How To Be Released From Prison: A Guide For New Prisoners

Mac Attack

I'm neat.
Hello there,

You may or may not be wondering who I am and why I'm writing about how to get released from Prison and the simple answer is I'm an ex Prisoner (twice) and one of the former most active prisoners of all time.

Having been recently released I have frequented a lot less to the Prison however I thought it would be nice of I wrote this as a means for giving back to the Prison.

This basic guide is designed to get you released from the Prison in the shortest amount of time and make your stay on Wrestlezone as enjoyable as possible.

So here's what you got to do in order to eventually get released in order of importance:

1) You are in here because you did something wrong. The sooner you accept this the sooner your road to recovery begins.

2) Show why you can be a contributor to the forums. Posting good threads, good posts and good ideas are all beneficial to you. You currently aren't considered a good poster, change that idea and already you have elevated yourself.

3) Make friends. If you can make friends and get people to like you, you are bound to create more discussion in general and you can start to get people to compliment you for what you do.

4) Don't cry over spilled milk. Somebody makes fun of you...shake it off. There's no reason to get upset over the Internet about someone making a small joke at your expense. Continue posting and show you are the bigger man or women but that never happens lol.

5) Be creative... Originality counts and is more intriguing then generic posts. Adding some flavor to your style makes you more appealing.

6) Don't ask for release. To clarify don't directly ask for it, you can infer why you think you're improving, and infer what you'd do if released but bugging admins for release will only prolong your time in here.

7) Grammar counts. Not noing haw to spll mkes u seem stuped. In all seriousness I'd recommend making your posts in Microsoft word having spell check running as you are under the microscope in here. Slight mistakes will be noticed especially since you are a Prisoner.

8) Ask for advice. There's nothing better than asking a mod or admin what can I be doing better and then follow through with it. It shows willingness to learn as well as quality posting.

9) Keep your nose out of trouble and no trouble will come to you. Trust Bilbo Baggins, if something doesn't seem wise or something you should be posting about then don't do it. Pretty plain and simple.

10) Stay positive. It will be over soon. Keep a smile and carry on.

So there you have it. How to get out of Prison as soon as possible. Feel free to use this guide and message me if you have a few questions. I will get a PM if you quote me and I'm here to help.

Also feel free to sticky this if you want.
Off topic but I'm actually hoping Macios fucks up again and lands in here. The Prison activity is at an all time low (presumably) and some of my favourite forum members posted regularly in here when Macios was locked here.
No kissing ass is a bad idea. It never really works.

It's about kissing ass without them really knowing them that you do.

But smartest choice is to actually getting out there and discovering that internet is a big place with massive amounts of forums. You just find another one and continue your legacy until you tire of being either a dick or a troll.

You eventually become a good and boring poster. Also my advice to anyone here is to find a small community where the staff treats their members less casual. It's a place where they need all the members they can have. Not to big to fails like huge sites.

In the end it's all about playing it smart. Don't limit yourself with one place and be butt hurt when you get be smart and drive safe.

The more you know....

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