Post Your Rep - Prison Version

Why thank you I greatly appreciating you giving me negative for posting I had 0. I greatly apprciate it. It makes me more focused on earning more green rep in the future instead of simply being given red rep.

Wow, less than a year ago I was at -2 and it got as low as -86 at one point. I think that the above post was the turn around for me as it went really low and I brought it up to 0. Proud to say I'm at 1646 with 644 posts with an entirely green rep page.
Mine is currently 1119 & it looks a bit like this

Balls_of_Jericho 09-27-2011 10:22 PM Numbers

Interview The Person... 09-27-2011 12:55 PM Triple Naitch gone back to your original name I see bro

WZCW Discussion Thread 09-26-2011 07:45 AM Uncle Phatso

Tournament to decide #1... 09-25-2011 08:14 PM Classy JGlassy Good looks J4L. JOIN THE SABOTEUR REVOLUTION!!!

Post Your Rep 09-25-2011 04:58 PM Ollie J4L, the Abyss name was unique and amusing, but this has a cooler abbreviation.

Post Your Rep 09-25-2011 04:24 PM Macios

Cult of brohanality 09-25-2011 04:18 PM Cult of BRohanity

Post Your Rep 09-24-2011 07:03 PM Theo Mays

Post Your Rep 09-24-2011 06:45 PM RKOtheWORLD21

Post Your Rep 09-24-2011 01:09 PM XTheFutureX Have some more

Post Your Rep - Prison... 09-23-2011 04:35 AM LSN80 Six more my friend. You better hit me back, or Ill red rep your ass. :-) I kid!

The "New Look"... 09-22-2011 09:02 PM Cult of BRohanity Lulz, myspace!

WZCW Feedback *For... 09-22-2011 05:36 PM The FunKay Pharaoh Cheers

Post Your Rep 09-22-2011 05:31 PM RKOtheWORLD21

WZCW Discussion Thread 09-22-2011 03:08 PM Blade

WZCW Feedback *For... 09-22-2011 02:45 PM newc868 Thanks man. Confirmed everything I thought about this RP.

WZCW Feedback *For... 09-22-2011 12:11 PM Lee

WZCW Discussion Thread 09-22-2011 05:56 AM Hawkeye For fb

WZCW Discussion Thread 09-21-2011 11:07 PM The Crock

Post Your Rep - Prison... 09-21-2011 04:28 PM LilacFray You forgot how much your Rep's worth. Two, not One.

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