Tough Enough Contestant Lashing Out

Jeremiah was my favorite Tough Enough contestant. Yes, he could be sloppy in the ring, but he did have a lot of heart and passion, and he did have this natural charisma, but he just sounds like a real tool in this interview. I can understand being bitter about the elimination, and the WWE didn't want to give him another chance, but he just sounds ridiculous here. Okay, maybe DeMott was a dick towards you, when he saw you again, but this whole "I would whoop his fat ass" stuff is so disappointing. As Jack-Hammer already pointed out in the OP, DeMott is highly respected in the wrestling business, so taking shots at him isn't going do you any favors. And if Stone Cold Steve Austin, the second biggest name in pro wrestling history, doesn't think you're good enough, then maybe you should tone down the cocky and disrespectful attitude. Maybe you should go back to the drawing board, Jeremiah.

I liked Jeremiah, and I hope he can make it the wrestling business some day, but these whiny rants aren't going to do him any favors.
Jeremiah never really seemed comfortable as a wrestler. He was a prototypical MMA douche who never got the memo that what he was doing was strictly entertainment. The trainers drooled over him and gave him the benefit of the doubt on numerous occasions but even though he was really raw he never learned from his mistakes. Otherwise he would have been in the gym practicing some of his high risk moves so that it looked more natural and smooth instead of out of left field.
Also, am I the only person who laughed at the fact that he was married with a kid since he was only a couple of years removed from being a contestant on Daisy of Love and I Love Money 3?
I liked Jeremiah on TE. He was very green, but he did make it to the final 3. So there's a lot to work with if you're some one who wants to take the risk on him. He has personality, he has a look and a lot of natural talent, but he's green.

He's also right about this ridiculous need for WWE to have the exact same looking boring performers on their roster who have the personality of a bag of shit.

The rest of it (if it's true) makes him sound like a prima donna and he hasn't done anything yet. If that's his attitude, he's going to have a really tough time getting anywhere in this business. As far as him challenging Bill DeMott, he might want to be careful that he doesn't bite off more than he can chew.
Jeremiah seemed like the last guy on Tough Enough that would lash out and speak badly about WWE. I always thought if anyone would say anything bad about WWE, it would be Luke or maybe Andy. I'm sure things aren't great and there are a lot of green guys in FCW, but who does Jeremiah think he is? Chris Jericho? How many matches or how long has the guy even wrestled? A few months maybe? He isn't doing himself any favors burning bridges with his attitude before he even gets the chance to work on television. Not the smartest tool in the shed.
Not shocked. I mean so many young guys expect the world to be handed to them. "give me a shot" or "push me" yet how many people have you seen pushed, no "SHOVED" and turned out to stink up the place because they are not ready? Back in the day when guys would come though Memphis the would catch hell but if they kept coming back you knew they had something. This kid was told no and he starts crying to the internet. He has some growing up to do.
I feel that Jeremiah Riggs is nothing more than a fame wh*re. I'm sure in his mind trashing Bill DeMott, FCW talent and whoever else is his way of getting a little more publicity than he would have gotten otherwise. I mean look at the guy's resume he tried to get on The Ultimate Fighter and lost his prelim, he was on Daisy of Love, he would have been on I Love Money 3 had it not got cancelled and to break into the wrestling business, he does so by going through a reality show. Riggs is nothing more than a mediocre at best MMA fighter who probably realized he was not getting into the UFC, he didn't get his own VH1 show and now he isn't getting into WWE so he wants to complain and try and get a little publicity out of the fact. I wouldn't be suprised at all if he ends up on a season of Big Brother, Survivor or some other reality show, or if he tries to get into TNA in someway shape or form.
What I didn't like about the interview is he seemed like a smittened child. Like someone who didn't get what they wanted and now all they do is complain about it. What is obvious to me is his lack of experience and his lack of respect for the business and the way things work in the industry altogether. He's unnecessarily burned a bridge that he really wanted to walk across. He came off as entitled. Like he was owed a slot and how dare any wrestling organization deny him. Funny to me, but I guess he will learn the hard way how the world works.

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