Congratulations to the New Mods! (Lariat & D-Man)

I think the correct term now would be D-Man and Lariat Universe Fan. Shareholder is too mean according to Sid.

Don't be a smartass, David. When we have crybabies on the forum who whine over being called a "Shareholder", I guess that means we are going too far in hurting their sensitve wensitive wittle feelwings.
I think we can all agree.
The man who was robbed is MRC.
His post count isn't inflated.
He sure don't get *********ed
by some fancy admin or mentor, don't you see?

He posts when he has something to worthwhile
instead of trying to increase his post count like a hungry pedophile
His posts are genuine gold, and nobody can disagree
He would whip any section into shape, from Wrestling Spam to the WWE

Look down your list of hopefuls, what have they done for me lately
MRC is here with his bag full of tricks, and no one can equate he.
For he is the key that we must use, to balancing this awful class
From the tumbleweed in Wrestling spam to the stick up Lord Sidious' arse.

MRC 4 Mod 4 lyfe 4 eva 4 Resident Evil 4 Horsemen 4.0 - Die Hard with a Vengeance.
Are my suggestions for the Graphics section going to be looked into, at least?

And now for a proper congratulatory message:

D-Man, Lariat, you both greatly deserved it. You are both awesome posters and have been driving discussions in your respective sections. Lariat, your Old School Newletters are great and always get more posts than mine and Dave's VGT newsletters. D-Man, your ability to debate is unparalelled as is shown by the fact that you are the DL Champion. Congratulations to both of you, and good luck in your futures.

P.S.: Jane was robbed.
Congradulations to both D-Man and to The Lariat- both are highly deserving of this honour :) I wonder how many more of the class of 2009 will make the grab for the brass ring? The ROTY category is looking pretty good at the moment :)
NSL and Tdigle are from 2008 and they are already mods. M_F is from 2008 too right? Well, if so, he was a mod too. Hmm...who else?
In fairness join date is only relative. I don't think people will ever see me passing the rookie status :p
Yeah, I did absolutely nothing my rookie yea besides join OCW. Just about everything and anything I ever did here was in '09, mostly during the summer

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