People Who Get Legit Pissed When You Red Rep Them

A kiss ass is someone like J-Dogg, Ravens Epitaph, and all those people who talk about NorCal like he's a god. Both Zero and Mozz tried to call me a "kiss ass" when I made fun of them.
Yeah, at first I didn't know who he was either, until I finally looked in the user notes, and found out it was SMB. I just didn't recognize him with out all the Charlie references in his name.

Could've made it MintCharlie Crunch? ;)
Then I'm man enough to admit that maybe I misread the situation. But Tdigs had a problem with both Zero and I separately, and you jumped all over it, like... well, a kiss ass. If that was incorrect, than whatever.

You may not be a kiss ass, but you sure are a twat.
I disliked you and Zero before I knew tdigs did. And insults from white trash ******s don't affect me one bit, so keep 'em comin' champ.
Nah haha. I don't do it anymore, tdigle. I only got pissed off when people repped me for no reason.

Not too fussed anymore lol. At the end of the day I just come here to chat.
Wide Cheeks sent me a PM after he red repped me, and then I red repped him back. I suppose I deserved my red rep though, I made a pretty stupid post in the spam section. I thought it was funny though. In the what was your favorite match thread, I posted a picture of a match (like a match that you light) and said "This one".

Sadly, Wide Cheeks didn't find it as funny as I did. Thinking about it, I really shouldn't have red repped him. Wide Cheeks, if you see this I'm sorry, I deserved the rep you gave me. If I see one of your posts, I'll give you some green. You'll have to wait awhile though, I've given too much green out in the last 24 hours. Live Discussions always find a way to milk my rep.

Check back in the are you addicted to WZ thread. Around page 3, I had a mini rant about the red rep Angel just gave me. I didn't deserve that one..fucking Angel. :glare:

:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao: Get a fucking life
I never give out red rep, because I just don't want to piss off people. It doesn't give me anything and possibly annoys someone I don't know.

Don't know if I'd return red rep, never got one. Yeah, better shouldn't have said that, maybe some douches want to take my red rep virginity now.:lmao:

You must be an ultimate douche, 'cause you've said much worse than that through rep.

If you weren't a douche, you'd understand it's not the content that's the problem. It's practically your calling card. "Dur, rather than, you know, defend myself in the thread, I'll just rep the guy!"

And you wonder why I say you and Coco are part of a clique.
My red rep revenge list:

Psycho Black
Wide Cheeks- I already got him, but I'm gonna get him again, just because he's a cunt.

Green rep list:
Doc- for being so fucking funny during the LD last night
Stupid fucker, I protested a protest. The assholes didn't even show up so I joined the procession and all the hundreds of us lined the streets and paid our respects to the fallen soldier. It was awesome.

That's cool..... But you went there with the intention of protesting at a fucking funeral, that's kinda fucked up no matter which way you slice it.

If you weren't a douche, you'd understand it's not the content that's the problem. It's practically your calling card. "Dur, rather than, you know, defend myself in the thread, I'll just rep the guy!"
And you wonder why I say you and Coco are part of a clique.

Defend myself? From what? And I do respond to your bullshit posts, and I ALWAYS make you look like a ******. But just because it pissess you off, I'm gonna stop responding to you, and communicate with you strictly through rep.

And I've interacted with Coco like twice, dunce ass.
Anyone who says 'too bad my reps stronger then yours'.

I could care less if your rep power is 8. Its the message, jackass.

Although I haven't really got red repped a lot, except for by Stormtrooper. And, coincidentally, he's brought up how his reps stronger.

So Stormtrooper would be my answer.

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