People Who Get Legit Pissed When You Red Rep Them

Defend myself? From what? And I do respond to your bullshit posts, and I ALWAYS make you look like a ******. But just because it pissess you off, I'm gonna stop responding to you, and communicate with you strictly through rep.

And I've interacted with Coco like twice, dunce ass.

Jesus Tapdancing Christ, do I have to spell out everything? The both of you red rep people rather than actually respond to them, sometimes in threads you didn't even post in. I seem to recall someone else calling that a "bitch move".

And I fail to see how you simply saying "no, you're stupid" in response to me qualifies as "making me look like a ******".
That's cool..... But you went there with the intention of protesting at a fucking funeral, that's kinda fucked up no matter which way you slice it.

Uh no, I went there with the intention to join the community in support for the fallen servicemember. I wasn't bringing "Fuck the Westboro Baptist Church" signs, I was joining a message of "Support the Troops". Respectfulness, to offset what the "Church" would have done had they not *****ed out.
Uh no, I went there with the intention to join the community in support for the fallen servicemember. I wasn't bringing "Fuck the Westboro Baptist Church" signs, I was joining a message of "Support the Troops". Respectfulness, to offset what the "Church" would have done had they not *****ed out.

Ok, well you said you were protesting. Simply paying respects to the fallen soldier isn't protesting. I take back my "douche" comment, sir.
to bring up your history of flirting with children on the internet.

You know that's a plural word, right? As in, more than one, right?

The only individual to which you're making note of - was never a "child" when I talked to her. Infact, she was actually legal through law. :rolleyes: But I'm sure she enjoys you talking about her as if she was a baby everytime you bring this situation up.

Who were the others?

Because, at this point you're just randomly spouting off the same hypocritical BS you blame me for. :thumbsup:

Also, when will you just admit you have no real issue with me talking to her, more so than you have a huge jealousy over the fact that she actually liked me (then, not now) - more than she'd ever come to like you? (especially, "like that") Just always gonna eat away at'cha, ain't it, Luth.
Wow, Bluejuice gets really annoyed. He decided to PM telling me to fuck off and has apparently put me on ignore. All I did was call him a cunt hole over rep.
I think enterkey typed something but aggassss

Stare deeply into the greatness of the ass and let it hypnotize you with its immaculate hotness. Now that you are hypnotized and under the power of the ass click the rep button, now that you have clicked it give me green rep and mail me a check that is worth all of your moneys for the ass commands it!

Alright when that doesn't work just tune into the house of boobs thread as I'll probably be bumping it in a few minutes because I went on a pic gathering mission today and now my bookmarks toolbar is flooded with over 1000 pics that are just dieing to be shown to this fine community.

Uncle Phatso and MaddHaggis/BlueJuice

Fact you also red repped me with a tool Juggalo joke. I'd been back on the forums for what a week? You come out guns blazing with a fucking Juggalo joke i've seen 20,000 times on Wz, I got pissed sent you a pm. Boo hoo, shit happens i'm over it. Ask Dirty I did the same thing to him, but at least I apoligised to him because he actually has balls enough to drop bullshit. In the end i'm happy and your still pondering on shit thats dead in the water. /End rant.:lol:
Alright when that doesn't work just tune into the house of boobs thread as I'll probably be bumping it in a few minutes because I went on a pic gathering mission today and now my bookmarks toolbar is flooded with over 1000 pics that are just dieing to be shown to this fine community.

That's tragic.
Well, there's one thing I'm sure of. It's better to red rep than to green rep with porn.
You know what....I think I've changed my mind. I may not re-pay you with Green rep.

My red rep revenge list:

Psycho Black
Wide Cheeks- I already got him, but I'm gonna get him again, just because he's a cunt.

Green rep list:
Doc- for being so fucking funny during the LD last night

Calm down it is only rep, you do not have to say sorry for it.

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