Post Your Rep - Prison Version

9902 point(s) total

Yo! WZ! X Needs YOUR Help 02-19-2011 07:39 AM HBK-aholic Thanks x

The Cigar Lounge Society 02-18-2011 08:47 PM Mister Awesome

Cage Match Round 2-... 02-18-2011 01:45 PM enterkey thank you good sir!

Shit Cock Ass Damn Hell... 02-17-2011 07:42 PM Serious Jones Sorry, man. I'll get one eventually.

MOSH PIT: The... 02-17-2011 01:51 PM It's Damn Real! I'm all about the metal, dude, but 3IOB is a gimmicky group of hardcore kids parading as "metal". I saw them six or seven years ago when they were still nobodies playing in bowling allies in Long Island. Not much has changed since then IMO.

Can you help mee win a... 02-17-2011 11:42 AM HHHeartbreak Kid It does get a tad disheartning at times. Why must some of the regulars go out of their way to shit on new guys? It doesn't help in anyway.

The Cigar Lounge Society 02-17-2011 02:43 AM LSN80 I understand what youre saying. You know me, Im not intentionally trying to sound like a dick. If I came across that way, i apologize.

The Cigar Lounge Society 02-17-2011 12:32 AM The Hamburglar Very true, brother. by the way, you dont remember but you asked if your smilie worked in the rep you sent me about a week did. :thumbsup: lol

The Cigar Lounge Society 02-17-2011 12:26 AM Mister AwesomeAwwwww shit! Milenko layin' the smacketh-downeth! Well, not really. I just felt like saying this. Lol.

I feel sorry for the... 02-14-2011 11:57 PM Arkham Noir FUCK YES THE ROCK!!!!!!!

The Cigar Lounge Society 02-14-2011 11:51 AM enterkey you have an odd way of showing people that you like them

Your biggest fear 02-14-2011 01:17 AM Sully I love public speaking, I'm always a little nervous, but I can still do it with ease. Nowadays they make you take a public speaking class in school.

Breaking News: Milenko... 02-13-2011 05:56 PM Coco The Monkey You've killed it for everyone.

The Corre-Worst Faction... 02-12-2011 03:22 PM Crooked I Some Green on that one, it made me laugh!

Theo's Request Kingdom! 02-12-2011 11:00 AM Theo :thumbsup:

Epic name change 02-12-2011 09:03 AM Noticeably F.A.T. Indeed

The Cigar Lounge Society 02-11-2011 01:45 AM LSN80 Gonna try and post in it tomorrow.

Is reading a lost art? 02-10-2011 02:24 PM Xemnas I would, but Mr. Awesome doesn't want me to plug anyone else. He says it's one of the reasons everyone hates us.

Post Your Rep - Prison... 02-10-2011 12:54 PM enterkey

It needs to stop 02-10-2011 12:47 PM nightmare keep ya head up. Streep is overrated. i enjoy ur movie threads. forget the haters.
Milenko has an awesome sig.
Theo's work?
3 out of the 7 were made by Theo (The collage of my favorite wretslers, GSP & The TNA one). the Milenko Inferno one was made by Doc. The JCW one was made by someone who doesn't post anymore and the foamy one I found using google.
Milenko, it's the Rvd, Velvet Sky, and a coupla other guys, with your name running vertically on the right hand side. Looks awesome though. There's some blur stuff happening as well.
:angry: Those 'other guys' as you so causually call them are Alex Shelley & Chris Sabin The Motor City Machine Guns. :suspic:
I have to wonder. Do you get blacklisted when you recieve and infraction? It might just be me but it seems certain mods go after certain people and just chase them to eternity. Others are allowed to have threads created or spam and not recieve a single bad word to em. I'm just confused as to why some people seem to get gunned more than others or never at all. Oh and I have the crappiest rep. Can't build it when no one gives it lol
My rep has been going up and down in the 30s-40s section in the last few days. Started when Doc got his period and fucked up my big streak. Then GD have me red, but he had a wink in I think there wasn't any hard feelings..I think GD just doesn't know how to give green rep.

Then after that I got 3 more rep points and I'm back at 1247. I'm hoping I get another bar at 1300. 53 more to go. :)

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