Old School Newsletter

A Clash set would be epic indeed. Hell, even a Power Hour DVD would be amazing, but I can't see that happening. The best we're going to get is a few matches put up on WWE Classics or some shit. I guess old VHS tapes will have to suffice.

And Lariat, as one of the biggest Hansen fans ever, you are aware he's being inducted into the Pro Wrestling Hall of Fame class of 2010? Come to think of it, it's probably the best single year of inductions I've ever seen in to any Hall of Fame:

Wild Red Berry, Danny McShain, Edouard Carpentier, Wahoo McDaniel, Stan Hansen, Dusty Rhodes, Mil Mascaras, Mike and Ben Sharpe, Gorilla Monsoon, and Kay Noble.
A Clash set would be epic indeed. Hell, even a Power Hour DVD would be amazing, but I can't see that happening. The best we're going to get is a few matches put up on WWE Classics or some shit. I guess old VHS tapes will have to suffice.

And Lariat, as one of the biggest Hansen fans ever, you are aware he's being inducted into the Pro Wrestling Hall of Fame class of 2010? Come to think of it, it's probably the best single year of inductions I've ever seen in to any Hall of Fame:

Wild Red Berry, Danny McShain, Edouard Carpentier, Wahoo McDaniel, Stan Hansen, Dusty Rhodes, Mil Mascaras, Mike and Ben Sharpe, Gorilla Monsoon, and Kay Noble.

That may be the most awesome but of wrestling news I've heard in a long time. Hansen deserves it. He's a walking quality match and the class that's inducted with him can't be overlooked with Dusty Rhodes, Wahoo McDaniels, Gorilla Monsoon and others. That's seriously awesome.

And I don't see why Hansen wouldn't be inducted into the WWE HOF. He did fight Bob Backlund in MSG a few times and was also managed by Classie Freddie Blassie during his cup of coffee in the WWWF. He also wrestled Hogan in Japan a few times, too. Who knows? But the Lariat inducted into the Pro Wrestling Hall of fame. That's a mark out moment for me.
It's Lariat again with some more Old School updates...

Would we hate Hulk Hogan as much as we hate John Cena today?

I discuss if Hogan would be hated as much as Cena if we were our same age during Hogan's heyday. It's a good discussion due to the immense amount of heat that Hogan gets to THIS day about his move set and his overall work in the WWE. Many have responded already. Feel free to chime in.


Bruno Sammartino: Overrated or Underrated

This has been debated by many of us here on the boards. Bruno has the longest reign of any WWE Champion and may never have that feat eclipsed by anyone ever again. But to many, he was boring, bad on the mic, and just not the wrestler many make him out to be. Feel free to weigh in and debate this with fellow members.

Plus, Klunderbunker weighs in on King of the Ring and other PPV's from the mid 90's. His PPV reviews are always a good reads and his recent reviews won't disappoint. And we also have an Old School question answer section where me, KB, and Xfear/Mr. Eko and other Old School experts can answer your questions about wrestling from yesteryear.

Stop by the Old School section... because Old school... is cool!
I'm introducing a new series to the Old School thread. It's a tie off on Tenta's bad gimmick memorial. So I'm calling this new series of threads "The Lariat's Memorial for Gimmick Matches".

I'm going to talk about some of the best gimmick matches and give a little bit of history about them. There are so many to choose from. There's the Scaffold match, Hair vs. Hair match, Winner gets 5 minutes alone with opponents manager, Texas Death Match, Louisville Street Fight, Singapore Death Match and many more. Of course, ideas are welcome and if you have any, PM me. They must have originated in the Old School days.

Hope you enjoy, and feel free to check out our other threads in the section and KB's PPV review section. He has some new things up. CHECK IT OUT!
Just posted a review of Starrcade 87. It's a good read. Check it out.

I also plan on inducting another gimmick match into The Lariat's Memorial for Gimmick Matches. I'll have a poll up sometime in the future to determine which one to do next.

Plus, feel free to reminsce about the older days of Bret Hart. Would he fare well against Kurt Angle? What's his best match? Worst match? All this and more in the Old School Thread.

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