Old School v. New School


[This Space for Rent]
With the recent influx of old-school WZ members, and all the current members who've been here for about a year or 2.. it's like a mini-conflict is brewing.

Could be epic. Could be lame.

Which side are you on?
New school FTW.

The old school complain it was shit, yet have come back because things are good.

ie = Old school ruined it, New school saved it.
I'm all for Old Schooler's returning. This thread was just a way to round them all up, and get some conversation started.

That way they weren't huddled up in their own thread, posting amongst themselves like a bunch of beaten animals grouped together for safety.

HELLO Old Schoolers.. How are you? What'd you use to do here? Why have you returned? Why'd you leave?
New school FTW.
ie = Old school ruined it, New school saved it.

Old school didn't ruin it, the former owner ruined it http://forums.wrestlezone.com/showthread.php?t=33733&page=5 explains why most people left and why the forum has the perception of having sucked at one point New school didn't save it alone the fact that the admins are able to have a working panel, a non crashing server, etc saved it in addition to the posters.

I myself am old school but I see this as a totally different site that it used to be based on the fact that the ownership allows for it to be. It's not a matter of "sides" on my end at least.
I love more people to talk to. Discussion has been good lately, wouldn't mind getting more going.
Old school didn't ruin it, the former owner ruined it http://forums.wrestlezone.com/showthread.php?t=33733&page=5 explains why most people left and why the forum has the perception of having sucked at one point New school didn't save it alone the fact that the admins are able to have a working panel, a non crashing server, etc saved it in addition to the posters.

I myself am old school but I see this as a totally different site that it used to be based on the fact that the ownership allows for it to be. It's not a matter of "sides" on my end at least.

So, ALLLLLL of that aside, what's up? Why'd you return? Did you just randomly one day think to yourself. "Hey, I wonder what that old wrestling forum I used to post at is doing?"
So, ALLLLLL of that aside, what's up? Why'd you return? Did you just randomly one day think to yourself. "Hey, I wonder what that old wrestling forum I used to post at is doing?"

I always knew how things were here from when it was down for months to when it reopened with me here, to when I was banned for the first and last time ever based on someone else's actions (see other thread). At that point I didn't know what was up here for a bit since I couldn't see anything but since i knew that I am a civil person I contacted a few people and explained the situation then resumed what I never asked to stop doing in the first place (posting here). You may have been one of the people that I contacted since you had briefly posted at the other place for a day or so.
I always knew how things were here from when it was down for months to when it reopened with me here, to when I was banned for the first and last time ever based on someone else's actions (see other thread). At that point I didn't know what was up here for a bit since I couldn't see anything but since i knew that I am a civil person I contacted a few people and explained the situation then resumed what I never asked to stop doing in the first place (posting here). You may have been one of the people that I contacted since you had briefly posted at the other place for a day or so.

???? I have never posted anywhere other than WZ.
Maybe it was your wife. There was a Mrs. somoene and Uncle Sam and one or two others that went over there and posted briefly in the version of the bar room.

Oh yeah, I know what site you're refering to. Something like BBQ or something???

Yeah, that was my Wife. Someone mentioned her, and she went off I believe. :lmao:

I've never taken part in any "invasions".
^^^^BBQ the bar room forum of the other site yeah

I don't remember what she said or they said but it was probably something like "WZ sucks" which is typical banter as you know. I think that someone posted here and didn't like how strict it was and complained and then she stuck up for the site.
I think that someone posted here and didn't like how strict it was and complained and then she stuck up for the site.

Yeah, I remember her too. I tried defending her at first, but she went off on a rant and ended up banned. She was trying to claim she and someone else "made" the rules, yet she conflicted that by saying they were never meant to be as strict as we up-held them.

She got all pissed, flamed Jake, got banned.. war started. Good times, good times. :lmao:
Yeah, I remember her too. I tried defending her at first, but she went off on a rant and ended up banned. She was trying to claim she and someone else "made" the rules, yet she conflicted that by saying they were never meant to be as strict as we up-held them.

She got all pissed, flamed Jake, got banned.. war started. Good times, good times. :lmao:


her, yeah.
I posted back in the old days but I don't consider myself oldschool. I stopped coming here around the end of 04 I believe because I really stopped paying attention to wrestling then and the boards started to suck anyway because very few people posted in the "oldschool" forum which is where I did most of my posting and most of the regulars stopped posting in any of the wrestling sections. It seemed like all most of them did was hangout in the bar room or chit-chat section. Started following wrestling more in 07 so I decided to comeback here, went to sign in with my old name and couldnt so I just figured I forgot my password. Didnt feel like re-registering again so I didnt, then at the beginning of 08 I finally decided to. I never knew about it shutting down for awhile until I started posting again which is why I couldnt log into my old name.

As far as the difference between the two, I think the posters are better now and more knowledgeable when it comes to wrestling but I think there were more regulars here at the end of 02 to 03 than there is now atleast it seemed that way. I think there had to be close to 40 to 50 people with atleast 1000 posts, hell I even had over a 1000. That is probably the biggest difference. But yeah I would definitely say there are more knowledgeable posters now. Oh yeah guys like Sly wouldve had a field day arguing with posters about Hogan and Cena. Cena wasn't discussed all that much when I stopped posting because he wasnt huge yet but Hogan got bashed constantly so I would imagine Cena would have been too. Ok that is all, Im done rambling now.
With the recent influx of old-school WZ members, and all the current members who've been here for about a year or 2.. it's like a mini-conflict is brewing.

Could be epic. Could be lame.

Which side are you on?

erm... theres a conflict brewing?

Most of the 'old school' posters, atleast the ones who have posted here recently, know enough to avoid e-drama. Thats not how we roll.... although we have had one 'visitor' from here lol. We are not here for conflict, someone asked where some of their friends were so I did the right thing and let them know. I don't really plan on posting here regularly.:band:

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