Post Your Rep - Prison Version

People have been generous with Serious Jones rep lately, and a lot more *~*high-profile*~* people have been repping me, so I just reached 401.

Seriously, I don't know why the fuck you choose to bash me, since I've never interacted with you, but whatever. You continue sending me your "clever" lil pictures through rep and I'll continue to wonder you seem like a used douche bag. Fuck you.

I got your love letter too. Smooches, baby.

This was about your comment in Sully's rep, you wonderfully homophobic tool you.
DirtyJosé;2779617 said:
I got your love letter too. Smooches, baby.

This was about your comment in Sully's rep, you wonderfully homophobic tool you.

Bro, I don't use the word "***" in the sense that I'm bashing Homosexuals. Ever. Where I come from, it's just another term that means your acting like a pussy. I think ST's views on football can come off that way. That's why the term was used, nothing to do with being a homophobe.
Bro, I don't use the word "***" in the sense that I'm bashing Homosexuals. Ever. Where I come from, it's just another term that means your acting like a pussy. I think ST's views on football can come off that way. That's why the term was used, nothing to do with being a homophobe.

No, what you meant to say was "I grew up in an area where I was made to believe that using an inflammatory, hateful, bigoted term however you please is acceptable". Lie to yourself all you want; I'd expect that kind of behavior from 14 year old brats, not someone claiming to be 30. There's no excuse for willful ignorance, you ass. Kindly stop PM'ing me now.
DirtyJosé;2779770 said:
No, what you meant to say was "I grew up in an area where I was made to believe that using an inflammatory, hateful, bigoted term however you please is acceptable". Lie to yourself all you want; I'd expect that kind of behavior from 14 year old brats, not someone claiming to be 30. There's no excuse for willful ignorance, you ass. Kindly stop PM'ing me now.

Are you saying every person in Pittsburgh raises their children to hate homosexuals?

I was raised the exact opposite, as in not to hate anybody regardless of race, gender, sexuality. The only people my family told me to hate, are people from Cleveland, Baltimore, and Cincinnati.

And of course Oakland, and Dallas.

And why do you assume everybody you hate is a 14 year old brat? Just because I'm an ignorant twat, doesn't mean HHHeartbreak kid is.
Are you saying every person in Pittsburgh raises their children to hate homosexuals?

No, but conditioning has led you to believe that using that term in whatever way you think is "safe" is still offensive and unacceptable. Grow up. If you want to call someone a pussy, call them a pussy. I wish you all would stop copycatting Eminem's excuse for using the word and maybe, just maybe, realize that using the word in whatever way only propagates it's usage.

And why do you assume everybody you hate is a 14 year old brat? Just because I'm an ignorant twat, doesn't mean HHHeartbreak kid is.

...sigh...go read that line again, Sully.
First of all, not sure what Eminem said, or how it relates to what I said.

Second of all, I know I called myself an annoying ignorant twat 14 year old brat. U mad?
Stop being an ignorant twat. I hope you rot in this prison forever. Go back to australia and watch your fucking tennis, with your 3rd person gimmick.

^that was a little harsh, my apologies. Nah, just kidding. Fuck you Bill Lesnar. Ya stupid twat. I really like that word "twat", and white text.
DirtyJosé;2779770 said:
No, what you meant to say was "I grew up in an area where I was made to believe that using an inflammatory, hateful, bigoted term however you please is acceptable". Lie to yourself all you want; I'd expect that kind of behavior from 14 year old brats, not someone claiming to be 30. There's no excuse for willful ignorance, you ass. Kindly stop PM'ing me now.

This ironically smarks of ignorance. Obviously unaware of the evolution of words meanings. Classic example: Gay used to mean happy, then it came to mean homosexual, and it often now means generally bad as in "that's gay dude". Which does it mean? ALL OF THEM. This is a bit outlandish but, say the word run suddenly meant to digest something then that is just another usage of the word. So if you use the word *** in a context where it isn't a derogatroy word for a homosexual person, there is no offence need be taken, all that means is that the word has more than one usage. Besides the unecessary tone with which you write I'm sure gives an indication to the kindof person you are. Next time your eyes recieve a signal, allow the message to travel past the brain department before arriving at the response department at your fingertips, it'll avoid future episodes.
This ironically smarks of ignorance. Obviously unaware of the evolution of words meanings. Classic example: Gay used to mean happy, then it came to mean homosexual, and it often now means generally bad as in "that's gay dude". Which does it mean? ALL OF THEM. This is a bit outlandish but, say the word run suddenly meant to digest something then that is just another usage of the word. So if you use the word *** in a context where it isn't a derogatroy word for a homosexual person, there is no offence need be taken, all that means is that the word has more than one usage. Besides the unecessary tone with which you write I'm sure gives an indication to the kindof person you are. Next time your eyes recieve a signal, allow the message to travel past the brain department before arriving at the response department at your fingertips, it'll avoid future episodes.

Sorry, no. Go call someone that anywhere but The Cage and try arguing that with the mods when they ban you for a week. I'm well aware of what meanings you may try to apply to the word, but it's still just hiding the fact that you're too stupid to stop using hateful language.
This ironically smarks of ignorance. Obviously unaware of the evolution of words meanings. Classic example: Gay used to mean happy, then it came to mean homosexual, and it often now means generally bad as in "that's gay dude". Which does it mean? ALL OF THEM. This is a bit outlandish but, say the word run suddenly meant to digest something then that is just another usage of the word. So if you use the word *** in a context where it isn't a derogatroy word for a homosexual person, there is no offence need be taken, all that means is that the word has more than one usage. Besides the unecessary tone with which you write I'm sure gives an indication to the kindof person you are. Next time your eyes recieve a signal, allow the message to travel past the brain department before arriving at the response department at your fingertips, it'll avoid future episodes.

Cigar Lounge that shit.

Oh, and leave Jose alone.:)
DirtyJosé;2780389 said:
Sorry, no. Go call someone that anywhere but The Cage and try arguing that with the mods when they ban you for a week. I'm well aware of what meanings you may try to apply to the word, but it's still just hiding the fact that you're too stupid to stop using hateful language.

Yeah they may READ it as having it's alternate meaning, but if you get banned for using a word out of context then you've been banned for the wrong reasons plain and simple. And fair enough it's other meaning is basically "idiot" and so is still offensive, but idiot is a generally accepted word in the forums. I mean you yourself called the guy you were talking to an ass, there are some offensive words that are accepted. I just think that the word *** as in idiot, should be accepted because the word idiot itself is accepted.

Cigar Lounge that shit.

Oh, and leave Jose alone.:)

Think we already did that one, it was the whole fiasco about whether swearing was bad and things. In the end even NorCal didn't know what I was saying, so he just repped me to shut me up.
Whether you mean it as a homophobic slur or not it is still a homophobic slur. By your logic it would be ok to call somebody who is not black the N word, because you do not actually mean they are one, it is just a way to call them stupid or whatever bullshit you are pretending it means. If you call someone that as an insult you are also saying in a way that the people that word is meant to insinuate are also bad. You may just use it out of habit or ignorance and not actually many any harm by it, but that doesn't change its meaning, and it sure as hell doesn't make it an alright word to throw around casually.
BZZZZZZZT wrong. See theoretically the N word IS a word you could use casually, but people are so over-sensitised to it's usage that they take it as an offensive term.

"The word originated as a term used in a neutral context to refer to black people, as a variation of the Spanish/Portuguese noun negro, a descendant of the Latin adjective niger, meaning the color "black". - Wiki -

The word literally means black, black people are black hence the term ought not be offensive and yet it is accepted to be. "If you call someone that as an insult you are also saying in a way that the people that word is meant to insinuate are also bad". No, that is what a stupid person would be doing if they were inter-twining the contexts, you keep the two contexts completely and utterly separate and there is no issue, one context would represent a stupid person and the other be a slang term for homosexual. After all in Britain many people refer to a cigarrette as a ***, it is a widely accepted venacular, is that offensive?

People like to believe they are sticking up for others because it gives them the moral high-ground, but sometimes people really don't understand what it is they are arguing about. If I call somebody a *** and I intend it to mean idiot, and you interpret it as being offensive to gay people then it's you who has the problem because if the term isn't intended to offend, your finding offence that was never there!
"The word originated as a term used in a neutral context to refer to black people, as a variation of the Spanish/Portuguese noun negro, a descendant of the Latin adjective niger, meaning the color "black". - Wiki

This is literally the stupidest argument I've ever seen for the use of the N word. No shit it used to neutral. Black people also used to be packed onto ships like sardines, unloaded in a strange land, and forced to do hard labor. The people who engaged in the slave trade are the ones that coined that term, and it's almost an homage to them to keep on using it. It's a hateful term used to describe black people that has connotations of slavery. Why use the N word when it's easier and more polite to say "black", "African American", "Whatever you Brits call your black people", etc.
This is literally the stupidest argument I've ever seen for the use of the N word. No shit it used to be neutral. Black people also used to be packed onto ships like sardines, unloaded in a strange land, and forced to do hard labour. The people who engaged in the slave trade are the ones that coined that term, and it's almost an homage to them to keep on using it. It's a hateful term used to describe black people that has connotations of slavery. Why use the N word when it's easier and more polite to say "black", "African American", "Whatever you Brits call your black people", etc.

What you think I'm encouraging it now!! The stupidity of some people here is paramount. I'm explaining that the word LITERALLY means black, hence there ought to be no offence taken when using the word. But centuries of a contrary usage have changed what should be a given. Like I have been trying to drill into people's heads but have failed due to the thick skulls is that whether a word is offensive or not depends on the context. I know someone who has a black friend and openly calls him that word, and his friend calls him back a cracker, and you know what they both take it jokingly because of the context it is used in. If your seriously seriously suggesting that with these comments those two guys are trying to incite some sort of racial hatred then I guess your a paragon for political correctness and we're all very lucky not to suffer under your rule, our freedom of speech would be severely compromised.
Yeah they may READ it as having it's alternate meaning, but if you get banned for using a word out of context then you've been banned for the wrong reasons plain and simple.

No, you haven't. It's hate speech. You could mean "sliced bread" when you say "***" and it's still just as loaded as a term. If you can't understand why using those words are inappropriate, you simply deserve to be slapped silly.

And fair enough it's other meaning is basically "idiot" and so is still offensive, but idiot is a generally accepted word in the forums. I mean you yourself called the guy you were talking to an ass, there are some offensive words that are accepted. I just think that the word *** as in idiot, should be accepted because the word idiot itself is accepted.

So you honestly don't see how going "Hey, *** doesn't mean *** anymore, it means idiot/pussy, m'kay?" is stupid? You don't see how disingenuous that is?

BZZZZZZZT wrong. See theoretically the N word IS a word you could use casually, but people are so over-sensitised to it's usage that they take it as an offensive term.

BZZZZT, WRONG! Go stand in North Philly and start calling out "******" and see where it gets you, dipshit.

"The word originated as a term used in a neutral context to refer to black people, as a variation of the Spanish/Portuguese noun negro, a descendant of the Latin adjective niger, meaning the color "black". - Wiki -

Hey yeah, it's also an extremely offensive term loaded with history of abuse and racism. Of course, what do you care about that? You just get to look cool saying "***" and "******" as long as you swear you meant it as something else.

The word literally means black, black people are black hence the term ought not be offensive and yet it is accepted to be. "If you call someone that as an insult you are also saying in a way that the people that word is meant to insinuate are also bad". No, that is what a stupid person would be doing if they were inter-twining the contexts, you keep the two contexts completely and utterly separate and there is no issue, one context would represent a stupid person and the other be a slang term for homosexual. After all in Britain many people refer to a cigarrette as a ***, it is a widely accepted venacular, is that offensive?

How is a black guy, or a gay guy, supposed to read someone else calling someone a "***" or a "******" as an insult and automatically know the context and whatever bullshit definition you came up with was being used? Does that make it ok that you've offended them? Does that make it ok that you may have scared them off from the thread, or even the site, because they don't want to be around where arrogant and ignorant little mouth breathing assholes like you hang around?

People like to believe they are sticking up for others because it gives them the moral high-ground, but sometimes people really don't understand what it is they are arguing about. If I call somebody a *** and I intend it to mean idiot, and you interpret it as being offensive to gay people then it's you who has the problem because if the term isn't intended to offend, your finding offence that was never there!

You just are never going to get it. You are so pig headed that you really think that making up your own little reality makes it ok for you to propagate the usage of hate speech.
DirtyJosé;2781433 said:
No, you haven't. It's hate speech. You could mean "sliced bread" when you say "***" and it's still just as loaded as a term. If you can't understand why using those words are inappropriate, you simply deserve to be slapped silly.

No it isn't. I really don't see how I could better explain it, if your not getting by now there is simply too many years of believing the crap your spouting to find out it's all bull, even laid with the evidence you wouldn't be swayed from your prehistoric ideas.

DirtyJosé;2781433 said:
So you honestly don't see how going "Hey, *** doesn't mean *** anymore, it means idiot/pussy, m'kay?" is stupid? You don't see how disingenuous that is?

I could be wrong but I don't think that's hmmmm quite how the process goes. You may call it stupid but then your still under the perception that the word gay means happy and nothing else, it never can mean anything else. The word has one meaning and that meaning can't change. Philistine.

DirtyJosé;2781433 said:
BZZZZT, WRONG! Go stand in North Philly and start calling out "******" and see where it gets you, dipshit.

Yes exactly my point. It'll get the shit beaten out of you. But you only DESERVE to have the shit beaten out of you if you used that word intending to cause some distress. I mean why do black people not beat the shit out of each other when they say it, is it no longer a hateful word when your in certain company?? Because if it isn't then I'm right. And if it is then every time a black person calls themselves or another person THAT WORD they are actually insulting them and therefore DESERVE to get just as much hate for it. Pick. Those are the only two options.

DirtyJosé;2781433 said:
Hey yeah, it's also an extremely offensive term loaded with history of abuse and racism. Of course, what do you care about that? You just get to look cool saying "***" and "******" as long as you swear you meant it as something else.

I'm afraid the mark was there and you missed by a few miles. I haven't once used those words, I don't use them in real life because there has never been the circumstance where it has been acceptable for me to. But what if I had a black friend and he told me he didn't mind me saying that to him. Am I still at fault if my friend has no problem with it just because it is historically a repelling word. Give you a clue, answer yes and your an idiot.

DirtyJosé;2781433 said:
How is a black guy, or a gay guy, supposed to read someone else calling someone a "***" or a "******" as an insult and automatically know the context and whatever bullshit definition you came up with was being used? Does that make it ok that you've offended them? Does that make it ok that you may have scared them off from the thread, or even the site, because they don't want to be around where arrogant and ignorant little mouth breathing assholes like you hang around?

You just are never going to get it. You are so pig headed that you really think that making up your own little reality makes it ok for you to propagate the usage of hate speech.

Well firstly a lot can be read from the tone, like I can tell from the way you write that your an impulsive, non-pensive know-it-all who actually knows very little. If I say I hate ****, then it's fair to say what I mean by that, I went to the shop to buy some **** it's clear I'm using the word in a different way. I mean if you can't tell apart the two thats just you, I'm sure most people can understand the gravitas of a given situation. All I can really say is that if someone is stupid enough not to note how a certain word is being used in a sentence, there really isn't much that can be done for them.

I haven't created a reality, I live within it whilst you knock on the glass window remiss of all the things you don't understand. I honestly can't imagine how someone claiming to be your age but with your intellect hasn't jammed a pencil into their brain or been run over walking backwards into the road or something similarly stupid to prematurely end their life. And by the way, may I be the first person to accuse you of being hateful towards gay people and black people. For because you used the words you so highly covet as offensive, you must be guilty of your own crime you hypocritical eejit. I'll not be responding to your shallow ramblings after this, I'd rather not tongue-wag with someone that has NO idea of what it is they're trying to prove.

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