Post Your Rep - Prison Version

9844 point(s) total

Oh WILLIAM! 02-10-2011 01:13 AM The Bearded One-Der Very good question.

Is reading a lost art? 02-09-2011 09:58 PM Mister Awesome Great thread, man! I really put a shitload of thought into posting in it. Keep the threads coming!

Is reading a lost art? 02-09-2011 05:29 PM lenguy I enjoyed "reading"your you see the irony? lol

3 inches of Blood AKA... 02-08-2011 01:48 PM Uncle Phatso It wont die on my clock

WWE RAW LD 2/7/2011 -... 02-07-2011 09:50 PM The Raven's Epitaph Good point really..

I know you guys won't... 02-07-2011 08:21 PM Sully

Cage Match - Your Least... 02-07-2011 06:58 PM Smooth Sexual Chocolate foamy the muthah fuckin squrill

High School stories 02-07-2011 06:05 PM Mister Awesome I approve.

Find'er Woo'er Ryd'er 02-07-2011 05:25 PM Find'er Woo'er Ryder thanks dude.

Which poster would you... 02-07-2011 09:59 AM LilacFray:lol:

Post Your Rep - Prison... 02-07-2011 01:11 AM Sparky I'm sorry, I had to do it.

Post Your Rep - Prison... 02-06-2011 08:31 PM Crooked I Aint that the truth, though. Hopefully I get some from at least one of them in my career LOL

3 inches of Blood AKA... 02-06-2011 07:56 PM The Hamburglar Did my post live up to your standards? lol Hope so, I'll try and post here once a week for you bro.

The KB bullshit about... 02-06-2011 05:00 PM klunderbunker That's the only funny thing that you've ever said.

The Cigar Lounge Society 02-06-2011 10:56 AM Xemnas Excellent. Can't wait.

Really? Really? REALLY? 02-06-2011 10:16 AM The Doctor

WrestleZone Forums Sig... 02-05-2011 07:01 PM Stinger Thanks Milenko

What the hell happened... 02-05-2011 06:58 PM Hardcore Inc. You're like the only guy on these forums thats not a complete asshole to me

Would a theme song by a... 02-05-2011 05:32 PM Mister Awesome Probably, but it wouldn't happen often. For example, I don't like Edge but I love Alter Bridge.

Association of people... 02-05-2011 05:23 PM Find'er Woo'er Ryder haha
What song are you... 02-10-2011 05:44 AM Rox Betta keep postin that RiRi!

The 2011 Wrestlezone... 02-10-2011 03:01 AM The Rev sXe They are just ignorants.

Start naming actors 02-10-2011 02:46 AM Angel a scotsman talking like a [censored], I love it

Defining the moment:... 02-09-2011 10:26 PM LSN80 Great post. Love the "Mini Mark" stuff. And no problem on the video, I figured many would enjoy it. :-)

[censored thread title] 02-09-2011 08:41 PM D-Man <3

I've Been Held Back By... 02-09-2011 08:11 PM Sound Of Madness REP FOR EVERYONE

Has the **** level in... 02-09-2011 06:54 PM HHHeartbreak Kid Barney is the funniest character on tv right now.

How I Met Your Mother 02-09-2011 05:23 PM Nate I know what you mean. Never really seen that kind of range from Segal(sp) before.

What song are you... 02-09-2011 02:39 AM The Hamburglar I posted a little Ri Ri for you. She is very enjoyable... and pretty hot.

What song are you... 02-09-2011 01:25 AM Joe's Gonna Kill You Finally got to rep power 2 Thanks for the help getting me there

Another generic 'Pick... 02-08-2011 10:19 PM The Crock InFUCKINGdeed.

Uso brothers may... 02-08-2011 10:01 PM RendarSelin

WZCW Discussion Thread 02-08-2011 09:37 PM The Disturbed Thanks for the advice

The song that got you... 02-08-2011 04:40 PM The Natural my pick also

The Compliment... 02-08-2011 06:41 AM Friendly Neighborhood JGlass Great thread series, saved my best post for last.

Jersey Shore, Bitch! 02-07-2011 11:52 PM Buffalo Dave Thanks again for the heads up and fixing the sig!!

Sting Perhaps Not... 02-07-2011 11:12 PM SpoodBeest Pretty damn good and yourself?

The song that got you... 02-07-2011 10:30 PM Milenko Dave posts always make me smile. Especially when they're in my threads

Just How Good Was It? 02-07-2011 10:11 PM Theo great post dave

The Compliment... 02-07-2011 10:08 PM WWE.IS.AWESOME Nice thread series

17,439 points total.
Post Your Rep - Prison... 02-11-2011 12:06 AM WWE.IS.AWESOME I don't think I ever repped you so here ya go

Post Your Rep - Prison... 02-10-2011 10:53 AM The Natural take some rep you son of a bitch!

Tell a secret about the... 02-10-2011 04:47 AM Crooked I

Post Your Rep - Prison... 02-09-2011 08:39 PM Find'er Woo'er Ryder Cuz of you better posting you now have 33.

Wrestling Name Game 02-09-2011 08:33 AM Keyboard Warrior

WM27 Guest Host 02-08-2011 07:06 AM Keyboard Warrior I don't really hate you, only Macios.

WM27 Guest Host 02-08-2011 05:12 AM DirtyJosé Can't remember if you guys get rep or not. Oh well.

Post Your Rep - Prison... 02-08-2011 02:12 AM Crooked I Here you go, bro!

Who Deserves Out? 02-07-2011 09:20 PM Milenko

Post Your Rep - Prison... 02-07-2011 11:36 AM Sparky and now?

Post Your Rep - Prison... 02-07-2011 09:59 AM enterkey

Post Your Rep - Prison... 02-06-2011 10:25 PM Sully

Mr Anderson Fucking... 02-06-2011 03:55 PM fuel cool

Post Your Rep - Prison... 02-06-2011 04:12 AM Keyboard Warrior

Post Your Rep - Prison... 02-05-2011 09:38 AM Sparky This should help.

Tell a secret about... 02-04-2011 07:52 PM Roberto Del Rio Or what everyone else calls a floppy.

TNA, I Salute You &... 02-04-2011 06:39 PM Henhouse My thoughts exactly.

Post Your Rep - Prison... 02-03-2011 09:05 PM Find'er Woo'er Ryder I'll help you with your posting if you want

Post Your Rep - Prison... 02-03-2011 04:26 PM The Natural i can rep u, so i will.

Post Your Rep - Prison... 02-03-2011 02:34 PM ScreaminNormanSmiley Do I get a thank you too?

And I'm on 42.
Macca 02-11-2011 08:37 PM Sully He was quote something Bill said in one of his rants.

Post Your Rep - Prison... 02-10-2011 10:57 PM Mister Awesome Bump!

Post Your Rep - Prison... 02-10-2011 05:08 PM WWE.IS.AWESOME 310

WZCW Discussion Thread 02-10-2011 04:39 PM Disturbed So now your Bill Clinton? It's an inside joke. IDK if you will get it or not haha

Macios VS Jackiz Kirey... 02-10-2011 07:14 AM Sully

What do you get when... 02-09-2011 03:07 PM HHHeartbreak Kid cold cut combo FTW

I've Been Held Back By... 02-09-2011 01:10 PM Sound Of Madness

I've Been Held Back By... 02-09-2011 12:19 PM Uncle Sam Fine. Have some back.

Posters you hate to... 02-09-2011 01:30 AM Keyboard Warrior

Should ALL of Fortune... 02-08-2011 08:29 PM wushady

Post Your Rep - Prison... 02-08-2011 08:23 PM WWE.IS.AWESOME I'll rep you instead lol but thanks for tryin!

WZCW Discussion Thread 02-08-2011 04:24 PM Disturbed

WZCW Feedback *For... 02-08-2011 02:21 PM Numbers

Who Deserves Out? 02-07-2011 03:39 PM Mister Awesome Giving you rep for no particular reason.

Who Deserves Out? 02-07-2011 03:06 PM Crooked I Here is that Rep I said I was gonna give you!! Keep up the good posts and Green Rep for me LOL...

Who Deserves Out? 02-07-2011 03:02 PM Disturbed rep

Cover Songs That Are... 02-07-2011 05:11 AM Xemnas

Matt Hardy Claims... 02-07-2011 03:03 AM Tugboat77 lol

Post Your Rep - Prison... 02-06-2011 10:27 PM Keyboard Warrior

His Best Match? pt 2 02-06-2011 09:32 PM The Brain

Never had a full page of green rep before, so I decided to share it!

A Plea to make the... 02-13-2011 01:22 AM CrookedI lol
Let's America this... 02-12-2011 11:11 PM The Rev sXe that is a fact! a funny one too
In Response To Chris... 02-12-2011 03:56 PM Rckstrtmmy
In Response To Chris... 02-12-2011 12:46 PM Nick B.
In Response To Chris... 02-12-2011 12:40 PM The Hamburglar
In Response To Chris... 02-12-2011 11:07 AM Jack-Hammer

In Response To Chris... 02-12-2011 10:14 AM TheAbsolute1.5 Miz sucks, you suck. I want my money back.
In Response To Chris... 02-12-2011 08:08 AM Heartachetonight926
The SD! LD on 2/11 Is... 02-11-2011 11:57 PM Serious Jones Obligatory rep for one of my favorite Futurama jokes ever
TNA iMPACT! LD for... 02-11-2011 12:55 PM UltimateHitman lulz
Your personal... 02-11-2011 10:35 AM Smooth Sexual Chocolate Haha, fuckin' classic
Poor Sully... 02-09-2011 10:28 AM justinsayne Exactly
Interesting Stat on the... 02-09-2011 08:39 AM The Doctor he's an idiot
Posters you hate to... 02-09-2011 03:30 AM Keyboard Warrior

What Made You Stop... 02-09-2011 03:07 AM davidslayer
Poor Sully... 02-09-2011 01:52 AM Sully No, but I still hate em. haha.
Henry looked like a... 02-08-2011 10:19 PM UltimateHitman Would've sent this sooner but had to wait to give out more rep. Gave out too much yesterday.
Do You Realize Who/What... 02-08-2011 06:03 PM Shocky
Are Kurt Angle's... 02-08-2011 11:06 AM FitFinlay4Life You realise your pissing in the wind with this guy? Well said tho
Lawler and The Miz 02-08-2011 04:25 AM Tha Wolfpac Sig is classic.
Down from 46 for 41, courtesy of Sparky.
Think he wants a mention. By the way, I still think you're a good guy. Your Red doesn't really phase me. Thanks.

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