Possibility of NWO???

KaneRule$ said:
on a site for um... spoilers said that ric flair could be going there he had pics and everything of him doing the DX taunt with there Shirt on with shawn micheals
go to dx -unlimited.com and it has more pics
GaMeOvEr201 said:
If this plan happen, that would be amazing. A big thing is the order the matches will be in, if Orton-Hogan match is before the DX match it would work out because they could just have a match and then attack together later. They wouldnt attack DX together and then have a match. One thing I think would be crazy is if Vince keeps on bringing wrestlers out and DX just keeps beating them and all of a sudden NWO's themm plays and they all just come out and attack them.

And then maybe the Four Horsemen with Tully Blanchard, Arn Anderson and Ric Flair can come out an attack the nWo? Then maybe the Hart Foundation could come back to for the hell of it and attack the McMahon's with Bret Hart and Jimmy "The Anvil" Niedhart returning aswell? That'd be fricken super maybe we could bring back Harley Race aswell? Sweeeeet
Yea i heard this about nWo:

That on raw Ortan will come out and he will be wearing his rKo sweatshirt then he will call out Hogan and tell him how good Hogan fought at SummerSlam. Then Orton will take his sweatshirt off and it will be a nWo t-shirt and he will try to convince Hogan into joining by saying how everyone loved him when he was with nWo. Then Hogan is thinking and while he is thinking the Spirit Squad comes out in black and white pants and then Orton and Spirit Squad are waiting for him to answer and Hogan says ' yes ' then at Survivor Series DX fights nWo with DX losing and ending the DX run.
I think we are reaching but I could see Vince Bringing in Nash and Xpac...don't know about Scott Hall but why not bring in another nwo member like Buff Bagwell or use the Big Show?
but it wouldnt take to much to move him just for this fued if they wanted to use show, but i hope they bring back some guys we havent seen in the wwe for a while for this new nwo, as well as dx
The Nwo Coming Back To Wrestling Is Not Likely Because The 3 Members Are Not What They Were Back In 2002. Scott Hall Is Still Trying To Get Straight And Take Care Of His Family Problems And Kevin Nash Gets Hurt Every Other Day And Him Competing In The X Division Wont Help His Chances Of Not Getting Injured When He Cant Move Around With Those Lightweights. Hulk Hogan Has Bad Knees Hip Replacements He Just Cant Perform To The Level He Used To So Nwo Vs Dx Should Of Happened 5 Years Ago And Cant Now!
It can and will happen the buildup has already started. DX is "killing" mcmahon or whatever he said on monday which will cause him to kill them or something like that. NWO= RKO,Hogan,hall maybe nash and say show or they can put mcmahons in there.
nWo will like have hall'n'nash and dx's third member mite be xpac
Rehash central is all I can see in this. They really need to come up with something different, can anyone not remember Nash v HHH from 03 or anytime Hogan has step foot in a ring since returning to WWE? nWo is dead, let it stay dead, WWE really pissed over it last go around with Booker T, Big Show, X-Pac. Plus I read somewhere Hogan want's to ride off into the sunset in the red and yellow before he decides to retire whenever that maybe.
Yea i heard this about nWo:

That on raw Ortan will come out and he will be wearing his rKo sweatshirt then he will call out Hogan and tell him how good Hogan fought at SummerSlam. Then Orton will take his sweatshirt off and it will be a nWo t-shirt and he will try to convince Hogan into joining by saying how everyone loved him when he was with nWo. Then Hogan is thinking and while he is thinking the Spirit Squad comes out in black and white pants and then Orton and Spirit Squad are waiting for him to answer and Hogan says ' yes ' then at Survivor Series DX fights nWo with DX losing and ending the DX run.

No one will ever believe that, because if the Spirit Squad join the nWo, then no one will want to watch that match, and the nWo will lose all their heat. You have no idea what you are talking about. You just made that up.
I'd say that maybe Kane is going to be the third member of DX and maybe Umaga and Estrada will be a part of the NWO. They could also pull out a storyline from the '90s where Nash teams up with Michaels for a while and then turns on him with the help of the new NWO. I'm thinking that Nash is just faking these injuries and is planning to sign with WWE sometime soon. I don't know about Hogan because of his knee injury, but it would be great to see the NWO reform.
Umaga in the nWo are you fucking kidding me? Stop it with all this let's put Funaki or let's put Kennedy in the nWo. My god people should let stuff rest in peace.
a few things need to be taken into account though. Firstly, orton has just had a big fued with hogan, not just a normal match, orton beat him up backstage etc, hardly likely that they'd team togeher anytime soon. Also, big show would be good for the angle, but is currently fueding with sabu and being supported by heyman, who i doubt would have anything to do with the angle. also, vince just screwed over foley so he might have something to do with it or else vince wouldnt be involved in an actual nwo vs dx match. I think theres deffinately something going to happen with hogan and trips though. I read on a lot of websites that 'informal contact' was made with nao and they've been doing the suck it thing lately so i think they'd be involved, nash is fairly easy to get back, hall less likely but possible, and xpac. I think xpac would join nwo to make their fourth member. kane helping dx was just the way to start a fued with umaga, flair was just filling in for trips, foley will be against vince. in summary, I think vince brings back bischoff with the possible match being hogan nash hall and xpac vs trips, shawn and the outlaws.
im thinking this could be the traditional survivor series match. That way they could make an excuse for getting current guys in there.
we got a long time till survior series. everybody just wait. This will all plan out slowly. I count on it.
fatts said:
yea only way i think the nwo would work is if hogan was just the mouth peice
why nash could show could orton could any body could so why hogan. I know hogan was the original leader idont get me wrong i like the guy but its past my prime.hogan is two old to be a leader or a champ again. hogan should be in the nwo but not leader.
Yea i heard this about nWo:

That on raw Ortan will come out and he will be wearing his rKo sweatshirt then he will call out Hogan and tell him how good Hogan fought at SummerSlam. Then Orton will take his sweatshirt off and it will be a nWo t-shirt and he will try to convince Hogan into joining by saying how everyone loved him when he was with nWo. Then Hogan is thinking and while he is thinking the Spirit Squad comes out in black and white pants and then Orton and Spirit Squad are waiting for him to answer and Hogan says ' yes ' then at Survivor Series DX fights nWo with DX losing and ending the DX run.

HBK vs Hogan Ortan vs Triple H could happen
I dont think Hogan will be the mix. He is to close if not at the end of his career. He will go out good. Plus he cant get off the couch with out getting hurt.
There is a strong rumor (and we put huge emphasis on that) within WWE right now about possibly bringing in Kevin Nash and Scott Hall to feud with D-Generation X after the current McMahon-DX feud runs its course.

There are said to be a number of critics within WWE about that idea as many people don't want any part of either Nash or Hall for various reasons. Some do realize that a "DX vs. nWo" feud could do quite well, so anything is possible at this point.

While some WWE sources deny it as a possibility, they have also admitted at the same time that the idea has been proposed and "put on the table" so to speak.

Source WrestlZone.com
I hope it happens!

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