Possibility of NWO???



Everyone I am assuming has seen the so-called "fake" promo for the DX vs. NWO. But I am wondering is it really fake?

This past Monday on Raw - Vince said he had something in store for DX (but it was played out even by the announcers as more than just normally what Vince would do.)

Now TNA Spoilers for 3 weeks are out and Kevin Nash is NO WHERE to be seen - yes he has a "Neck injury" - however TNA has been known to let talent out of contracts to go to WWE (Jerry Lawler, Jeff hardy..etc.) Could Nash's neck injury been a way to get him off TV..not promote him in the PPV but build others?

Could we see the NWO return at Summerslam - call it fantasy booking but we could very well see Nash and Hogan rejoin and eventually see Orton join the mix. something to keep an eye out for.
Hmmmmmmm Innnntresting...
Hmm Yazzie might be onto something, Maybe the WWE has internally done some negotiating and are finally hushing up to try and keep the rumor mill from ticking, It would be an awesome move on the part of Vince if he could pull this off, Get the band back together Hogan Nash Hall even, It would be a nice touch to see NWO Vs DX and i will never say never so lets hope something good comes of it.
it could be, but i'm guessing that the mcmahons may lose because it would be hard for them to get this done so quick and it may happen on a RAW episode in the near future... but it still could happen and it's a really good idea
bring up a good point. Do think U will see orton team up Hogan after their match. If U rember his shirt was done like Nwo shirt except it had RKO.Do think Vince would bring in Hall. What we need to the obvious who is the third member of DX. Answer them question i think will have it figured out. Thats if its going to happen but dont say never in WWE.
I think Randy Orton will be the 3rd member in G-Generation X!!! Imagine Orton sayin "Suck It" The girls would scream! Lmaooooooooooooooooo
lol Orton will join the nwo not Dx...He has too much bad blood with HHH to join, There is no third member of Dx Yet but maybe they will get one at summerslam because vince sounded like he was excited for what he had in store for them, This thread has made me anxious for ss now lol
Lot of people keep forgetting they just dont have to bring back just Nash and Hall for the NWO. some of the members are still in WWE. Unless you wanted the original. But bring it back, bring the original. With Orton playing heel right now he would fit better in the nwo.
Hmm why not bring back the Four Horsemen aswell bringing Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard out of retirement? And then maybe you could add Carlito to it to yea??!! Sweet. (Note sarcasm)
I think NWO might show up some time in the future of WWE, maybe Survivor Series or something and DX and NWO have a match there...
has anyone noticed but the james gang has bein doin sukit and the x and its making it pretty ovious the they might come bak to the wwe to help dx in the near future
Well, i do not want to see nWo reunite, but from hearing the evidence, it sparked something in me to actually expect a reuniting
i see on Someones sig in a fed he had a pic of WWE.com and it had NWO with DX spray painted on it so i think they are retuning then he said they changed it back to ss
I bet if you guy's heard or seen a Eddie Guerrero (RIP) comeback you would all believe and start saying how you would like to see him face DX or become DX's third member.
Not really saying I believe it. All I saying it is very possible. You dont think Vince didnt hear about that and say hey thats not a bad idea. It would be a good way to make things interesting for his feud with DX. There is always that chance in WWE. It would the perfect end for both DX and the NWO. I been thinking about since they brought DX back. Now that its brought up, you know Vince is thinking about.
this could very well be the angle of the last 10 yrs if they do it and do it right, as long as Bischoff is involved
It would make people watch raw more than just bring DX back.
Yeah he could bring back nwo for summerslam. its likely it wont happen. but you never now. OR vince could bring umaga in his corner and dx will say like you brought your friend well we will bring ours or something like that and then annouce the third member.
for all young people who dont know who X-Pac is listen. He is wrestler that been around for awile. Know as 123 kid, X-pac in DX, and I think not sure known in WCW and TNA as Shawn Waltman. I can't quiet remember right. Some body correct if Im wrong.
on a site for um... spoilers said that ric flair could be going there he had pics and everything of him doing the DX taunt with there Shirt on with shawn micheals
If this plan happen, that would be amazing. A big thing is the order the matches will be in, if Orton-Hogan match is before the DX match it would work out because they could just have a match and then attack together later. They wouldnt attack DX together and then have a match. One thing I think would be crazy is if Vince keeps on bringing wrestlers out and DX just keeps beating them and all of a sudden NWO's themm plays and they all just come out and attack them.

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