Tough Enough Season II: Trainers


Since the relaunch of WWE Tough Enough, we've been treated thus far to an interesting, fun reality show featuring some long time favorites that've lent the show immediate credibility with WWE fans.

Stone Cold Steve Austin is the host of the show and has excelled in his role. As a 6 time WWE Champion, WWE Hall of Famer and the fact that he's as over now as he ever was has kept interest in this show up.

Bill DeMott is the primary trainer of the show. He's probably best known for his time in WCW as Hugh Morris. While he's not a "household name" like the other trainers on ths how, DeMott is very well respected by wrestling insiders.

Booker T has won nearly 3 dozen major wrestling championships in his carrer including 6 World Championships & 15 World Tag Team Championship reigns. Ten of those tag title runs come as a member of Harlem Heat, one of the most dominant teams in wrestling during most of the 1990s. Booker T has future HOFer written all over him.

Trish Stratus is a 7 time WWE Women's Champion and was well known for being a legit talent inside the ring during a time in which most of the WWE Divas were there for little more than tits & ass. Stratus is well respected and has been the biggest female star in wrestling over the course of this past decade. Like Booker, I've no doubt she's HOF bound at some point.

When Tough Enough Season II roles around, if the show continues to hold interest, who would you like to see brought in as new trainers on the show?

I personally think they need to keep Stone Cold as he plays his role as the host like he was born into it. I wouldn't mind if Booker & Trish stayed to be honest, but I have a feeling that they might put in different trainers each season.

I think Edge would be a great fit as a trainer in Season II. Like Booker T, Edge has had major success as both a tag team and singles wrestler. It'd be a way for him to possibly stay involved in WWE to some degree and, also like Booker & Trish, he's HOF bound.

When it comes to the female trainer, I think that Michelle McCool would be a good choice. She's got it in the ring and, in my view, she's got it on the mic. She's one of the few women to be a relevant factor in WWE for the past few years. Two time WWE Women's Champion, two time WWE Divas Champion and the first woman to hold both titles.

I'd like to see Bill DeMott return and I think it'd be fun if the WWE added Hardcore Holly to the mix. He & DeMott worked very well together on the original Tough Enough and he excelled in his role.
I actually agree with your analysis except for the part of hardcore holly....don't get me wrong I like the guy but if tough enough wants to continue as a respected and highly rated show they need legends and/or former top names involved.... For the women get lita, ivory, madusa if she isn't doing anything, even sable if she is willing... For the men I'd get edge like you said,shawn michaels if he is available,jericho? Before he heads back to the E(can't tell me someone with his knowledge and charisma wouldn't be great in that role?)
If there is a TE2 the only set name has to be Bill DeMott. He said himself that he considers Tough Enough his baby and he really helps the show dynamic with his own way of running things. I'd like to see Austin be kept around. He is much like DeMott in the sense that he can give a rat's ass about things and he just wants to see you get things done. In terms of the other trainers, pretty much any former wrestler fits that role. I'd like to see Edge fill that role, but I'm not sure if his body will do it. Remember one bump could do him in. I'm sure he'd be fine to do so, but I'm just saying. Chris Jericho would be my choice in terms of active guys. He knows the ropes, he is one of the best talkers, and one of the best technicians. I would say put him in at host, but he doesn't seem to have the persona that Austin reps as host. As for female I'd like to see the E bring back someone like Lita. She is one of the best divas to ever lace them up and she is still on great terms with the E. Other great choices would Nattie or Beth. Both are probably the best in terms of in ring work currently wrestling. As long as DeMott and Austin are around I think the show would be successful no matter the trainers.
I'd say keep the current team. Austin has the name and the personality to bring people in. Booker and DeMott are respected trainers and it would be best to keep them. Should either one of them go, Lance Storm would be perfect to take over.

If Trish left (and since you need a woman there), the best person to replace her would be Molly Holly, the woman who trained the divas back in the day. If not her, then Gail Kim. She's a good wrestler and isn't being used at all nowadays.
Edge would be an awesome trainer who can bring so much to the table. He may not be able to get in the ring as much as booker or austin can but he can still help train i hope. Just the story Edge has had would help put things into perspective for the competitors as to what tolls the business can take on someone. I don't agree with McCool though, she is hardly on the level of any of the top females to have been in the ring. Lita would be a huge pick up for the franchise, man Lita HBK SCSA would be a big money maker i bet... this season has been great tho i think ryan and and that douchebag mikael had better promos than truth and morrisson did tonight hahaha
edit: Wrong thread.

I would personally like the same trainers next season. These guys know what they're doing and have the experience in training that some of the names being thrown around don't really have. Of course, Shawn Michaels still qualifies and he could replace Book, but I don't really want that to happen just yet.
I think it'd be nice to see a least one judge with some cruiserweight experience. I love Booker T, but he doesn't bring anything to the table that's different from Austin and DeMott. How about using Billy Kidman? He's still a WWE employee as a producer and is also a trainer for FCW. Seems like a pretty natural fit.
I want SCSA to stay definately but they could rotate trainers every season, you could have wrestlers like shawn michaels, edge, lita, and much more. also the trainers from previous seasons could come back and do another so we do not have a trainer shortage.
The Undertaker could be a trainer next year if the show is on long enough and if he is in good condition. Do a tombstone on anyone who talks back to him.:lmao:
Stone Cold needs to stay on as Host.

As far as trainers...

How bout Bret Hart? I know physically he's not going to be able to move around much but he can definitely teach holds and can help correct the technical flaws in the contestants. Run that dungeon style training.

Another choice is Jake Roberts. Long shot i know but if he ever got his shit together he can definitely teach how to do promos and help improve the psychology of matches. Something that is severely lacking in the WWE today.
I'm with Jack-Hammer, gotta at the very least keep on Stone Cold. He's really the best thing going for this show; not only is he extremely entertaining, but he really knows how to work a reality show and he's been a great asset to the contestants. He sees everyone's strengths and weaknesses and he knows how they will factor into their chances at succeeding in the WWE. He's done some great things like bringing out the best in Brian and Rima, made Michelle feel better about deciding against being a diva, and realized that guys like Matt and Mikael just don't have what it takes to be in the WWE.

Bringing back Bill DeMott is a good idea too. He's tough but fair, and that's a rare quality to find in reality show personalities. He also seems really dedicated to trying to make these kids as good as they are.

Booker and Trish are disposable. Enough said. Booker has yet to do anything to really stand out as far as I'm concerned, and while Trish has certainly been helpful and honest, she could still be replaced.

I would like to see someone who is a little more technically sound than Booker take over his role, as none of the coaches this year scream technical superstar to me. I think Dean Malenko could be a good coach as he is certainly knowledgeable and I hear he's actually a pretty interesting guy.

I would also like to see another diva to replace Trish, assuming she can't do it again. Fact of the matter is, the WWE really doesn't have many divas who have even half as much talent as Trish, and they've burned the bridge with the few that do (mainly Mickie, who I think would be great for a TE coach. Victoria would have also been an option). Lita is a distinct possibility, though she seems to have a lot of things going on in her life at any given time. Molly Holly would be a distant third choice. Another possibility is to bring in Michelle McCool as she is supposedly very helpful to the other divas who want to improve in the ring, but it would totally destroy her kayfabe character.
Yeah Bill Demott and Austin should definitely stay but I honestly wouldn't miss Booker T all that much if they replaced him on the second season. They should still probably get a new face or two on the show to keep things new and interesting so season 2 doesn't isn't a carbon copy of season 1.

I'm glad to see that pretty much everyone had the same thought as me that they should get Lita to be a trainer. I thought I had read recently that she was possibly interested in getting back into the WWE and I couldn't think of a better way than by making her a Tough Enough Season 2 trainer.

It'd be great seeing Jericho as a trainer but I'd rather just see him come back as a full time wrestler. But if that's the only way we'd get to see him on WWE TV I'd go for it.

Would love to see Edge as a trainer just for the fact of getting to see him on TV again.

I think Dean Maleanko is a great idea as well and may I suggest William Regal?

I'd say Lance Storm but I'm pretty sure he has his own Tough Enough type thing going on right now.
Stone Cold is the main household name that could keep casual fans coming back for another season if the show sticks around. So I would have him be the host again as besides him being the big name on the show, he does a great job in his role. I loved watching his interactions with the contestants especially during elimination time. You can really tell that Stone Cold takes the competition seriously and does not joke around. I daresay he's very intimidating.

This season of Tough Enough was the first time I've been introduced to Bill DeMott. I like the guy. Like Stone Cold, he's extremely tough on the contestants and forces them to go that extra mile. I also think that while he is a very tough coach he also adds a sense of comic relief to the show as I do find him very funny at times during his interactions with the contestants, specifically that blonde guy with long hair who was in the bottom three last night.

Having Trish as a coach for the aspiring Divas makes a lot of sense this season due to her being noted as one of the best (if not THE best) divas in WWE history. Honestly, I wouldn't mind seeing her come back for another season if she's down for it. Otherwise, another choice would be to possibly bring back Lita or as JGlass mentioned earlier Michelle McCool.

Booker T can be replaced. He hasn't really done anything to stand out among the coaches. Chris Jericho if he doesn't come back as a full time wrestler. William Regal maybe? Maybe even Undertaker... although I find that possibility to not be very likely especially if he's not in shape to do it and ifthe show wants to maintain kayfabe among the active wrestlers.
I'm rather happy with the cast as it is and, the only other option for change I can think of is:

If Austin can't/won't do a second season for whatever reason then I'd really enjoy seeing Triple H take his place. Was just watching the first season of Tough Enough today and the way he spoke to the contestants was brilliant, and would be even better now seeing as he's going to be the big boss soon.
I agree that Booker T and Trish Stratus are disposable for TE Season 2. Austin is the star of the show that really holds the show together. Bill Demott is tough trainer that is really the muscle and voice of reason on the show. Trish and Booker haven't added anything to the show in my opinion.

They probably won't have an active full time superstar on the show as a trainer though. I would love to see Al Snow come back if he wasn't involved with TNA. Some names that come to mind are Edge, Lance Storm, Hardcore Holly, and even Sean Morley. Hearing Morley rip Matt and Jeff Hardy on live television would be classic.
I like Tough Enough, and I think the roster is great with the trainers they have. Austin is a given, a true megastar in the business, DeMott is a great trainer, who loves to teach guys but I saw him get a little impatient with guys. Booker and Trish are bonafide stars, who can still go. I mean WWE could use them both right now on either the Raw or SD roster in the ring rather than as teachers. From previous seasons, I liked Al Snow, Holly and if they were looking for some one new, I could see Edge or Bret.

Personally I think Tough Enough is more about getting another WWe show on the air and less about putting credible performers into WWE. The fact is very few performers become anything substantial in WWE. The first Tough Enough winners are no longer with the company the second winners didn't last a full year, the third season's performers one is with the company Morrison the other has had to fight illness. Miz was a part of it but he didn't win it and there have been a few they've selected from the show who haven't panned out. This format doesn't bring them performers who (for the most part) become true WWE stars.
I think William Regal would work brilliantly as a trainer on this sort of show. He has a hell of a lot of experience, he's credited with having trained some great wrestlers, he clearly knows just what it takes to make it in wrestling and he's shown recently with his commentary stint that he's looking for a new position within the company. A trainer on Tough Enough would be a good spot for him.
If Finlays firing really was just to appease whoever was pissed at the time and he has the chance to be brought back he would also make a great trainer in the DeMott role. Incredibly tough and highly respected in the business. And he's worked training the divas.
I like the current cast of host and trainers a lot. I've even been accused of having "personal issues" in another thread because I thought it so important. :blush:

If there are changes to be made in season II I would like to see Booker T replaced by Edge, because 3 episodes in it is already showing that Booker's commitments as commentator are in conflict with his Tough Enough schedule. Don't know how qualified Edge is in comparison- after all Booker T used to have his own wrestling school, but I could see Edge pulling it off.
If Edge is not ready to ge back into WWE programming that soon, there are a number of qualified guys I could see there. Chavo Guerrero, Dean Malenko, Chris Jericho (unlikely), Bret Hart (!) just to name a few.

If Trish won't stay, I could see Lita stepping in, or from the current roster Gail Kim (it's not like they are doing anything with her on TV anyway).

Bill DeMott should stay no matter what. In his active wrestling days he was barely on my radar, but I must say he excels in his role as trainer. Edit: The Crazman just brought up Finlay. I must agree that if one guy could replace DeMott it would have to be him.

And Stone Cold can't go. I won't hear of it. I can't see anyone else in that role.
Here's who I would say to have as trainers

Overall Host/Judge- Stone Cold- No doubt about it he is the most ruthless S.O.B. there is or was in the WWE, he ain't afraid to put you in your place. I like his current role, and he needs to remain in it.

Now as for the other 3 or 4 judges- If we were to change up the trainers a little bit, I would say-

Edge- he definitely needs to be one. He's held pretty much every title in the WWE that you can think of, he's unpredictable, he's tough, and he's been through every thing you can think of... both good and bad.

I would say Rey Mysterio should be one- He's nearing retirement I'm sure, cause he seems to be wearing down, plus they signed Sin Cara who is basically a younger, faster version of Rey. Plus Rey would be useful for testing the guys in speed challenges, how to fly around the ring, and any moves that use the ropes. Plus he's a fan favorite which will keep more viewers around.

As for Diva's, I'd say keep Trish Stratus if she wants to stay. She has a pretty good role right now and is arguably the greatest WWE Diva.

Other guys that I wouldn't mind seeing either as Trainers or guest Appearances- Goldberg, HBK, Triple H, Kevin "Diesel" Nash, Lita, Jericho, as well as some of the current WWE Roster including people who appeared on this years episodes.
Keep SCSA and Demott, I would would make the show Diesel powered wouldn't mind Edge in their as a trainer either that show would be comedy gold listening to Ausin and Nash talk about how horrible someone is because they both tell it like it is and they both probably would be drinking beer the whole time.

I wouldn't mind seeing Lita as the female trainer or Molly Holly would be interesting too.
Couldn't help but notice that no one is asking to bring back Al Snow. :crossbones:

(Don't know what it is about the guy, but something about him just rubs me the wrong way.)

Posted by jacdnwarrior:
Personally I think Tough Enough is more about getting another WWe show on the air and less about putting credible performers into WWE. The fact is very few performers become anything substantial in WWE. The first Tough Enough winners are no longer with the company the second winners didn't last a full year, the third season's performers one is with the company Morrison the other has had to fight illness. Miz was a part of it but he didn't win it and there have been a few they've selected from the show who haven't panned out. This format doesn't bring them performers who (for the most part) become true WWE stars.
I would say you hit the nail on the head there. The show is about the show itself. That in the end the person who is left gets a WWE contract is more like an annoying side effect. They would probably much rather just give that person a check and then send him/her home, never to be seen again, but that premise just would be too lame to keep people interested in a TV show.

Posted by harrythem
If Austin can't/won't do a second season for whatever reason then I'd really enjoy seeing Triple H take his place.
Sigh. I suppose if anyone has to step in for Austin, that's the only one who could possibly do it. Undertaker could do it, too, if it wouldn't totally kill his character. I sure hope Austin stays, though.

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