Potential in Tough Enough

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The Abdi
Okay so.. Tough Enough is just about over tonight we will see who will be crowned the winner and who will recieve a WWE contract. So what I'm currently wondering who in the whole season had potential to be in the WWE one day.

I'll give my thoughts on everybody.

Luke- Cocky pretty boy, loads of talent. He is good and he will be in the WWE whether he wins or not. But he needs to step out of The Miz's shadow because everybody thinks he will be Miz number 2. He would be an excellent heel.

Andy- Has a good look, he could become a marketable big guy, i think he has potential to be a good babyface. He has something about him that makes him very likeable like Maven did.

Jeremiah- Loads of talent, he has heart, I could see him and Luke eventually one day being a top tier WWE tag team like Miz and Morrison were. They have good chemistry.

Ryan- or "Skidmarks" I thought if he worked harder he could become good overtime. I remember when he beat Mikael in a promo war which impressed me and SCSA as well.

AJ- He needs a bit of work but he cut an amazing promo on Bill. He impressed everybody.

Christina- Pretty decent needs to work on her charisma.

Martin- If he wasn't injured he probably would have won the whole contest. He will be in the WWE.

Eric- If he got into better shape and wasn't so clumsy he would be good.

This is who I'm only judging you pick a couple contestants and judge.

I think If Martin wasn't injured it would be him and Luke in the finals with him probably winning. I see Luke becoming big someday hopefully. He has the "package" if you may say. Andy could become a marketable big guy he is very likeable and could be a good big guy in the WWE.

Those are my thoughts and oh yeah who do you think will win tonight Luke or Andy and who in the whole season deserved to win the most?

I think this season of tough enough was pretty good I was hooked on it even people in my school who dislike WWE loved Tough Enough.
I truly think Andy and Jeremiah are the only two WWE worthy guys on the show.

I don't think Luke has the size to make it long term.
Based on taste reasoning, I'd save Luke, Martin, Jeremiah and Ivelisse.

I think I don't need to explain why I think Luke and Martin would work. Jeremiah, well, I'm thinking SCSA/Bill are right, he's too nervous and "rushy", and with his lack of skill, it might be dangerous for him or for others, plus he looks bad rushing certain things, although he's shown he learns quickly, and could eventually be a good asset. And Ivy, she's the only female contestant who looked a bit better for me - the others were just not good enough, at all (although I'm one of the few who think Rima could improve so much more if she worked properly out of TE).

And besides that, I could see Luke as an athletic big guy, if he polishes his moves, although he's not really my cup of tea when it comes to wrestlers.
Luke is more than likely the winner tonight, apart from the one bad week he had, he just natural in the ring. However Jeremiah has a future too and wouldn't surprise me if they use these two as a tag team in the near future, one to help Luke and his attitude and two to help Jeremiah adapt better to the ring. If the two do well, this time next year they could easily be challenging each other for the IC/US title

Martin had potential, even though he looked too much of a nice guy for my liking and no doubt he'll be seen in the FCW very soon.

As for Andy, how he is in the final I really don't know but his Silent Rage is actually a good concept but I don't think he is good enough to pull it off, he almost needs pushing to actually get any Rage across. The only thing I'm looking forward to from his is the predictable stunner he will receive tonight.

Rima was the only decent diva on that entire show and she could barely wrestle, they were poor at best but as least Rima has a personality unlike the others.
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