Posters Who Are Also Good Human Beings

If this thread is made in 3 years time, I guarantee nobody will say me. I'm actually a completely unlikeable little shit (as those who know me on previous forums will attest). But I'm happy with that. Every forum needs one. And with Milenko seemingly gone and nobody paying attention to Macios, I guess my time is soon.
Hardcore. Everyone look out for this rebel, he doesn't care for your social conventions!
Sally, Haiku Hogan, and Dirty Jose. Coco's a sweetie too. But Coco impersonators are going to hell.

I've only seen maybe a hand full of people be outright assholes, and i can't even remember their names, so I'll assume the rest of you are good people with a sick sense of humor until proven otherwise.
Goodness, there are many of you I think highly of.

Sally is flat-out the best person on the Forums that I know. She's a great poster and a really solid friend to have. Her ability to provide logic in emotional situations is something I value.

Mitch or whatever he's calling himself these days is one of the most easy-going people I know, and just a pleasure to talk about anything with. He's not just knowledgeable about movies, folks.

Habs is one of my favorite people on the forums. I have a lot of respect for him in how he's handled being a single father, but he's also a funny dude who's fun to talk sports, wrestling, or life with.

JGlass is someone I hope to meet someday. I know(as I am with everyone) that I'm incredibly slow in writing him back, but he's thoroughly engaging on a number of levels, from wrestling discussion to work ventures. Just an intelligent guy on so many levels.

Hell's frozen over, but I've come to appreciate CoCo as a person. He helped me out immensely after my ankle surgery with spot-on suggestions for TV shows and movies to watch. I enjoyed our back and forth PM's during that time. The Wire is brilliant.

Regardless of what people say, Dagger is a great guy. I count him a friend and fortunate to do so. He's one of the most consistent people in terms of actually caring about other people I've seen on this forum.

The guy who started this thread, Tdigle, is someone I respect. Incredibly intelligent and well-written, the guy knows his stuff on a variety of levels. He's done something right in that he found a wife who made a helluva lot of sacrifices, it appears, while he was in school. I respect what he's done to get to his station in life, and the profession he's chosen.

As much as you see from KB out here on the forums, he does so much more behind the scenes as well. A great guy whose morals I respect immensely, as well as his knowledge of wrestling. Dude's an encyclopedia of it.

JMT is so well-written and his posts just draw you in. I don't know him as well as I'd like, but he seems like a genuinely good human being as well based on his posts on various topics.

Naitch is a really funny guy whom I'd certainly like to meet someday as well. I've had some great convos with him regarding wrestling, music, and women, and he's shown himself to be both knowledgeable and respectful of such things.

Norcal's posts in my section(s) are amongst my favorite to read. He always brings something different, and better, a dose of reality as well. Mad respect for what he does for our country.

Becca is good people, and KB is a fortunate man in finding her. She also brings great perspective in the Symposium, and I genuinely respect her as a person, which is hard for me to say about someone I've never met.

Brain is a great guy. He's mature, knowledgeable, and the best old-school poster on the site. He's always been someone whose opinion on wrestling I hold in high regard, along with sports knowledge. He manages to get his point across without putting others down as well, which is hard to find.

If I missed someone, my apologies, it's been a long day and my brain isn't functioning near full capacity. Feel free to yell at me and call me terrible things if I missed you and you should be obvious to me. Although to be honest, I didn't intend to write this much in the first place.

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