PRISON SUX!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OK good to know. One guy said that if i post everyday for a week he or she would help me get out. so I'm going to keep posting each day.
It does not matter if you post here everyday, it matters that you are willing to create decent threads, decent posts & will try to promote discussion. As long as you do this, you can post every 3rd day if you like.
Not too shabby...

Maybe losen up on the smilies/emoticons. Add some more detail to your points that back up the points being stated.

DID YOU KNOW? Check spelling everytime before posting. Doesn't matter how long or short, just check for the hell of it. I do this all the time.

You know how to paragraph, thats a good start.
lol. I didnt know it was hard to learn paragraphing. But Here in france they learn it in like there last 3 years. but yea I tend to just send them and not check the spelling but I am trying.
France aye? I have been there. Great country, considering that I am half french myself. You would lose your ability to spell & make sentences with the weird backwards writing style.
I know people on here dont understand that. I'm 17 trying to learn french before returning to Australia. This is just to keep my english relativly normal, for when i go back to school.

Do you speek french??
Very very little my friend. I went to France four years ago with a good amount of vocabulary but no way in sentence structure. Since then, I have lost my french touch. It is hard going from English to French.

I went for a month & when I came back, I was replacing english word with french. Like, instead of Lemon, I would say Citron.
lol. I've been here for 7 months now. I get a little of the conection words but not to much when is speak english. So it's good. Only 3 more months.
This taker fucker is such a pathetic disgrace. Why is he begging to be let out fo forum jail. Clearly this guy has emotional problems and suffers from a disease known as Having No Real Friends (psycology 101).
Taker for life is a better poster than you two pricks will ever be.
O NO!!!!! Some douchebag Smark thinks I'm a bad poster on a wrestling forum, JESUS CHRIST I MUST CHANGE MY WAYS.

In all seriousness, this taker fuck is a joke. He throws hissy fits in threads and whines and pleads to be let out of forum jail. How sad. Maybe JKO will go be your friend IRL (i doubt it).

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