Cesaro losing, and if Cesaro win you can bitch about Owens losing. The best case for you is if Cena win then you can bitch about Cenawinlol.
First they were putting over the New Day. 2nd, his tag team partner got hurt so he was left in limbo on the card.

Bad booking played a part, but his lack of mic skills is also a factor.

Cesaro will be booked to enhance Owens after Owens losses to Cena.

So if Owens win you can bitch about Cesaro losing, and if Cesaro win you can bitch about Owens losing. The best case for you is if Cena win then you can bitch about Cenawinlol.

Regardless, he's too talented to be left off any PPV.

Ok, I'll give you that. His mic skills do need some work.

I'm okay with Owens going over Cesaro.

No, I would've been fine with Owens winning that match.
Regardless, he's too talented to be left off any PPV.

Ok, I'll give you that. His mic skills do need some work.

I'm okay with Owens going over Cesaro.

No, I would've been fine with Owens winning that match.

Nobody is too talented to be left off any PPV.

If you are OK with Owens going over Cesaro, then why this thread? You agree with WWE that Cesaro is better off as an enhancement talent.
Nobody is too talented to be left off any PPV.

If you are OK with Owens going over Cesaro, then why this thread? You agree with WWE that Cesaro is better off as an enhancement talent.

I'm going to give you a list of guys who should be on every single PPV regardless: Bray Wyatt, Cesaro, Daniel Bryan (when healthy), Dean Ambrose, Dolph Ziggler, John Cena, Kevin Owens, Randy Orton, Roman Reigns, Rusev, Seth Rollins, and Sheamus. There are probably others I'm forgetting. The upper mid-carder and main eventers should NEVER EVER miss a PPV.

No one can win ALL the time. There is also such thing as looking good in a loss.
CM Punk vs Daniel Bryan at Over The Limit 2012. Now THATS how you make someone look legit in a loss.. Yes Daniel Bryan lost via pinfall, but Punk tapped right after the match.
Someones gotta win and someones gotta lose. Someone rises and someone else falls. I blame all you guys who insisted on "clean" finishes, this has then caused the .500 booking fiasco that ensures that no one rises too high and saps the shit out of their momentum once they've traded wins with Truth or Kingston for the last five months. Just thank your stars Cesaro survived the dip and is looking to rise again.

Held back? Him and the dozens before him.
I'm going to give you a list of guys who should be on every single PPV regardless: Bray Wyatt, Cesaro, Daniel Bryan (when healthy), Dean Ambrose, Dolph Ziggler, John Cena, Kevin Owens, Randy Orton, Roman Reigns, Rusev, Seth Rollins, and Sheamus. There are probably others I'm forgetting. The upper mid-carder and main eventers should NEVER EVER miss a PPV.

No one can win ALL the time. There is also such thing as looking good in a loss.

Why not just list every guy on the roster that isn't a jobber? Glad you share the same logic as WWE that says certain individuals always have to be on the card all the time.

There is also such a thing as always trying to find fault with WWE's decision when they apply the same logic because the outcome isn't what you wanted.
Cesaro just pinned Kevin Owens on Smackdown. And Rusev the week before. WWE stop holding Cesaro down; he deserves more :rolleyes:
He's solid in the ring but he doesn't have the "it" factor.

He's another Shelton Benjamin.

He has a 44% win record with WWE. That really isn't too bad. That's out of 629 recorded matches and that doesn't include his NXT stuff.

That's actually pretty par for his whole career minus Chikara and NXT where he had higher win percentages.

Everywhere else has been around the 45% mark.

Let's see where this Owens stuff goes now.
Yeah, back to Cesaro! He is so being held back with his well-built match on the second biggest PPV of the year!

But he was left off Battleground. Grrr.
Raw (7-20-15) - Meaningless 6-man tag involving KO and Cesaro.

Smackdown (7-23-15) - Owens attacks Cesaro for no reason.

Raw (7-27-15) - Owens attacks Cesaro again for no reason.

Smackdown (7-30-15) - Cesaro wins in a tag match over KO. Why are they feuding?

Raw (8-3-15) - Owens avoids another confrontation with Cesaro by walking to the back during a MizTV segment. Again, why are they feuding?

Smackdown (8-6-15) - Nothing

Raw (8-10-15) - They both lose to Orton in a Triple Threat #1 Contender's match. Would someone please tell me why they're feuding?

Smackdown (8-13-15) - Owens wins in a tag match over Cesaro. A randomly-thrown-together-at-the-last-minute tag match at that.

Raw (8-17-15) - Cesaro wins in a tag match over KO because why not?

Smackdown (8-20-15) - Cesaro wins in an 8-man tag match over KO because that's all WWE knows how to book.

Well-built feuds don't consist of nothing but thrown together tag team matches and random attacks without purpose.
Well-built? How?

Because they've created a nice little story based around Owens' insecurity and jealousy of Cesaro, and the fear that Cesaro is probably better than him. Meanwhile, Owens is clinging to his one victory over Cena, because it's the only thing he has over Cesaro. It's a fun story.

Meanwhile, the matches that they've both been in have shown a glimpse of their chemistry, thus whetting the appetite for Summerslam.

But I know you're incapable of comprehending anything subtle that requires a smidgen of thought. So just listen to the reactions both men are getting, especially Cesaro. That's a man who's been well-booked in the last month.

Well-built feuds don't consist of nothing but thrown together tag team matches and random attacks without purpose.

You're just incapable of seeing anything other than what's right in front of you, aren't you?

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